Shoulder Pain? DO NOT SLEEP In These Positions | DrEricBergDC

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here’s the thing you need to know for a


if you address

the right problem


you will get results

if you treat the wrong problem

you won’t get results


that’s heavy but it’s idiotically simple


you’d be surprised how many people

keep treating the wrong problem for

years without any results so you have to

be willing to try something new and

realize what you’re doing is not working

especially with shoulder pain so i’m

going to show you the best position to

sleep with your shoulder because i’ve

been through a lot of shoulder pain for

years in fact i fractured my left

shoulder i fractured my left elbow and i

had to cope with that trying to sleep so

i’m going to show you the best position

but i want to let you know something

about 80

of shoulder pain

is not coming from the shoulder

it’s being referred

and the only reason i figured it out

is being in practice for about 30 years

taking money from people that came in to

get help with their shoulder pain and

then finding out it didn’t work so i had

to do everything possible to try

different things to think outside the

box and i’m going to show you some

really great

tips based on years of trial and error

most shoulder pain even if it’s on the

left side mostly on the right side

and i’m talking about right up through

here it can be actually through here it

could be in your neck

is coming from not necessarily

gallbladder it’s the tube or it’s called

a duct between the gallbladder and your


this little tube is called the bile duct

and that duct very commonly becomes

plugged up with a sludge maybe with very

very tiny little stones

but usually not it’s usually like a



and that pressure backs up into the

liver and it backs up into

the diaphragm and causes pressure into

something called the phrenic nerve and

the phrenic nerve goes right up into

your neck right through here and when

that nerve is irritated it causes a


in your shoulder and it can even cause

the vertebra to rotate and pinch the

nerve right into your shoulder and it

can also happen on the left side too

because the duct also communicates to

the pancreas too

so if there’s backup in that duct that

goes in the pancreas it can also affect

the left side

of your diaphragm where there’s also a

phrenic nerve that comes up on this side

so if you don’t know that

and you’re trying to fix your shoulder

and you’re doing therapy and you’re

doing exercise and you’re wondering why

it’s not getting better guess what it’s

coming from your diet and so if you’re

not familiar with keto organic fasting

you definitely need to get on that

immediately to help reduce the pressure

on the digestion because a high carb

diet refined carbs

foods high in omega-6 fatty acids that

would be a lot of nuts that would be a

lot of fried foods those foods will

really irritate

that little duct and cause shoulder pain

all day long and so one little

way to know if your problem is

that duct is just to gently massage

underneath the right rib cage

or the left rib cage about an inch off

the midline just massage that area and

see if your shoulder pain doesn’t

completely disappear

at least temporarily if it does chances

are your problem is being referred

by your digestive system

so i just want to bring that up as the

first thing i want to talk about since

it’s so common and hardly anyone knows

about it and it’s such an easy problem

to fix you’re going to probably need

some purified bile salts or a

gallbladder formula i put a link down

below for more information on that but

that will start to thin the bile

allow the flow of bile through that duct

and eliminate the pain in the shoulder

which i have a lot of experience with

because i had shoulder pain for about 12

years before i figured it out the

gallbladder related

problem will cause


in the trap up through here

either side

around the back part where your rhomboid

muscles are

or underneath the trapezius muscle

addressing a muscle that’s called the

levator angular scapula because it

levers the


at a certain angle and apparently it’ll

make that muscle so hard uh like a knot

and you’ll be massaging that thing to

the cows come home it’s never going to

be relieved because the problem is down

here between your gallbladder and your

liver all right so now let’s say the

problem is in your shoulder okay you

have arthritis in your ac joint or

somewhere else in your shoulder joint

there is a video that i did on shoulder

pain which is very very powerful as far

as the best exercise to do for shoulder

pain and it’s simple hanging okay an

orthopedic surgeon wrote an amazing book

on this one exercise and he claimed that

over 80 to 90 of surgeries were

unnecessary and if you did this exercise

you can avoid the surgery and i i do it

on a regular basis it works and so

you’re just going to find some pull-up

bar that you can hang from

initially you don’t have to have your

whole body hanging you just need to

stretch your arm either one at a time or


and you can just be standing but you

want to stretch this muscle down here

this is called the latissimus dorsi okay

you want to stretch the lat doing that

is going to send

information up to the top part of the

muscles to relax the trap muscles it’s

also going to open up the shoulder joint


to allow a lot of relief into your

shoulders so if you were to hang um

let’s say after dinner or before bed


15 seconds whether it’s weight bearing

or not weight bearing it’s going to give

your shoulder a lot of relief and you’re

going to be able to sleep a lot better

but you want to work up to a situation

where you can

hang with your whole body weight hanging

okay with your hands

forward on a bar

for about 15 to 30 seconds okay you want

to work up to that and then do maybe

three sets of that about three times a

week if you can achieve that your

shoulders are going to be in really good

shape and the other point i want to

bring up is inflammation in general

if you have arthritis or inflammation in

your shoulder joints especially

if you just reflect back on what you ate


chances are there’s something that you

ate that’s causing the inflammation

it could be dairy

it could be some new keto ice cream that

you bought because it was keto friendly

but it had all sorts of ingredients

that created inflammation

or it could be maybe you ate nuts the

day before and all those nuts are high

in omega-6 fatty acids and that created

the inflammation it could have been some

carbohydrate that you ate but usually

there’s something you ate the day before

that you probably shouldn’t have eaten

but very importantly

reducing omega-6 fatty acids and

increasing the omega-3 fatty acids from

fish oils or olive oil is going to be

essential one of the best



for inflammation in general that i found

is called stinging nettle root it’s a

really good remedy for inflammation if

you just have arthritis in general and

you’ve already addressed the diet and of

course the combination of keto

intermittent fasting is going to be

essential if you’re new to my channel i

put a link down below that’ll probably

get rid of your shoulder pain right away

because it’s going to drop inflammation

especially the intermittent fasting

because fasting drops inflammation and

the most powerful vitamin that can help

you with inflammation

is vitamin d3

if you get the combination of d3

with vitamin k2

you’re going to have a really good

combination because vitamin k2

takes the calcium buildup from your

arteries and your joints and it puts it

back into the bone so it helps to remove


that shouldn’t be in certain places and

the vitamin d3

drops inflammation dramatically so

you’re going to actually feel a lot

better when you take at least 20 000

iu’s a vitamin d3

with the ratio of about 20 micrograms of

k2 so for every 10 000 iu’s of d3 you

need a hundred micrograms

of k2 that would be the ratio that you

want to look at and if you have shoulder

pain when you’re sleeping

just take this vitamin d3 k2 blend

right before bed because it will also

help you sleep and i have some

information on that in the description

down below all right now let’s get into

the position

of how not to sleep okay

so if you’re going to sleep on your side

with all your pressure on your shoulder

joint itself

that’s going to be very uncomfortable

because there’s too much pressure and

weight on your shoulder so what you want

to do is not sleep directly on the

shoulder you want to tuck the shoulder


about two inches forward so that’s tip

number one now at the same time you want

to make sure that your head

is neutral with your spine you don’t

want your head too far down or too far

up so you’re gonna have to adjust the

pillow another thing that i recommend is

taking a very small

towel or even a washcloth and rolling it

up and putting it underneath your neck

so that way it supports and takes some

pressure off the shoulder if the

shoulder is painful as well as rolling

up a small towel or a washcloth and

putting it underneath the rib cage okay

so right about here

so now we can actually raise the


below and above the shoulder so there’s

virtually no pressure on the shoulder

itself and it’s also important as you’re

sleeping not to have your head too


or to backwards but to have it

completely neutral

on the pillow it’s definitely worth it

to spend some money and buy

a high quality pillow and it’s really an

individual choice so what i do is i

might go to a store

and i will just

sample out a lot of different pillows

until i find the one

that is perfect and i’m not even going

to look at the price tag because

i mean think about this you spend a

third of your life in bed so it’s

definitely worth it to get the right


some people like it firm some people

like it thick and

what’s good for your spouse might not be

good for you

so invest

in the best pillow you can find now what

about sleeping in your stomach



well just go ahead and turn your head to

the right side right now just go ahead

and turn your head and then hold that

position for eight hours

okay that’s what happens when you sleep

now you’re going to probably go to the

left side the right side but when you

you cannot sleep with your face in the

pillow you have to turn your neck and

holding your neck into that position is

going to

cut off the nerve supply to your

brachial plexus of nerves and guess

where those nerves go they go into the


not good

so you don’t want to sleep on your

stomach okay or even if with your arms

up like this because you’re going to

obstruct the nerves in your in your uh

shoulder and they go right down the arm

all right and the other position that i

don’t recommend is sleeping on your back

on a pillow or without a pillow with

your hands underneath your head

not a good position because again it’s

going to pinch off the nerves

through your neck that go right into

your shoulder not a good idea the

absolute best position is on your side

with a pillow

which brings your head up to a nice

neutral position

so you with your head not too forward

not too back with your shoulders

slightly tucked forward about two inches

maybe with another rolled towel

underneath your neck or a washcloth and

underneath your shoulder right on the

rib cage so you’re positioning your

shoulder with the least amount of

pressure on it i also recommend a pillow

between your knees

so your lower back and hips are not a

problem and of course then you want to

through the night position yourself

maybe on the other shoulder back and

forth now if you have not seen my video

on how the gallbladder can refer pain to

the shoulder

since it’s so common

i put that video right here check it out