7 Reasons Why You Are Tired on Keto (Ketogenic Diet) – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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we’re going to talk about the seven

reasons why you might be tired on keto

and when you’re doing in a minute

fasting number one it could be that you

need more B vitamins specifically b1 and


those two vitamins are crucial in your

metabolism and your ability to make

energy okay I recommend getting your B

vitamins from nutritional yeast that’s a

natural form you can get it in a powder

or tablet form

make sure it’s unfortified because you

don’t want to use synthetics the only

time I’d recommend B vitamins in a

synthetic form is when you’re doing some

type of detoxification okay but

synthetics are made from petroleum so

it’s not the same as natural so

nutritional yeast secondly increase

potassium that would be large quantities

of vegetables so make sure you’re doing

that if you’re not that could be the

reason if you can’t seem to consume the

quantity of vegetables that you need

then enhance it with something like an

electrolyte powder or some type of

concentrated green powder

number three you could have a deficiency

of stomach acids and this is very common

by the way so if you don’t have enough

acid in your stomach the food just sits

there and it doesn’t digest and you get

tired apple cider vinegar is a really

good way to enhance the acids but also

the potassium from the greens will

actually help you make harder chloric

acid also sea salt sodium chloride the

chlorides help make HCl hydrochloric

acid will also help do this but you can

also get up soda vinegar

in a tablet form and if that doesn’t

work add another thing called betaine

hydrochloride okay that’s an acidifier

and that will help increase the energy

especially if your energy is tired after

you eat okay

and before hidden carbohydrates this is

a big one too if you’re doing keto and

you’re not doing it correctly let’s say

you’re adding potato chips with your

protein or adding a little bit of sugar

or something like that that combination

will really make you tired big-time so

look out for that and then number five

decrease blood sugar

so if your blood sugars are too low you

are going to be tired especially if

you’re fasting and your and your

hypoglycemia you’re going to be kind of

like really really tired but the

combination of healthy ketosis and

intermittent fasting will correct low

blood sugars over time but you may want

to adjust what you’re eating like add

more fat maybe a little bit more protein

for that the way that you know you have

low blood sugars is when you have this

feeling of fatigue and then you eat and

you feel instant energy then we know the

blood sugars were an issue number six

high blood sugar so if your sugar is too

high you’re going to feel tired after

you eat that would be a good test or

indication that your blood sugars are

too high again get in the basics do

healthy ketosis and intermittent fasting

and that will eventually correct this

okay and number seven you may need just

more sleep so support the sleep what

causes sleep problems mainly is stress

so I put a link down below of exactly

what you should do to improve the

quality of sleep so your body is

stress-free you go into a nice

delta-wave sleep and you wake up feeling

refreshed I one person who said that

they sleep fine but they retired and I

told them to try to just take a long nap

they nap for three hours and woke up

feeling so refreshed so apparently they

weren’t really sleeping that well

alright thanks for watching hey I

appreciate your attention and if you’re

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