Amazing Weight Loss Success – 610 to 264 Pound – Dr.Berg's Skype Interview With Steven Schaafsma | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys welcome back we have another

great interview today with Steven from

Calgary Alberta

so welcome Steven hello hi good

so can you basically kind of give me a

little summary of your history of what

happened when you gained all this weight

and tell me a little bit about like the

before situation okay well I grew up on

a farm and basically I’ve been big my

whole life I’ve always had been

overweight but I worked until I was 35

on a farm a that dairy feedlot so I was

always you know do a lot of physical

work and I was always around 350 375 but

then we sold all of our stuff and I

moved to the city here and I got a you

know a sedimentary job just walking kind

of talking you know I’m a supervisor

right so what happened just slowly it

kind of came on because I wasn’t doing

any physical work and then slowly and

slowly in you know I tried a few things

along the way but it just never stopped

and I always been told by doctors I got

one of the slowest metabolism I’m like

when I eat a little bit of food it stays

with me so I’ve always had an issue with

that but it wasn’t pretty good shape but

just being sedimentary for I moved up to

2005 and it just slowly kept coming and

coming and before you know it you’re so

big you’re like well tomorrow I’m gonna

start something tomorrow I’m gonna do

some and then you don’t realize that no

one said you’re like whoa this is

getting out of control here so it just

basically crept on over the years and I

hear you what what at your peak what did

you end up weighing well I think I was

like probably around six hundred and

something around probably six ten but

then I did a little bit you know and

I’ve lost if you here know 1020 but I

could never really get on because I was

doing it kind of backwards so I would

like you know get like a hamburger rinse

all the fat off you know how rice you

know everything that was backwards or he

never really worked you know as we

talked about insulin is probably just

spiking up I thought I was doing it


but I never was so you probably never

even heard of the word keto at the time

no well the only reason I heard a keto

is that I watched like you have seen I

was watching Joe Rogan

and he was talking about it and I you

know the way he was talking about I was

like oh this is kind of interesting it’s

kind of up my alley so I heard about it

probably a month before my birthday you

know it’s beginning in September and I

started doing a little bit of research

on it and then I just decided on October

6 was my birthday two years ago I’m just

gonna start doing it and so that’s what

I did but I just did a little bit of

research you know read Jamie Moore’s

book you know found you I found a couple

other people Leon Stephanie she’s a

little a little crazy for me that’s too

hardcore for me but I basically just you

know got on and started at my own

research and reading a few books and on

October 6 the day I started I started

the keto and that day I hired actually a

personal trainer we have a table they

come into your house

so it’s called Fitness on the go so I

started on the trainer five days a week

and I started in Quito that day and that

was two years ago now so and so so uh do

you remember that day what did you weigh

yourself you remember the exact dose 587

587 pounds yeah I know it was the

picture how tall are you 511 how does

that feel - on your joints I mean I

can’t even imagine them as special but

that’s them that’s the funny part I was

a pretty mobile big guy like I didn’t

have no joint problem the only problem

that I was really having that was

scaring me was I had a bit of water

attention to my lower legs so that was

in the other problem with sleeping like

I would sleep sitting up a lot of time

to call it the Buddha just sit on the

edge of my bed I could fall asleep

though I was pretty big I wasn’t a tax

and those shirts I’m showing you so I

was in a tax I’m down to an extra-large

to maybe a 2x offensive shirt it is now

cuz right you right now I think you’re

200 it was a a Jew 64 to 64 yeah why I

still I my goal was when I started this

I wanted to get down to 250 I missed it

by 14 pounds I’m getting to the lower

end here and it’s getting a little

tougher than it was you know in the

beginning so Wow okay so did you find

that the weight came off pretty rapidly

in the beginning oh yeah I did like it

was really weird like when I first

started Aikido you know I just you know

increased the fast everything they said

and like

in the first probably two weeks I

probably lost 35 40 pounds like it 11

was water weight I know it was watery

then after that it was consistently

losing between 7 to 10 pounds a week Wow

Wow at the at that time did you also

include intermittent fasting

no I didn’t starting to rain fasting

until May this year I started May 1st so

what it basically did and I started I

was doing three meals a day I would do

breakfast lunch and dinner and I we I’d

have a little bit of snack with us

hungry the beginning but wait was coming

off and then basically I got into about

8 months later I was kind of stolen a

little bit I was a little confused

because I was taking like MCT oil I was

adding avocado oil the food you know way

too much bad so I actually contacted

Tristan you probably know him and I got

a little you know I wanted a little

advice that wasn’t in the books and

basically told me to get back to simple

cut out some of the fats but once I did

that and really dropped against right

it’s basically start eating basic more

basic foods again and just got in not

not adding any fat just you know cooking

the hamburger

you know adding the kale and you know

that kind of stuff just simple quite and

then I started you know missing the

breakfast so I started you know going to

11 o’clock until you know 6 o’clock and

then I went two o’clock until 6 o’clock

and I did that until me first

Wow and then they come in stalled out

again a little bit so on May 1st I said

well I’m gonna do the 23 and one so

basically I don’t eat till like 7:00

8:00 o’clock at night and I just have

one meal a day and I’ve been doing that

every day since May 1st and so tell me

about your hunger I don’t have any

hunger I never really did that was the

funny thing and I’ve never felt better I

you know even a month into when I

started keto like even when I was 587 I

was sleeping

normal I I was never that hungry like it

really turned like some for me it was I

was never hungry before I did have

cravings they you know perchance a piece

or something like that it went away with

me really quick Wow

so makes it easier so when you were

losing like let’s say seven pounds a

week how long did that last before I was

like six pounds and five pounds and four

pounds per week they started to soul

around 424 that’s when I started to

introducing a little bit intermittent

fasting and I started cutting down a

little bit of meals before I would have

like a breakfast you know you know five

piece of bacon eggs and omelette and

then I would have like a Caesar salad

with some chicken for lunch because I

was kind of on the go and then at night

I would have you know say you know like

a hammer or whatever kind of like

regular meals and then that was going

good and I was working out every day too

and I would do you know I had a trainer

for an hour a day and I would only do

maybe 15 minutes cardio but I was doing

weights trying to get body movement get

some strength back and I was doing that

every day when I got down in the 400s I

started adding in cardio half an hour a

day and then just introducing more in

this same with the weights five days a

week so I was always working out but the

problem was gone for 24 I started to

stall out a little bit like I was

getting down to one or two pounds a week

and but I was always introducing too

much fat my problem was there I had way

keno setting avocado Altis like you know

say my hamburger my kale I was adding I

just have an MC tol every morning that

the shots you know so I just basically

started cutting all that out I just

don’t wear I’m CTO no more adding any

oil I would just have the fact that was

in the hamburger you know with the kale

like I I kinda have a pretty simple

routine now but cuz I’m only doing one

meal a day but I just cut out all the

extra fat because everybody’s like we

all kind of know you don’t eat that I

try to have it on me so I need to stay

in there and I’ve never really had

elevated ketones like everyone always

talks about I’ve only had between point

six and one like that’s where I kind of

like test my blood and then my blood

Sugar’s always stayed around three


I’ve had a really low blood sugar the

whole time and I basically stay there

and never really goes up and I feel

really good now that that belong the way

night I test my you know i prick my

finger I don’t do as much anymore

because I know how I feel

now um when you were in high school did

you have any weight issues oh yeah I was

big my whole life I grew up on a farm

right so I’m glad I worked every morning

before school every day after heere up

on a dairy feedlot I was strong like I

was big I I worked hard every day I

never he’s most 350 375

did your privates ever wait

um little not really little bit not too


how about your brothers and sisters my

brother and sister are yes we got that

bad body type you know whatever the one

is that you know we store fat very well

did you as kids like eat a lot of sugar

no it was just all meat potatoes Oh like

we didn’t have a lot of that kind of

stuff darkness yeah just like you know

the regular farm to do you know like

lots of meat monster Tainos yeah so so

so all of you were kind of big growing

up yeah and these still are baby I’m the

one that’s the smallest and so and so so

I think I think you said in high school

you’re like three hundred and something

pounds 350 375 Wow and just with citizen

Terry lifestyle you just like shut up

like 405 soon as they quit farming I we

I moved to the city here and I got in

said Mary job I just went slowly just

kept going on every year nothing and I

would kind of lose ten fifteen work out

hard within like you know get working

more and then you don’t work out enough

like if I’m not doing a good bit of

stuff it just crept on and like it came

back fast Wow and that was the problem

yeah Wow and then when you hit when you

were actually in the 500s did you have

any other health issues like the doctors

say your cholesterol is high or anything

like that or diabetes yeah they said

like you know a little you know my blood

pressure behind my you know my class

drawl is how they put me on like this

dad and they put me on you know Robert

Brown like a small dose you know I went

to see a diabetes clinic a couple times

but every time I tested I was always

never quite a diabetic he’s like you’re

really really heavy but you never

because I never did really have sugar

I was never sugared I never had candy I

never really liked sugar before I was

come over pizza and chips the sandwich

kind of guy so I was never a huge ended

that but it was always kind of on the

verge of it but my biggest problem I was

having water retention legs my lower

legs and that was what scare me and I’m

retiring in a few years they came when

I’m 50 and the problem was I was like

you know I’ve done very well I’ve got

this problem with my you know water

tension my legs my sleeping well am I

going return fighters any to get

something in order but all the other

stuff we’ve tried in the past

seemed to work until you know I’m

basically so Joe Rogan talking about

ideas they Raven on and I didn’t really

dog because I’ve tried Atkins in the

past but never work because they never

had a plan and then what you get into

Quito and you just stay with it the food

is so easy like it’s so enjoyable like I

don’t know like I would never even go

back to eat regular because there’s so

much good stuff you can have right yeah

the other thing now is I’m doing the

intermittent fasting is to me even once

a day is probably the easiest thing I’ve

ever done I feel the best and I have

like so my meal is I’m pretty consistent

I need like I only eat at 7:00 at night

so I have like four pieces of Swiss

cheese with some cream cheese and some

bacon but that’s my appetizer then I

have the regular size kale salad I eat a

kale sell and I have my own olive oil

and spices I put on and then I mix some

once a week I have organic the hamburger

and I do one pound of kale one pound of

spinach and I just put spices in and I

just basically comes out to be two and a

half cups and that’s my meal I have five

days a week and then on the weekends all

how like eggs or bacon

you know I’ll maybe switch it up a

little bit but five days a week I have

the same food you know I have like a

salad a hot meal and then like just a

little appetizer

Wow and that’s all I eat and I work out

right now I’m doing 45 minutes of pretty

hard cardio and I’m doing our weights

and I’m getting lots of games like it’s


you know sighs and I don’t even know

what the protein is but it’s not that

much like people are saying oh he

appeals protein I don’t have any extra

fat to it and a lot of times they call

travel I guess went on for the weekend

it was their Thanksgiving and I’ll work

all that day I’ll Drive home I’ll just

forget T I won’t even eat til the next

night I can go two days and I’m just

totally unbalanced like and I’m going to

worked out like I worked out the day

before and I worked out fasted and then

I just eat the next day and I’m fine I

don’t ice guys say what I mean I can

feel it I’m a little bit hungry and I

would like something but yeah it goes

pretty easy now

Wow have you noticed like with your skin

loose skin oh I have an issue I might

apply surgery like I’m big okay there’s

like probably 500 operations I got to do

the upside down tea first and then you

know the exciting you have skin I’m

gonna have a skin issue I do have a skin

mmm-hmm how about your cognitive

function are you noticing like any

difference with that like before versus

now oh yeah the brain lick you probably

started after a month I was a lot more

sharp before oh you know you’re always

tired you can never sleep your brains

always race he’s always thinking about a

million things now you go to bed

I remember my dreams like I just go to

bed and then I wake up on time like like

is this the way like after a month I

couldn’t believe how better I was

sleeping that was the one thing I

noticed right away in the cognitive

you’re not so foggy anymore

right and then what about your fluid now

do you still retain or is that better no

I got Danes in my legs and like I’m

super I got pretty Superman I was like

it’s for a big guy still got the skinny

she’s like you know my legs and that

they’re right down there’s nothing there

I only get my arms and all that like my

face I never had the problem in my neck

you should probably see in the picture I

had a pretty big you know I had no neck

no it’s all coming back I just have it

run my midsection I was really big I was

made x rate so I was if you look at the

picture there in that door I took up two

of those doors and then I only have one

if you look at some pictures yeah I went

from an 8x

down to basics an extra-large why are

you so like to lose 40 more pounds I

would like to get you to 25 right now

it’s getting a little slower I’m doing

half a pound a week do you know maybe

0.25 pounds and something cells do 1.5

just depends it’s it’s kind of bit of a

little bit of a slower but I know I’m

getting smaller and size because I’m

gaining more muscle and the clothes are

going down sorry just that the weight

side so I’m not really too concerned but

I would like to probably get down

another 25 to 40 I don’t know if I can

get there with my body type you know

yeah I think you know even though it may

feel like wow it’s just really slowing

down you could be at your maximum weight

loss which is because you’re actually

retaining muscle you’re growing muscle

you’re losing weight it could come out

to about the same because here because

all we have to do is like measure weight

but so as long as you’re shrinking

that’s like a good indicator that it’s

working big time working and in my


like my legs are getting you know way

stronger you can see the muscle

definition you know your arms everything

is getting you know shoulders chest it’s

okay now but I do have the excess skin

which is you know a problem people are

as big as me and lose that what are the

other things that I’ve also done since

the beginning I also take like my

vitamin store though I’m doing the

internet fasting I always took them in

the morning and I’ve always been doing

like I do amazing grass the wheatgrass

and I do they’re super grass and they

take my vitamins in the morning and I do

four shots of their organic lemon and

four shots apple cider vinegar I do that

on my empty stomach it’s never raised my

blood sugar nothing so I don’t eat til

7:00 8:00 at night but in the morning I

have my vitamins and my wheatgrass and

my super grass because we can’t find

your stuff up in Canada your target

across the border the charges a lot of

money I know I know so I can only get

that something it’s organic and I’ve

taken that since the beginning cuz you

know when you’re doing this kind of dye

you’re not getting them a lot of greens

like I do have my salad today but I do

take that extra and I take quite a

regiment of vitamins to just to you know

keep going on it to make sure everything

is there that I need and I’ve never had

an issue with anything you know so but

I’ve done that since day one and so I’ve

always doing you’re out the cider

vinegar and I’ve always done the poor

shot so that I do that every morning I

don’t do it three times a day so awesome

Wow and how was your sleep oh it’s

perfect like as soon as I go to bed I’m

asleep in that wake up I’m gonna use

alarm clock like I need sleep money you

know eight nine hours whatever you know

when I go to bed I’m up at 7 the sleep

was probably been the biggest one you

know that was a huge problem before like

I was you know saying when you’re not

paying of course and then the breathing

and but it might be this thing is I tell

people I’ve done in two years

but I’ve stayed steady on it for two

years I’ve never had an extra meal or

you know gone off and like oh it’s been

there I’ve always tried to get better

and better better when you first start

it takes a couple months you know in

three meals a day to get your body over

because that was really big I probably

had insulin resistance like they said

but it took a while to get over and it’s

just you slowly get at it but you got to

keep moving

like everyone’s like really scared what

exercise but I’ve done it since day one

because you don’t get stronger you

probably get a Pedro my buddy Mike the

secret is probably just moving

everything and it was hard getting I

could barely do two things you know and

then it just gets you know it’s like

saving money day after day after day

after day and then what you try to do is

just try to get better at what you’re

doing go down smaller do I really need

that extra you know a little bit of food

no you don’t and you know you can still

gain muscle on it everyone’s that Gloria

I have all this protein and all that I

don’t and I’ve been doing this since May

first I do you know one meal a day and I

probably had the best gains and my

cardio is higher than it’s ever been

like I’m going increasing on my cardio

like I think the bike and rower I’m

getting faster and I’m going more

yardage and stuff so I don’t know about

like having to have all this protein the

game also like everybody says you can

gain quite a bit of muscle a good good

shake it just hasn’t one meal a day

totally on the flip side I had a client

who is quite large you know and they

were supposedly doing in a minute

fasting but really what happened right

around five o’clock they would start the

carbs in the grains and the rice and the

sugar and they would graze all the way

until 12:00 midnight and then they

didn’t eat for the next part of the day

but they gained so much weight and fluid

retention from the carb it’s crazy

ya know I like that’s one thing I only

have like I only probably eat like

probably 20 minutes because I start my

meal and they say 7 o’clock I have so I

do my meal so that I have my hot meal I

do five of them for the week I already

have my kale salad those square one and

then I already other so what I do is I

have my four piece of cheese with the

cream cheese and a little bit of bacon

bits on and then I have the salad and

then I have my hot meal at the end and

that’s probably done in 20 minutes half

hour and that’s all I hate Wow you know

and I do that every day and I you know

that’s after I’m working out and after

I’ve known myself I do that later at

night because that time I’m feeling good

you know a couple hours I’m going to bed

and then I started gaming and it’s

probably the best thing I go in on

holidays for two weeks posture and I was

kind of down to two meals a day I was

going to a full inclusive resort for two


13 pounds at that you know you know so

I’ve been losing weight even when I

travel I go you know forward

I travel away you know I just go to a

restaurant or a hamburger you know with

the avocado slice cheese bacon get the

Caesar salad no croutons or you just go

off bacon and eggs they get so easy to

eat out or if you’re like can’t find

that just go to a deli get some white

some of those they own the process

salami meats like you know but I’ve

never had an issue I have that so

there’s so many meals you can get up

there get a few pieces of cheese and

you’re you’re fine to go like there’s no

excuse that you can’t you keep you don’t

stay home to prepare it you can go buy a

salad and you don’t get a limit of olive

oils for spices and throw it on it you

know he could have read in the container

so there’s always a way to have keto no

matter where you are even at the airport

there is there’s there’s stuff you can

buy yeah you just have to be creative

huh you know in the airport of course I

go okay so I’ll be doing a 12-hour

flight I’m gonna buy some nuts or

something and you know yeah I’ve never

gotten in snacking one thing that

probably it’s been really good with me

I’ve never tried to snack I would just

have my meals now is it

I never even have anything in my house

like I don’t how good nuts

I don’t even smart that I actually ate

those nuts as a meal because that the

food and the plane was just all carbs so

yeah one thing I’ve done though that’s

probably gonna make you crazy I do drink

guy cop and I’ve done it since the

beginning one of my secrets is when I’m

doing the intimate fasting I’ll have a

couple like dr. peppers and night I try

to go with the aww because no caffeine

in it but I do drink that and I’ve never

had a blood sugar spike and I’ve never

had an issue I know you always say don’t

do it I do that on my fast and I’m still

you know I was losing on the fast thing

I was doing like say sometimes ten

pounds we cleared first started from

when I was a little heavier now I’m get

down there in size but I don’t know how

much I have left to lose like I’m still

losing but I don’t really mind that you

know yeah yes if you’re consistently

shrinking you’re feeling better you know

sometimes the diet sodas won’t affect

the weight necessarily but I have had

several patients that end up with blood

disorders and other issues so and

they’ve done it just for a long period

of time so like I drink the water too

and I’ll make a big pot of tea you know

essence the TVM lemon - and I have that

in my

because go more natural but what I find

if I’m feeling a little bit hungry and

I’m anemic faster I think I’m hungry

I just go have something drink and then

I’m fine and long as I’m keeping myself

busy during the day it’s what you’re

sitting around sometimes is when you

think you’re hungry but you’re not they

just go do something you know and

everything you need the energy to work

out well I can work out it you know I’m

at the end of my FAFSA exam I usually

don’t work out till 6 o’clock at night

cuz I haven’t working during the day so

I’m doing my workout in near the end of

the fast and I’m still feeling fine and

I don’t have anything you know I don’t

feel too tired at the end of the day so

it’s just being consistent I think it’s

like save the money you have to do it

day after day I don’t call new six days

a week

I do weights five days a week even when

I’m tired now if the weight unit I just

do it once I’m down I’m down I’m happy

yeah and then you have people that say

oh I can’t afford to do the eating plan

well let’s see you’re only doing one

meal a day I think you can afford that

you’re saving so much money

hey I’ll tell you like my most expensive

thing is lately I buy the organic

hamburger but if you learned the money

just buy the regular hamburger which is

cheap and I lose two pounds for a week

so I get two pounds of hamburger I like

an candidates 500 grams for a bank

I’ll buy the frozen chopped kale because

it’s easier to get so much more because

I’ve bought real kale frozen but by the

time I’ve done there it cost me a

fortune it’s way cheaper to buy the

frozen kale and I have frozen spinach I

mix that in with two pounds of hamburger

and I had a bunch of spices like Cajun


and I use hot sauce and I put some

shredded cheese in there and I just

divide how it works out to five meals at

two and a half cups and then the salads

up here three bucks a day for a kale

salad and the cheese and that you’re

basically maybe 15 bucks at the end of

the week the bacons most expensive now

we’ll think of it like how much protein

when you eat in that meal

well I have been how many ounces

probably four tablespoons of bacon bits

Hormel that’s what I used I have four

piece of Swiss cheese a little bit of

cream cheese on there and then I have

basically I divide that two pounds of

hamburger to five meals so that’s all

I’m having so I need to give two enough

cups of hamburger and kale and cheese

mix that’s all anything it’s probably

not a lot of proteins and yep you’re

apparently doing good and you’re

actually you have you had a lot of


use up so you’re gonna have to create

that you know that vacuum there that’s

awesome man Steve you’ve done incredible

yeah and I probably can stay was gonna

be faster I think it’s probably the

easiest thing I’ve ever done I’ll have

to buy extra food

I can make one meal I’m pretty simple

everyone’s like oh I need to variety but

when you’re only doing one meal a day

you’re pretty hungry but I got hungry

but you dyslexic okay I need some tastes

with the bacon bits of the cheese that’s

kind of like a little snack or one and

then you just salads because we have to

eat our salad every day the kale but

then I want something hot so then I have

my kind of mix talk that’s my last one

that’s the real good one and then after

that I’m actually kind of full you know

take a little bit of water and then I’m

done and then we start our day again and

I find it harder to have the two or

three meals a day because you’re not

there trying to going hey I need to have

this mirror from here what do I do like

when I travel I just don’t need I just

see when I get there

and you go to resort like ah this is

that resort you know two weeks you go to

the Japanese and say I just want shrimp

cooked and butter a lot broccoli give me

extra broccoli you just tell me what you

want you go to really get the eggs or if

you have a hamburger patty hamburger

patties they’re everywhere

you know in now here in Canada I am W

has a lettuce wrap one just ask them is

no mayo because mustard no ketchups and

you can have a team burger you know in a

lettuce wrap here you know there’s Q

there’s no excuse

nowadays for what’s out there and the

other one I always believed in don’t

have so much fun my success really

wrapped up when I quit taking MCT oil

quit adding havoc Ottawa Ellen all these

fats you don’t need it if you’re like me

and you have it don’t put it on just eat

regular food and do it that way and

don’t go buy these good you know ketones

exhaustion Aidid like all that it

doesn’t work he doesn’t have to be high

like white ketones are not done in two

years we’re never much over point eight

like on the blood I’ve never had high

ketones so let me just explain that for

people that are watching in the

beginning sometimes you may need some

fat to go from one meal to the next but

as soon as you’re adapted you want to

have the food with it with its natural

fat you don’t necessarily have to take

all these oils and tons of fat you don’t

really don’t need that because then you

want your body to burn its own fat hey

Steve you had an incredible incredible

success what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna

do another one let’s say in a few months

yeah because I we have to we have to do

it so you hit your goal but you’re

consistently coming down and it’s just

quite a miraculous amount of weight loss

that’s incredible yeah so this is six

months I’d like to get to my goal in six

months but it is getting tougher like

all a bit like some weeks you know it’s

like half a pound like I’m used to

losing pretty consistently you know so

but you know I’m not discouraged at all

but I know I’m coming down in size but

I’m getting in much like like clothing

sizes going down but like even a

five-pound on me I’ll drop another

coating size like down the waist they

come down to like a 38 waist extra large

and a lot of shirts and I was 8 X 38

waist yeah I’m a 38 that’s not bad

that’s not a bad and I’m still 264 right

ya know it’s kind of weird I really

follow 11:00 so you know and most people

like you know I’m into extra-large so

maybe I’ll be able to hit 225 I like to

get down to there I’m never gonna be the

190 like I’m supposed to be I don’t

think I could ever get to that Vlade

tiny thing yeah well I think I wouldn’t

change too much right now cuz your honor

your honor

you know these do you take these the

Biggest Loser these really big guys

they’ll lose very very unhealthily and

they gain it right back but I don’t see

you gaining it back because you’re doing

it correctly and what’s been so easy

it’s never been like a diet or sex right

this is really easy lifestyle like the

food from the hardest thing is do the

exercise every day you doing that but

the food to me is like this is like the

easiest thing I try to lose weight my

whole life and the food is so good on

here like you don’t need the chip said I

can have I’ve two days and I’m eating

pizzas are in front of your chips stuff

I used to lately it just even bother me

I don’t even think about having it that

would you know and I don’t even want to

have some all those wait till I’m ready

to have something so what you get

adapted over that part there’s so much

more honey you can have a heart of it

the cheeses in that you know I don’t

think the deli meats and that we prepare

stuffs at sites like bacon and eggs

whose carries about that it’s not that


no hey Steve thank you so much for the

interview and let’s touch base in a few

months and see if the I’ll check in with

you to see how you’re doing okay perfect

okay we’ll see that while you’re talking

to you thank you so much okay see ya