How Many Nuts Can You Eat on Keto? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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alright guys so I had this question

quite a few times I want to just cover

in this video how many nuts are too many

nuts when you’re doing keto now we’re

not just talking about nuts we’re

talking about two nut butters we’re

talking about nut flours as an almond

flour so let’s just cover each point

it’s very easy to overdo the nuts

especially when you’re doing nut butters

okay if you do too much you’re going to

find you’re going to bloat

you’re gonna gas and that is because of

two reasons okay number one when you

consume more fat you need more bile

production and a lot of people are not

adapted to that yet they haven’t done it

long enough to generate enough bile to

be able to deal with all this fat okay

same thing with your enzymes and your

pancreas so eating too much fat too

quickly with some people especially nuts

can irritate the digestive system

especially around the gallbladder and

even the pancreas I always recommend

alike gradual into this so you can

slowly adapt to digesting some of this

fat now the next reason is this nuts

have certain anti nutrients and certain

chemicals that can irritate certain

parts of your digestive system

specifically the bile duct okay and

that’s right underneath the rib cage

right here so this is why when people

consume nuts in large quantities they

can start feeling bloated and it can

refer pain to the right shoulder all up

to the neck and even cause the pain in

the jaw and even cause headaches on the

right side of their head even the right

shoulder blade right back through here

as well so if you have that this could

be the reason why and let’s say for

example you’re not sure if that’s the

reason and you have the pain in the

right shoulder blade what what you do is

you just massage over the gallbladder a

little bit and see if the pain goes away

then we know it’s connected and it’s

called referred pain from the

gallbladder there’s a nerve called the

phrenic nerve that goes right up to the

neck part from underneath your diaphragm

on the right side okay you also have it

on the left side too so the pancreas

could cause it on the left side but it’s

mainly on the right side now also if

you’re predisposed to kidney stones okay

and I want to complicate things too much

but certain people are stone formers and

when they consume almonds for example or


flower it’s higher in oxalates but nut

that’s the lowest on the scale for

oxalates are the the pistachio those are

pretty safe okay now there’s also things

in nuts that protect the nut from

sprouting and growing into a plant so

there’s a term called germinating and

that means soaking the nut in water

overnight rinsing it out and then drying

out the nut in even the oven or a

dehydrator and then when you consume

them they’re easier to digest because

you don’t have these enzyme inhibitors

fighting you okay because when you

consume raw nuts it’s it’s harder on the

digestive system for some people now

when you consume roasted nuts they’re a

little easier to digest but we have less

nutrients in them so to make this

complicated topic a little bit easier I

would recommend not to consume more than

1/4 of a cup of nuts per meal ok or not

to consume more than a tablespoon of nut

butters per meal so I wouldn’t combine

these I would have either/or and if you

still have a problem with this you’re

gonna have to eliminate the nuts and

you’ll probably do a lot better the good

thing about nuts is it’s a good

combination of fat and protein low and

carb to allow you to go longer but I

think people overdo it because it’s

really easy to do these nuts because the

next thing you know after you consume

these nuts or you’re doing the peanut

butter on the jar you consume the whole

jar or this huge container so maybe what

you can do is separate out fourth of a

cup and a little baggie and then that’s

your ration okay and that might work for

you because some people they don’t

really have a turn off switch so they

just will keep eating and eating and

eating I like personally I like the

pistachios because you have to work to

get those things out but I personally

have to have just a little bit of that

per meal and I do fine so anyway I hope

that answered the question on the nuts

and I will see you in the future videos

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