The Benefits of Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT) | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about hyperbaric oxygen

therapy hands down this is one of most

incredible therapies it’s not weird it’s

very credible it’s been thoroughly

researched with hardcore science by the

military it’s in hospitals and people

are even getting reimbursed from their

insurance so how does it work

when you breathe air you’re only getting

21% actual oxygen so hyperbaric oxygen

therapy raises that oxygen to nearly a

hundred percent and you’re put in this

pressurized closed environment so the

oxygen can not just go into your lung it

goes right in your tissues and it goes

into your blood and your blood carries

you to the organs and it basically feeds

the different tissues that have hypoxia

and that’s areas where there’s no oxygen

it could be from some trauma or

infection or from anything so simply

it’s driving a high amount of

concentrated oxygen into injured tissues

it also has the capacity to stimulate

stem cells by 800% stem cells are

basically undifferentiated cells there

are cells that don’t have a purpose that

turn into certain cells so this therapy

targets things like dementia stroke

heart problems

definitely things like angina or

coronary heart disease asthma other lung

conditions like COPD and the Simo

inflammatory conditions like autoimmune

conditions especially things like ms

brain trauma carbon dioxide poisoning

anemia inflammation after injuries

unhealing wounds it has a profound

effect on your DNA in genes but to start

affecting the genes you’d have to get

between 25 and 35 treatments over a

period of time it has the capacity to

explode mitochondria in tumor cells the

mitochondria have a different type of

metabolism there they no longer have the

respiratory type of tableaus and they

have the metabolism that’s

sugar and when that happens these tumor

or cancer cells don’t die anymore they

live forever and they keep growing

they keep dividing so we don’t want them

in our bodies this is a great therapy

for tumors and even cancer one common

factor of tumors is something called

angiogenesis and that basically is new

blood vessels that feed the tumor

because the tumor needs a lot of oxygen

and nutrients in fact it tends to hog

all the fuel the glucose but without

those blood vessels it can’t survive so

this therapy has the ability to shrink

or inhibit angiogenesis what triggers

angiogenesis is basically hypoxia a lack

of oxygen so if you give the body oxygen

it won’t develop also a post-traumatic

stress disorder now as far as the time

that you’re in this chamber one to two

hours maybe three times a week for

several weeks it really depends on what

you’re using a for is it something

there’s a lot of damage for or you’re

doing it for maintenance or anti-aging

so you can get this several ways one is

just doing a search in your area

hyperbaric oxygen therapy near me and

finding a place that you can go to and

get this done probably get a

prescription from your doctor some

people actually buy or rent a unit and

bring it in their home but it’s a very

valid and credible and effective therapy

so check it out

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