How To Get Rid Herpes Virus with Autophagy Fasting? – Natural Treatment For Herpes by Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about how

to get rid of herpes with something

called the toffee G which I’ll explain

in a second so herpes there’s many

different types it’s identified by the

location of the body part you can have

it in your mouth

you can have it in your private parts it

can even go into the brain it creates a

lot of problems the herpes virus it

travels through the sensory nerves and

it can even hang out in these little

nerve cell bodies called ganglia and

these viruses can go out of remission

and back in the remission back and forth

with various things that can activate

them stress sun chemicals and they can

really make your life miserable however

on a positive note there is something

you can do about it and it’s called a

fasting or in a minute fasting now

fasting will do some very fascinating

things in the body one is it will

trigger a condition called a toffee g

state where your cells are ridding

abnormal proteins breaking them down

with certain enzymes and recycling them

okay so it’s like a self-cleaning oven

it will also recycle damaged organelles

organelles are like the mitochondria

endoplasmic reticulum these different

little parts of the cellular machinery

that could be damaged and what’s really

amazing is that etapa G will also target

microbes invading microbes the term is

Zenith AG okay which xeno comes from the

word foreign or strange and Fei Jie

meaning eating

so basically Zi know they G means a tapa

G against a pathogen or a virus and

what’s really good about doing fasting

if you had herpes is that herpes travels

to the nervous system and etapa G is

more efficient and more effective on

neurons more than other cells so it can

be a very good tool to deal with this

infection and I also think that when our

bodies are sick we naturally lose our

appetite which we’re naturally going to

do fasting as a mechanism to deal with

the infection so there’s two things that

I would recommend number one is to start

doing in a minute fast

and number two I would also recommend

certain natural antiviral compounds like

mono Lauren this comes from coconut oil

santé viral oregano which is antiviral

olive leaf extract is antiviral garlic

is antiviral now a couple points in in a

minute fasting I would really recommend

you do it gradual starting at 3 meals no

snacks do that for a while and then

graduate to two meals no snacks and then

graduate to one meal eventually ok

especially if you have a really bad

situation with the herpes because I

think this could give you a lot of

relief now I for those of you that are

new to namenda fasting may have a video

down below that explains how to do it

effectively etapa g starts being

effective at 18 hours in your fast ok

and it kind of maxes out at about 23

hours so if you were that’s why i was

recommending doing 2 meals and then down

to one male to really get the full

benefit of this anyway I put some links

down below for some more research give

it a shot see if it can help you thanks

for watching

so if you’re enjoying this content go

ahead and share it with someone that

could really benefit from it