High Blood Sugar leads to Smaller Brains – Dr.Berg's Tips to Regenerate Brain | DrEricBergDC

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did you actually realize that high blood

sugar can actually make your brain gets

smaller why because when you have high

blood sugar you increase insulin and

when you have chronic elevation of

insulin over a period of time you

develop in Sun resistance and it’s the

insulin resistance that creates atrophy

of the gray matter in your brain and the

structure called the hippocampus

hippocampus by the way has the highest

concentration of insulin receptors in

the brain now when you have insulin

resistance your body makes more insulin

by a factor of 7x incredible and then

the hippocampus is involved with memory

and learning it’s like a relay switch to

your database your memories so you may

find that it’s hard to recall things it

takes you a lot longer to learn new


you’re not as sharp as you used to be

and with an atrophied brain you get

decreased oxygen decreased blood flow

and decrease ATP which is the energy

currency of the mitochondria or actually

the entire body so if we don’t have

energy you’re gonna be mentally dull and

you might have a lot of brain fog now

the good news is that this part of the

brain has the potential to regenerate

that’s good right and the two things

that will do it our number one calorie

restriction or in a minute fasting okay

and I don’t recommend calorie

restriction because you’re restricting

nutrients as well I would recommend

intermittent fasting so intermittent

fasting can not only increase insulin

sensitivity okay but it can increase the

the connection between the synapses in

your brain so it increases communication

in the brain very powerful and then of

course if you add a lower sugar diet as

in healthy keto you take it to the next

level now if you want more information

about this I put a link down below so

you can check it out but you just need

to know the relationship between sugar

in the diet and then sugar in the blood

and then what it got triggers and what

eventually leads to these things right

here all right I’ll talk to later

hey guys real quick I have a new healthy

keto eating plan for you just go to dr.

Berg comm it’s right on the front page I

put a link down below download it it’s

free check it out