Do This Before Your Detox: IMPORTANT | DrEricBergDC

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so if you’re considering doing a detox you definitely need to do something

first before you start the detox to event the detox

reactions another name for detox reactions would be

a herxheimer reaction so you have like the flu-like symptoms

headache you feel sick and i’ve experienced that

many many times because i’ve done a lot of different cleanses let me just kind

of explain what happens when you detox there’s a right way to do it in a wrong

way you want to balance your detox because when you start taking things

certain herbs to purge poisons from the body or

kill microbes let’s just say for example you want to kill a parasite

a bacteria you want to inactivate viruses

or even break up biofilms which are little these little shells

that these bacteria hide in and you want to break that up right

what happens is that when the bacterial cell

breaks open a lot of times it’ll release an

endotoxin okay and that’s going to create an immune reaction

one interesting thing that an endotoxin will do

it’ll turn off the bile flow through the liver and through the

bile ducts in other words it causes a condition

called cholestasis where you have a

stagnant flow of bile in the liver and bile if it’s stuck inside the liver

is very toxic to the liver actually can create a lot of inflammation

it’s meant to flow through the liver and out through the bile

ducts so what happens is you can get a backup of toxins in the blood and

you’re going to get a whole series of immune reactions

like even a fever it reduces the glutathione

which is supposed to protect you from all the free radical damage and the

oxidation that’s happening so you’re thinking you’re doing

something great by a detox but you’re actually creating more damage

now normally you have different phases of detoxification phase one phase two

phase three and you have this poison that’s

being released or comes through the body and then your

body breaks it down into a harmless water soluble particle but

phase three is all about the elimination of the toxin

through the bile ducts and out through the small intestine the endotoxin shuts

down the bile flow which also reduces phase two

and phase three so we just have this backup

of toxic waste in the body and this will definitely create

right quadrant pain now it could be either underneath the rib cage through

here or through the right side through here

it can actually refer to the upper right shoulder right here it could also

be tenderness and bloating that would be the sensation you can feel

nauseous okay there will be stool changes the

stool will float because you don’t have enough bile to break down the fats

so your stool is fattier you may feel itchiness

in your palms or the feet especially at night

you can have vision changes simply because without

bile you’re not going to be able to absorb the vitamin a

for the eye and that can actually change your vision or even alter the eye in a

certain way and creating dry eyes as well and the

urine typically will be a little bit darker

because you’re getting excess amounts of bilirubin that’s going through the blood

and filtered through the kidney simply what do you do all you do is you

take purified bile salts 30 minutes before

you take this herbal detox get the bowel

flowing then take the detox and then all the stuff will get through you

so you can even then take purified bile salts

about an hour later as well but the key is just to make sure that your bile

ducts are open you’re making bile salts and there’s a nice flow through there

and then if you start to notice more of this reaction just take a little

bit more and that should turn off those symptoms

if you want more information about bile salts i put a link down below

thanks for watching

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