The Best 2 Foods to Rid Anxiety in Your Body | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the best two foods for

anxiety now the Latin word for anxiety

means to choke so if you’re being choked

you’re going to experience anxiety but

let’s see if we can come up with a good

definition of anxiety sometimes people

think it’s stress right is it the same

thing as anxiety well stress is more

like uh some external pressure

that is out of your control so the more

you’re being pressured by something

that’s out of your control The more

stress you’re gonna and you can have

anxiety with that for sure then you have

panic attacks right well that can be an

anxiety state for sure but Panic is more

like a high level severe fear situation

but I think the best word to describe

anxiety is worry you have problems

without a solution you’re fixated on

certain problems or a problem that

sometimes occurs at night during the day

and you just can’t not think about that

one problem so that’s going to produce

worry or anxiety and everyone has their

limit of stress anxiety worry until they

become overwhelmed right and it’s really

an individual thing and how much

tolerance a person has to be able to

deal with this anxiety or worry or

stress now if there’s something missing

in your body okay which we’re going to

discuss like you’re deficient in a

certain thing your tolerance for anxiety

stress is going to be on the low side So

today we’re going to talk about the two

best foods to increase your tolerance

for the things that you’re anxious about

the things that you worry about so you

can do a million things to the body and

make it really strong it doesn’t get rid

of the problems or anxieties but it

allows you to cope with them much better

okay so that is the purpose of this

video so on a physical level when you

have anxiety we have a couple different

parts of your body that are involved we

have the adrenal glands which are two

glands on top of the kidneys okay and

they have an outer part which produces

hormones and an inner part which

produces something called

neurotransmitters which are similar to

hormones but neurotransmitters are

Communications that travel to the

nervous system and hormones are

Communications that travel through your

blood or circulatory system and so we

have the adrenals and then there’s

another thing too called the autonomic

nervous system so part of that is in the

adrenal glands okay but there’s other

parts of your body that that they’re

located as well and that would include

the sympathetic nervous system and the

parasympathetic nervous system and the

sympathetic nervous system is also

called the flight or fight system okay

so that’s like the the stress system to

cope with stress and then the other

system is called the parasympathetic

which is also called rest and digest and

that helps you cope with the stress and

the autonomic nervous system uses

neurotransmitters to communicate and to

work correctly and so if we want to

build up the tolerance

to our stresses we want to understand

where neurotransmitters come from and

what can influence hormones well it just

so happens that your body does make

neurotransmitters and something else

inside your body makes neurotransmitters

and that would be your microbiome which

is pretty bizarre because you have these

non-body entities living inside your

body and outside your body that are

making neurotransmitters that are going

to greatly help you and in significant

quantities like even serotonin your

microbiome makes like 95 of Serotonin it

also makes your other neurotransmitters

like dopamine Gaba nor adrenaline they

make a lot of different B vitamins

especially B1 which is the most

important vitamin for stress your

microbiome also makes other vitamins

okay not just the B vitamins these micro

probes also make beneficial fats they’re

called small chain fatty acids that help

you with your blood sugars that actually

feed your colon and these microbes

greatly regulate and help control your

hormones okay and your nervous system

and the central nervous system and your

immune system and the amount of bile

that you produce too and that’s

something that helps you digest fats it

helps you extract that soluble nutrients

and it keeps microbes from growing in

the wrong place like the small intestine

so you can see these microbes are

extremely important for your health in

fact without them you would be very very

sick and they also have a great

influence over your mood okay

now a lot of people are stuck in this


um when they go through stress they

crave this certain type of food called

Comfort Foods what is a comfort food or

comfort food is a food that provides

consolation which is basically means

comforting someone after some type of

stress or loss or disappointment it’s

that food that provides consolation or a

feeling of well-being typically with a

high sugar or other carbohydrate content

so unfortunately when people go through

stress they they crave Comfort foods and

things like alcohol and the problem with

these carbohydrates and the alcohol is

not only does it deplete vitamin B1 to

act as a precursor for all of your

neurotransmitters it is the most

important vitamin for anxiety stress and

also the more carbohydrate that you eat

the more alcohol you drink

the more B1 is required and the other

thing about these carbohydrates and

sugar is they feed a certain type of

microbe in your gut that does not make

neurotransmitters that doesn’t produce

anything good okay it ferments the sugar

it basically eats the sugar it loves the

sugar and it gives you inflammation

instead it gives you depression there’s

been links to higher incidents of

getting bipolar when you feed sugar to

microbes it enhances the microbes that

don’t give you good things okay it also

enhances candida fungus things like that

and these certain microbes that you feed

okay that start growing in larger

amounts will then send a communication

up to your brain causing you to want

more and more and more and so it’s a

never-ending cycle that you eat the

sugar that then affects the microbiome

which then creates more stress and the

count of the stress you need more of

this carbohydrate and alcohol to give

you comfort and then the whole cycle

starts over and over and over again so

naturally the two foods that are the

most important in helping pull someone

out of a stress state or at least

increase their tolerance to stress so

they can deal with it so they don’t get


our number one

any food that provides like probiotics

okay good bacteria and number two foods

that provide

thymine B1 okay now there are foods that

provide thymine that also have a lot of

carbohydrates we’re not talking about

those I’m talking about things like

nutritional yeasts okay that has like

the most B vitamins and so that would be

one recommendation those two foods are

the most powerful two foods to help pull

someone out of anxiety okay and stress

and a panic attack

now as far as Probiotic foods let’s just

mention this for a second you have

fermented foods you have pickles kimchi

sauerkraut kefir okay you have those

Foods very very important on a regular

basis you should probably have a good

serving size every single day okay

something else that’s quite fascinating

it’s basically just raw vegetables so so

why would a raw vegetable help give you

probiotics well yes it does feed your

microbes fiber that helps build these

microbes but there’s something else

actually very very interesting that I

recently found out about okay and I did

a video on this

um raw vegetables if they’re healthy

contain their own

microbiome they are a form of probiotics

this explains how kimchi is made and how

sauerkraut is made and how pickles are

made if they’re a fermented product okay

so let’s just take sauerkraut where do

the microbes come

that help ferment sauerkraut okay well

yes there might be floating around the

air a little bit

um they might be on the surface of that

cabbage okay but mostly the microbes are

inside the Cabbage okay they’re inside

because they’re part of the microbiome

those are the family of microbes that

help to fermentation process they’re

called lactobacillus microbes and so

this is why raw vegetables actually can

greatly help your microbiome okay

because they have microbes in them now

um on the flip side you may have gut

issues where you’re doing carnivore and

you probably have seen this before where

vegetables are toxic and they can hurt

you well yeah if there’s damage to your

gut okay but the vegetables in

themselves didn’t originate this damage

to your gut okay they’re not the culprit

of course you can’t digest them now or

deal with them because there is some

other thing that destroyed or irritated

or damaged your gut like vegetable oils

which is very ironic because it’s really

seed oils it’s not like you’re taking

vegetables and squeezing out the oil and

it’s made a very difficult time

digesting anything with fiber including

vegetables but if you can digest real

vegetables that would be a good thing to

start fortifying your microbiome okay

and if you have fermented vegetables

that’s a little bit easier to digest

sometimes because they have other

factors in there like they have certain

acids they have more concentrated

microbes and more enzymes to digest that

food so we have number one Probiotic

foods okay and vegetables number two

would be nutritional yeast nutritional

yeast is a product that is loaded with B

vitamins and you want to get the version

that’s not enriched or fortified with

synthetic vitamins okay you just want to

get nutritional yeast in fact there’s a

couple different ways that you can take

nutritional yeast you can sprinkle it

over your salad that’s what I do

or you can get them as a supplement like

a little tablet but if you take anyone

that has anxiety and you give them

nutritional yeast within three minutes

they’re going to feel a shift of

calmness of relaxation of a lot less

nervous tension internally okay it’s a

great thing and I think until a person

tests that out they won’t realize how

powerful that is in fact I’ll put a link

down below of a video I did a

nutritional yeast but just read the

comments to see how people uh feel after

they take nutritional yeast in

relationship to stress it just makes

them feel calmer increase their

tolerance for stress and their ability

to cope with stress and so when solving

problems you can’t be overwhelmed you

want to be able to tolerate life so you

can solve problems better in fact just

make it easier I put this nutritional

yeast video up right here check it out