Still Bloated Even with Apple Cider Vinegar? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys today we’re gonna talk about

something quite interesting the

relationship between vitamin b3 and your

stomach acid now I’ve done a lot of

videos on stomach acid and acid reflux

and the gallbladder and digestion and

I’ve also recommended that you take

outside a vinegar or betaine

hydrochloride to help you with low

stomach acid which is very common but I

haven’t talked about vitamin b3 helping

that condition so let’s first start out

with talking about what are the symptoms

when you don’t have enough acid in your

stomach first of all you’re not going to

absorb minerals that well so you might

be deficient in iron or calcium or any

of the minerals okay number two

decreased amino acid absorption this can

show up in many things from hair loss to

loose skin to an incomplete digestion of

protein that causes gas okay next one

leaky gut which can lead to allergies

then we get probably the most common one

which is just bloating in general or

even abdominal pain and acid reflux SIBO

small intestinal bacterial overgrowth

occurs as well when you have low stomach

acid and that’s where you have bacteria

growing in the wrong place it’s growing

in the small intestine not too large and

every time you consume anything with

fiber it gets worse you can’t consume a

lot of salad for example without being

bloated also if you take probiotics it

makes it worse because it’s not

necessarily you have all bad bacteria in

your small intestine could be good

bacteria it’s just over growing in the

wrong place and these microbes are

eating up all all your nutrition so

you’re going to usually have nutritional

deficiencies just from that alone and

you can also have an infection lower in

the digestive tract because the purpose

of hydrochloric acid one big purpose is

to kill off the pathogens so they don’t

go through the stomach into the small

intestine to the large intestine so you

can have an infection down there and

that can create an immune problem and

lead to all sorts of issues constipation

and even diarrhea because you’re not

able to digest

properly gallbladder sluggishness so

your gallbladder doesn’t release and you

always feel bloated on the right side

and you’re getting problems with the

digestion of fat so these are all the

symptoms that can occur when you don’t

have hydrochloric acid now you can

actually take betaine how to chloride

outside a vinegar to improve the acidity

in your stomach even by the way fasting

improves hydrochloric acid I’m drinking

coffee will do it but vitamin b3 niacin

will help you make more stomach acid so

if you’re deficient in b3 the common

symptoms would be depression anxiety

fatigue skin problems in diarrhea but

think about it b3 is involved in over

300 enzymes in your body it’s like a

cofactor it’s a helper to make these

enzymes there’s a lot of things that

happen with vitamin b3 but if you have a

subclinical deficiency so you have b3

but it’s just not enough but the body

will use b3 in a certain priority system

okay so it might handle your depression

and anxiety and fatigue and prevent

diarrhea but it might not be able to

make hydrochloric acid because the body

might not consider how to chloric acid

production as the priority and these

take over so if you’re deficient in b3

you may not have all of the deficiency

symptoms just a few but there’s a

condition called b3 dependency okay and

basically what that is is this your body

just needs more b3 okay whether it’s

stress causing this or certain microbes

that are depleting your reserve these

two can be underlying causes of why you

just basically need more p3 so it can be

a subclinical thing or just basically

the stresses causing you to need more of

it and when you’re under stress your

body uses up the adrenaline it oxidizes

adrenaline and b3 is very necessary to

replenish adrenaline also you have

another source of B 3 which is

tryptophan tryptophan can convert to B 3

so let’s say for example you don’t have

enough HCl to even help you absorb


this might not occur so there are

reasons that go beyond just a lack of

dietary b3 okay so you just might need

more because your body’s really stressed


b3 is necessary in the production of ATP

which is the energy currency of the

mitochondria in the stomach cells and

these stomach cells make hydrochloric

acid so if you don’t have enough b3 and

your cells can’t make enough

hydrochloric acid you will start

experiencing some of these symptoms

right here maybe not these but these

over here so you watch my video and I

tell you to drink outside a vinegar and

it doesn’t work well guess what you need

b3 okay so if you suspect having this

I’m gonna recommend taking a higher dose

between 50 and 100 milligrams per day

some people that are really stressed

need to take this three times a day to

see the change if you’re in the

situation and you have some of these

symptoms you don’t feel like your

stomach’s quite right you have stomach

troubles and you’re already doing all

the other things that I’m recommending

you may want to take niacin okay in this

amount right here and see if this is the

reason why you have that problem all


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happens thanks for watching

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