Detoxify 1000s of Chemicals From Your Body Just With Food | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about how to detoxify thousands of  toxic chemicals out of your body but do in a  

way that’s very safe there are many chemicals  in our environment bisphenol a pcbs heavy metals  

certain toxic plastics and bile solids have you  ever heard of that before bile solids sound pretty  

benign right but what you may not realize is  bio solids are treated sewage sludge it’s a very  

interesting book that i’m reading called toxic  sludge is good for you this book is more about  

how certain groups use pr public relations to  make something that is normally harmful to the  

environment and make it actually good for you so  in this book they describe how they came up with  

this new term biosolids and actually redefined  treated sewage sludge as a nutrient-rich organic  

byproduct i’m not kidding i mean bile salads  contain over sixty thousand toxic substances this  

is the stuff that exits your toilet and it goes  right into a sewage treatment plant where they’re  

processing this material and actually selling it  as an ingredient in your pet food in animal feeds  

and fertilizer there’s at least eighty thousand  probably hundreds of thousands of different  

poisons or toxins call it xenobiotics  that we’re exposed to on a daily basis  

now our bodies have a defense mechanism for this  it is a series of detoxification pathways that  

will turn these poisons into harmless particles  which is then eliminated through our waste  

and urine it’s called bile transformation where  you have these very powerful enzymes they’re  

called cytochrome p450 enzymes that are meant to  break down all these poisons and keep us healthy  

so what i want to talk about is what you should be  doing or eating to keep these toxins from causing  

disease here’s a really interesting book this is  the international agency of research on cancer by  

the world health organization and it’s all about  cruciferous vegetables and a really big effect  

is the ability of cruciferous vegetables to  induce bile transformation so this is one thing  

you should be consuming on a regular basis kale  broccoli brussels sprouts cabbage arugula bok choy  

now bile salts your body makes bile you can  also take bile this is very very important  

anytime you do a detox you should always  start by taking bile salts for a few days  

and then do your detox because taking  purified bile salts helps to start  

the flow through the liver because when you  start to detoxify and you start killing off  

certain pathogens they release endotoxins that  then shut down the bile ducts and that’s why  

you might feel toxic from detoxifying so  bile salts help you eliminate xenobiotics  

naturally a lot of the chemicals from your  liver should be coming out with the help of bile  

also the microbes in your gut help you detoxify  and they also have the ability to make this enzyme  

to help you break down these poisons and one  of the things i really recommend is to combine  

this with this so if you were to take a pre-biotic  which is like a fiber let’s say cabbage and we  

ferment it into sauerkraut cabbage is not just  cruciferous but it’s a prebiotic and a probiotic  

so sauerkraut is a great food to help you detoxify  and the cool thing about doing this with food is  

it happens slowly so you don’t really feel it  now there’s many other different vegetables and  

herbs that will help you detoxify garlic is a big  one rosemary thyme and clove all have this enzyme  

another thing to realize is a lot of these  chemicals create a lot of free radical  

damage in the body and the foods that you eat have  antioxidants but your body also makes antioxidants  

it’s called endogenous antioxidants especially  when you fast when you’re doing fasting you’re  

putting your body in the state of autophagy  which not only accelerates repairing the  

damage in the body but also the clearing out  of pathogens but fasting will help increase  

your endogenous antioxidant networks so you’ll  have a lot more antioxidants not to mention  

your immune system is stronger and the body will  resist the stress from the free radical damage  

if you’re doing organic foods okay certified  organic foods it’s not going to have these in them  

the chain whole foods also recently made an  agreement that they’re not going to include any  

of their products with bile salads i would also  make sure when you buy pet food that you read the  

ingredients and make sure it does not have these  byproducts because if you’re going to look at  

these nutrient-rich organic byproducts it sounds  like it’s really really healthy but it’s not  

anyway thanks for watching and i’ll see you in the  next video before you go if you have a question  

about a product or you’re new to keto and you want  to know how to begin keto or you’re on keto and  

you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the us  hopefully in the future we’ll be able  

to answer everyone’s call but i put the number  down below so you can call and get some help