The 9 IGNORED Risk Factors for Heart Attacks | DrEricBergDC

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i want to talk about some very important

missing risk factors for heart attacks


now typically when you

look at risk factors for heart attack

you know they’re going to talk about

high blood pressure smoking alcohol

family history age gender because men

are more at risk than females

diabetes cholesterol and obesity right


today i’m going to talk about the other

factors which i think are way more

important as far as a risk factor

like what is a risk factor well it’s a

certain variable

it’s something that contributes to

something it’s something that you use to

predict if something’s going to happen

or not and to figure out these risk

factors they do various studies

unfortunately a lot of the studies are

questionnaire studies they’re

observational studies which are not at

the top of


scientific studies

unfortunately nowadays science has

really become

corrupted in fact it’s become very very

political i think that’s probably why

they call it political science

but uh the question is who is funding

the science who’s getting benefited

indirectly and then unfortunately if

you’re opposing the

the consensus of what science has found

out you’re either silenced

censored or you’re not going to get

funding for another

study or you might be labeled as

a denier of something and i do want to

touch on the difference between

cause and correlation

because there is a big difference okay

when something causes something like it

would be like a causes b but when

something is correlated

a might occur at the same time as b but

that does not mean it caused b

it’s a statistical relationship it’s

some association and unfortunately every

day on the news or the internet you’ll

see things like

oh high fat diet causes diabetes or

heart disease or cancer they’re implying

causation and then you read the study

and it absolutely positively has nothing

to do with the causation there might be

an association but then if you read

further you’re going to find that the

person wasn’t just on a high-fat diet

there were other variables like they

were also on a high carbohydrate diet at

the same time and because the ketogenic

diet is a high fat diet people assume

that the high fat diet was a ketogenic

diet when it’s not

and so there’s just a lot of

manipulation when you see these studies

nowadays like here’s here’s an example

of correlation like inactivity causes

weight gain


it doesn’t cause weight gain i mean it’s

associated but it’s not causation before

i get into some actually really

interesting information i want to just


define a couple things related to this

cholesterol thing right here right

many people that go on a ketogenic diet

they end up having higher amounts of

cholesterol and then they get worried

they get upset they’re freaking out

what’s going on i want to really explain


when you go on keto you switch from

burning glucose to burning fat okay

you’re burning a lot of fat and the fat

cells are releasing and burning

triglycerides and cholesterol is also in

the fat cell and that’s going to be

released and so you’re having a lot of

oxidation of fat going through your


and so the question is is it dangerous

is it pathogenic well today we’re going

to talk a little more about this

cholesterol because just because you

have higher amounts of cholesterol does

not mean there’s a pathogenic situation

going on at all and by the way as a side


when they talk about obesity being a

risk factor there’s something called an

obesity paradox which is

wild because

it is true that there is an increased

risk of developing heart attacks if you

have obesity but having weight gain

can actually

be protective

in those people who already had

heart failure very interesting i should

do a video on that but just because

someone is overweight doesn’t mean

that’s a risk factor personally i think

it’s more of the visceral fat okay not

necessarily weight all over but i don’t

want to get sidetracked but this is what

i want to explain right here

you have these things called

lipoproteins like the ldl hdl

basically what those are they’re little

transportation shuttles

cargo units that are transporting fat

through the blood because most the blood

is water-soluble so we have to be able

to push this fat through and so your

body has these little containers or

buses that it transports the fat and the

protein shuttles and inside you have the

fat okay so that’s what they really are

and so when you have

hdl that’s high density lipoprotein

and ldl is low density lipoprotein now

what do they mean this density thing

well they’re really talking about the

relationship between

how dense something is with protein

versus fat okay because remember we have

this protein

shell and then we have fat inside

so the high density lipoprotein would be

a lot more protein less fat

versus the low density protein which

would be less protein higher amounts of

fat so the hdl is considered the good

cholesterol and ldl is considered the

so-called bad cholesterol but

there’s some more information you need

to know there’s there’s two types of ldl

if you look at ldl from another angle

there’s these little particle sizes and

so you have one type of the ldl called

the small dense okay the particle size

is small dense and that is the type that


pathogenic it creates problems it can

invade the arteries and start creating

problems but when you have the large


particle size


they don’t invade the inside of the

arteries okay they float around

but they’re not creating problems for

you so this is why

if you don’t get an advanced lipid

profile test you’re not going to get

this data you’re just going to look at

the total ldl and that might scare you

but i highly recommend you get

the advanced lipid profile test

now there’s something else i want to

bring up and i’m going to keep this very

very simple because it gets complex if

you have apo a1 and apo

b now what are these so all you need to

know is this one right here apo ai

is a part of the protein in the hdl okay

remember this is a protein in fat

and then the apob

is the protein in the ldl and

understanding this relationship between

these two like the ratio of these two is

a way better indicator

than even knowing your ldl or even your

hdl okay

this one which is connected to hdl is


okay this one is atherogenic and so the

ratio of this you want higher amount of

this lower amount of this is a really

good predictor of heart attacks okay but

they don’t really mention it on here

they just focus on cholesterol right so

we really want to understand

is that ldl particle size small dense

or more large buoyant okay

that’s what we want to know and we also

want to know the ratios between these

two it is helpful to understand

triglycerides many times people have a

high triglyceride when they do a lot of

carbohydrates not when they eat a lot of

fat because this has turned into energy

in the body okay

but this is not the best indicator

for heart attacks

this one is right here okay this might

be a new term for you

again i’m going to try to keep this

really really simple

lp and then small a okay that’s as far

as i’m going to go as far as the depth

of what this is but

basically this is a really good


of heart attacks okay

it’s kind of like a variation of this


and involves

more oxidative

ldl the oxidation coming from carbs that

can invade the arteries and create


and clots okay and what this really does

is it competes with

the enzymes that you have that keep

blood clots dissolved

so if we have too much of this

we increase our risk of

clots in the body

this ratio here is a really good risk

factor and the small dense

ldl is a really good risk factor total

ldl cholesterol now not a good

indication to tell you what’s going on

in the heart especially if you’re on the

ketogenic diet all right so now let’s go


these additional missing risk factors

the number one best

risk factor okay i would even go so far

to say that it’s probably the causation

of heart problems okay it’s not even

correlated but that’s just my own

opinion and i’ll tell you why in a

second high insulin called


you can also do a test to see how much

insulin resistance you have which is

also correlated with high insulin too

it’s called the homa ir test it’s a

really good test to measure insulin

resistance and while you’re testing that

you’re also checking the high insulin

too now as far as high insulin goes why

is that so significant

as a risk factor

well because

it explains

most all other risk factors you see when

you look at all this random data the

more you can align the data

to one cause

and everything makes sense then chances

are that’s the most likely cause okay

and in this case let’s pretend it is

high insulin as the main causation okay

let’s take a look at all of the other

data does it make sense does high

insulin cause high blood pressure the

answer is yes does it cause high

cholesterol yes does it cause diabetes


if you’re getting a high amount of sugar

that’s stimulating insulin over a period

of time you’re gonna develop insulin

resistance you’re gonna lose insulin


and you’re gonna get diabetes so a lot

of diabetics initially have high insulin


does high insulin cause obesity of

course it does does high insulin cause

high ldl the small dense particle size

the answer is yes

does high insulin cause another variable

which i’m going to put on the list which

is sleep apnea or sleeping problems in

general the answer is yes and does high

insulin explain the visceral fat it sure

does and does high insulin explain

another variable i’m going to talk about

which is inflammation the answer is yes

and does high insulin explain

a high cac score which is a coronary

artery calcification score and the

answer is a big fat yes because the

calcium is coming in there from all the

damage that’s done from the high levels


insulin and insulin resistance

so let’s go through the missing risk

factors that relate to heart attacks

number one

high insulin

and a test for insulin resistance called

homa ir okay number two a cac score

coronary artery calcification score that

basically correlates to how much calcium

is in your arteries and that’s one of

the best predictors not just of heart

attacks but of

any reason for dying okay the more

calcium you have in your arteries

the worst shape you are in all right

number three your april b to april a

ratio you want high

apo a and you want low apo


this gives you a very high statistical


and it’s predictive of a heart attack

okay number four ldl small dense

particles this will also give you a good


and then we have number five lp small a

this is a very powerful risk factor as

well and you should get a test done to

see if yours is high or low and number

six your sleep right if your sleep is


it will increase your risk of getting a

heart attack in fact if your sleep is

less than five hours a night your risk

factor for heart attacks goes way

way up

and then we have number seven stress

stress is a huge factor because we have

this constant release of cortisol

cortisol tends to act like insulin


proteins and fats and turning those into

sugar which is then going to increase

insulin so

number seven is really a part of number

one and then we have eight visceral fat

that is the fat in you around your


that gives off inflammation and

inflammation causes more insulin

resistance and if you have visceral fat

that also means you have liver fat so

really it’s not the

superficial subcutaneous fat that’s

around your body that’s pathogenic it’s

the visceral fat that’s my own viewpoint

and then we have number nine

inflammation okay the more inflammation

you have

the more

insulin resistance you’re gonna have the

more insulin you’re gonna have the more

pathogenic especially in your arteries

and where does that come from does it

come from the saturated fat

no it doesn’t it comes from the

unsaturated fat the absolute worst food

that you can eat for the heart okay

besides sugar

and refined carbohydrates is the deep

fried foods because when you cook

these unsaturated

fats okay like soy oil corn oil

canola cottonseed oil and even sunflower

and safflower oil what you’re doing is

you’re generating a tremendous amount of

inflammation in the body and you’re

contributing to heart disease right if

you were to consume saturated fats or

even deep fry in saturated fats like

lard talo coconut oil

you would not have near the problem with

inflammation because these unsaturated

fats are very unstable and they’re very

inflammatory what’s really bizarre to me

is what they’re recommending to prevent

a heart attack or what you should eat to

prevent heart attack right


polyunsaturated fats okay this is what

they’re recommending

if you have a heart problems

beans legumes fruits

and even they allow a good amount of

added sugar don’t ask me why

but like i said before science is

becoming more political and you’re going

to have to do your own research to find

the truth now if you have not seen my

video on the coronary artery

calcification score that would be a

really good one to watch next i put it

right here check it out