Keto Interview with a Type 1 Diabetic: INTERESTING | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone welcome back i have a a guest  that i’m gonna interview today special guest  

actually she works for me and christie is here  hi christy hi hey listen the reason i’m bringing  

you up is because um you had or you may still  have uh diabetes type one and i wanna know a  

little bit about your story so tell us about your  story okay uh so i have was i led a normal life  

most of my life you know up until my second  child my daughter uh during that pregnancy  

i was diagnosed with gestational diabetes and um i  was immediately put on insulin because managing it  

was very difficult with diet it was unmanageable  with diet so they put me on insulin very quickly  

and then they gave me the typical you  know reduce your carbs but i was still  

recommended to eat like 20 to 30 grams  of carbs a meal um so that really wasn’t  

working i was using a lot of insulin and  then i had my daughter teagan and they just  

assumed i went back to normal and of course  like i wanted to go back to normal so i just  

said okay i’m normal and i went back to  doing everything that i was doing before  

i stopped the medication and stuff and then um  about a year after i had her i started to notice  

symptoms like i was losing a lot of weight i  wasn’t really like watching my diet either so that  

didn’t really make sense for me and i was very  tired i was urinating frequently so i just decided  

one day to check my blood sugars because i had  the stuff from when i was pregnant and uh when i  

checked i was like 450 or something like crazy oh  my god so um i immediately knew i was a diabetic  

and i just assumed that i was a type 2 because  i didn’t know anything about diabetes so when  

i went to the doctor they also assumed that  because my mom and my dad and in my family  

so um that’s what they diagnosed me with with type  2 diabetes and they gave me metformin and told me  

to lower my diet which um i did i was very strict  low carb the way i thought i should be doing it um  

and nothing was you know i was still high and  then you know fast forward a couple months we go  

off the grid so we’re traveling in our rv it’s  very hard to keep fresh fruits and vegetables  

so um i kind of just started not caring i i was  like well my mom and my grandma are still alive so  

who cares you know i didn’t i didn’t really think  so i just stopped managing it basically i would  

every once in a while check my blood sugars and  i was high and i would treat it with some insulin  

it was just a very dangerous you know thing that i  was doing and then um we settled down in missouri  

and i started noticing like the frequent urination  the um i was always tired i was also starting to  

not be able to feel my feet and my hand  my tongue i was having spots in my eyes so  

i realized it was really important to get serious  about it and i started doing some research  

and um i found keto as a way to reverse the type  2. so i thought about it but i didn’t do it you  

know and then i went to the doctor they said  your a1c is 10 and a half you need to start using  

insulin and that’s when i left that appointment i  was like i knew insulin makes you gain weight and  

that’s always been something i’ve been concerned  about so at that point i said i’m going to  

do something different and i found like so  you your a1c was 10 10 point something okay  

yeah okay because normal edge should be like five  point five yeah okay right right it was very very  

high and uh that’s when they were like we’ve got  to do meal time insulin and all of this and i was  

like no no you know i’m too young i don’t want to  do that so i started to do the healthy keto and  

doing more research i found doctors like dr you  dr berg and then dr fung on the type 2 and how  

if you change what you’re eating and intermittent  fast you can reduce that so i was super excited  

i was ready to do it my husband got on board  with me and um then i stopped doing the insulin  

because i thought i checked with my doctor they  said you are definitely a type 2 so go ahead and  

give it a try so i did that and um then i  also cheated a little bit so i got really  

into ketosis and then i did i went and saw  some friends in st louis and started to  

i for that one meal i just went overboard so i was  like in the 500s after that meal and i never came  

back down and i ended up going into dka because  i was in st louis without my insulin and dka  

oh is diabetic ketoacidosis yeah so that’s a  situation where you have this very very high  

blood sugar and very low insulin because you’re  not taking it and your ph becomes very acidic it  

can be very dangerous and that never occurs  unless you’re you have type one or you have  

it’s just not you’re not controlling your blood  sugars but go ahead right and my i did end up um  

i went to the emergency room because i went a few  days thinking i had the flu and then i got to the  

point where i was unable to breathe and and that’s  when i went to the emergency room and they uh  

in the hospital they put me in the icu and in the  hospital they were trying to give me insulin and  

i was like no i don’t want that stuff like i  don’t need it i’m a type 2. and they were like  

looking at me i’m 91 pounds and they’re like no  like your blood sugars are way too high for you  

being in a fasting state you need insulin and they  came and they told me you’re a type 1 diabetic  

we’re going to do all the tests to confirm  that but that’s our belief so that was like  

a really hard thing to process um and then  when i i left the hospital i still knew  

i was going to do low carb because i didn’t want  to be doing a lot of insulin and um so that’s just  

what i’ve been doing so within it within six  months my a1c went from 10 and a half to 6.3  

and then uh by the year i was at 5.5 and i  think when i go i’m gonna go in february again  

i’ll probably be a little higher because like  some things have happened stress i did like fall  

off a little bit and i allow things in you know  sometimes when i shouldn’t so i do think my a1c  

is probably closer to six now um but i’m jumping  back in i you know things have settled down with  

the stress actually just a you know the stress  is my my mom uh she’s a type two uh but we think  

maybe she might be a type one but we you know but  she’s a type two and not managing her blood sugar  

so she actually was found unconscious in a coma  and she was in that state for quite some time  

so that really like at that moment stressed me  out and i did some cheating but now it’s kind  

of really like seeing her recovery how slow it is  she’s needing a lot of assistance a lot of therapy  

and she needs people to care for her she’s been  stuck in the hospital where they’re not managing  

her diabetes well at all which is making it  worse and it just reminded me like why i’m  

doing what i’m doing i don’t want to do that  to my family i don’t want to do that to myself  

so when i’m doing low carb i get to  use such little amounts of insulin that  

concern is really not present you know if i do go  low it’s very easily corrected so um that’s you  

know that’s kind of my story and why i’m doing it  i started an instagram page and then just finding  

this job because you know nobody wants to hear you  talk about keto but i get to do it all day long  

you know so i just feel so blessed because you did  that’s the other part my kidneys were failing and  

they wanted to put me on medication and i knew  based on like the videos i’d watched from you  

you know making sure i have plenty of potassium  in my diet that i would be able to protect my  

kidneys and reverse it and i and now my kidney  function is completely normal wow i’m happy with  

this and i don’t have anything that is so awesome  so uh what christy does uh she’s actually one of  

my keto consultants so she helps people on the  phone she answer questions and you have a lot of  

personal experience so that is so valuable  question i have a couple questions number one  

when you are pregnant did you just have regular  carbo meals what did you eat while you’re pregnant  

with the trigger of this  whole in the beginning i just  

yeah in the beginning i was just eating normal  what was that like carbo food i mean fast food  

i wasn’t a big cooker i and i was very tired with  that pregnancy so and i think that might have been  

because also i got diagnosed during that pregnancy  with hypothyroidism or the hashimoto’s so um i was  

really tired and then i got really sick too so  i was very lazy i you know it was frozen pizzas  

taco bell you know fast food it was not healthy at  all but then when they told me about the diabetes  

i did try very hard but i was doing things like  toast and peanut butter thinking that was good for  

me and it wasn’t wow this this is what so so i’m  so interested in creating more videos on what to  

eat while you’re pregnant because so many women  they don’t think it’s a big deal but oh my gosh  

it can be a huge deal um not just for yourself but  you know you’re carrying a baby um so so presently  

right now um you still have to take insulin  but you’re not taking as much to control things  

oh my gosh it’s so little yes i mean i do and when  i’m really getting into it and i’m adding workouts  

i get down to i mean total and this is long  lasting and meal time insulin i’m doing like  

at max six units a day so um that’s like so little  yeah and when you think about all the money that  

you’re saving you know and the you’re also saving  yourself from further health complications because  

you know industrial size doses of insulin are  not good for our bodies whether you’re a type one  

or not you know we we may need it but we  don’t need that much though right and so  

this is another good point i want to mention is  the um the complications of high blood glucose  

are kind of similar to the complications of high  levels of insulin so and the more carbs you have  

the more insulin you have to take so why even go  that direction because the high insulin is going  

to create some problems too and and also where  is the carbs going when you take insulin are they  

just evaporating now they’re actually being shoved  in different places in your body and converted to  

different things um what what would you say that  a normal type 1 diabetic how much insulin are they  

taking per day do you have any idea so i would um  yeah because i follow some people on instagram and  

i i mean and just going from what i was taking  before i changed my diet and then even currently  

if i do have a pizza pizza um you know i have to  take 20 units of mealtime insulin and that still  

doesn’t cover it or it it’s too much and then i  have a low that’s scary you know so um i would  

say like they would be doing 50 plus units a day  and it probably just increases over time because  

uh you know the insulin resistance is taking  place you know and then it’s funny because my  

doc one of my the nutritionist uh at my doctor’s  office when i went i was like well my a1c is 5.5  

because she was trying to you know fix my diet and  i was like i got it you know i know what to eat  

and i was like my a1c is 5.5 and she was like oh  well that will probably creep up over time because  

your pancreas is gonna stop working even more and  i’m like no it’s pretty much done working you know  

like this is this is if it goes up it’s because  of my diet and i know i’m ready for it i’m gonna  

be disappointed in myself but i know it’s gone  up a little bit because of that period of time  

and i just want to add the reason not cheating  is is so important it’s not just that like okay  

yes in a moment my blood sugar was 300. it was  hard to undo that cheat you know i i did it in one  

moment thinking oh i’m just gonna eat whatever i  want right now because i’m so stressed and then i  

wanted to do it the next day and then i wanted to  do it the next day and it’s so hard to break that  

so it’s like once you get that momentum i was  at 5.5 like i i don’t think i’ll go back again  

regardless of my stress because it’s not worth it  like it just takes so long and like you said the  

sugar doesn’t just evaporate it gets put places  and it takes me like a week to see that completely  

out of my body even when i’m eating healthy my  blood sugars are higher because i’m getting rid of  

all the other the sugar that i ate you know that  it stuffed in my liver and so yeah you know that’s  

why i always i always tell people it’s actually  good to go off the program just just to experience  

this because that way you know you can actually  have judgment so no one’s like telling you you  

have to do this but you you know how your  body works you know if i actually go off  

the program it’s not going to be off for a couple  hours you’re talking about days yeah just a little  

bit and this is also for the average person  that’s trying to lose weight so i think for  

me i was a junk food junkie in my 20s i’m 30 now  so that good that’s good so what happened is um i  

uh i was so bad but it took me it took me years to  change my ways because i had to keep experiencing  

this painful side effects and consequences to  finally says okay that’s it i’m going to actually  

have discipline now but i think some some people  you know they have to learn on their own and  

then they have this shift of like you know what  okay i’m going to do it now for real so and you  

can’t really tell people that you can encourage  them but they have to kind of go through this  

thing i’m like okay go off the program see how you  do and then exactly why is it taking so long to  

get back on the track well yeah it’s an addiction  it really is an addiction and and it like pops in  

your head you know like you have it one day and  the next day now you’re like oh i want that again  

and i want to win you know and it really is  it’s a addiction so i’m i think like just  

seeing everything that’s going on with my mom like  firsthand i’ve heard you know i’ve heard people  

experience that but dealing with it myself and  seeing how frustrating it is right when i was in  

dka i had the ability to tell them what i wanted  but she can’t you know she’s unable to communicate  

how to manage her diabetes not that she was doing  it great you know obviously right but um you know  

now that i’m involved i’m gonna try to help  her and i just feel like i got there too late  

but this is where we are and it really hasn’t  opened my eyes to say okay the cheats are not  

good anymore like i’m done i don’t want to do  it anymore i don’t and and i’ve been feeling  

great so i’m gonna i’m seeing the course so i’m  curious um when i broke my elbow demolished it  

shattered it i had to go to the hospital  to get surgery so uh so i get in there and  

then i’m like wait a second i didn’t bring my  food with me and of course they i wake up and  

they have crackers jello pudding and i’m asking  for some protein or something and they’re like  

looking at me strange now i’m curious if  you’re a diabetic and you’re in the hospital  

um is there any any shift of anything other than  the same thing it’s so bad dr berg okay because  

for the diabetic diet right they knew i was  a diabetic they brought me biscuits and gravy  

and i was i said to the guy when he was handing  it to me i said this is not low carb and i was  

like i just want eggs with cheese and bacon like  that’s all i want i don’t want the biscuits in the  

gravy and he’s like oh well the biscuits see and  they’re only three grams of carb i was like what  

world are you living in right now you know like  no just i don’t know who typed this sticker up  

but no i’m going to tell you right now doctor like  this is not three grams of carbs this is like 50  

or 60 grams of carbs and it’s gonna spike me i’m  not eating it and um i had to tell them but still  

with my mom she was unconscious they were just  giving her this feeding tube which you know that  

stuff is terrible and then when she did start  eating they were giving her pancakes spaghetti  

toast bagels and no matter what i said to them on  the phone they just kept doing it and she ended up  

with serious lows in the hospital going low with  in the hospital’s hair how is that even possible  

and i know and they’re also dosing her after  her meal so they’re chasing the high which is  

very dangerous because the blood sugar will  lower on its own you know after it raises so  

it’s just a very d it seems so contradictory  you’re supposed to be there and they’re supposed  

to care for you and you can’t trust that anymore  you have to be able to advocate for yourself

incredible so um anyway i wanted to say one last  thing um and for those of you that are watching  

you definitely need to um we can actually give  you the right eating plan so i’ll put a link  

down below and um so this is what i wanted to  tell you i stumbled on your blog which is a  

fascinating blog it’s actually off it’s called  off the grid what off the grid street and uh  

so you basically you have you do videos of like  you guys are living i guess it’s a farm isn’t it  

well we’re trying to start it you know we’re  trying it’s very slow going again this job has  

been such a blessing for our family because i  don’t have to leave the home to do my job so  

that’s helping a lot with the progress so right  now we’re focusing on building our tiny house  

um we will get some more chickens and we do want  our own farm we want to be able to make our own  

food and um be self-sustainable that’s our goal  so it’s been slow going sometimes it gets a little  

you know defeating so but we’re still pushing  forward and i’m so excited that you saw our video  

that’s so cool oh yeah i was watching all sorts  of videos so for those of you watching i want you  

to go to that her blog right now put a link down  below and subscribe because it’s actually pretty  

cool very very cool thank you awesome well  thanks so much for uh spending the time and  

i think you probably have to get back to work  right why i got the phone call okay great awesome