Is Seed Oil Worse than Sugar? - Seed Oil vs. Sugar | DrEricBergDC

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you know I was at the grocery store the

other day

trying to find some food right sometimes

it’s hard to find actual real food at

the grocery store

so I’m going through and I’m I just had

this thought on my mind

if we were to look at this grocery store

from the Viewpoint of what percent

of all these foods have sugar okay

pretty high it’s sugar the really the

bad thing or is it maybe the refined

carbs or the starches or maybe it’s the

seed oils right high in omega-6 so today

I’m going to kind of discuss different

types of foods in relationship to how

bad they are because a lot of times you

are in certain environments like grocery

stores and you have to eat something so

what would be better than others right

kind of focus more on differentiating

sugar versus these


seed oils okay so before I begin I just

want to have you comment down in the

section below what do you think is worse

consuming sugar or seed oils and I’m

talking about the soy oil the corn oil

the canola the cottonseed oil the

safflower the sunflower oil I’ve done a

ton of videos on sugar and how bad it is

and it creates diabetes etc etc and I’ve

also done quite a few videos on omega-6

fatty acids and the importance of

getting your ratios of omega-6 to

omega-3 ideally I mean like one to one

would be awesome if you can go for that

on average we’re consuming way too much


omega-3 fatty acids I think it’s like

we’re consuming like 25 times more

omega-6 than we should in our diets yes

people will say that we need them

they’re essential but we don’t need as

many and we definitely don’t need the

type of omega-6 that we are being fed

but an average person is as far as

looking at the ratio of Omega 6 to

omega-3 like a 15 to 1 ratio okay that’s

the average person in the U.S now that’s

very very conservative it’s probably a

lot more like 30 40 50 60 I don’t know

but it’s high it needs to be one to one

these oils these fats okay they’re

called polyunsaturated fatty acids

they’re kind of like building blocks for

body tissue especially structural things

in our cell membranes and our brain and

when we have this imbalance we get all

sorts of problems especially in the cell

membrane when you consume sugar and I’m

talking about refined sugar like from

Candy you know added sugars and ice

cream and things like that they also

create some bad effects they don’t tend

to go and Lodge into our cells like the

oils but they combine with proteins and

they kind of alter the protein and

that’s called glycation which they it

makes this protein unavailable level

that extra sugar doesn’t tend to

accumulate other than being converted to

Fat like the omega-6 fatty acids do so

if we just compare one aspect of

accumulation in the body we take a look

at omega-6 or seed oils industrial seed

oils versus sugar industrial seed oils

will accumulate in your tissues they

make up your tissues for a very long

time like 600 days okay so that’s the

problem they’re not water soluble like

sugar is they tend to accumulate in the


now sugar can be burned off okay when

you exercise you can burn off this

excess sugar now there’s some other

points that I want to mention do these

refined oils deplete you of certain

nutrients they can especially the fat

soluble nutrients okay but what about

the sugar does that deplete any

nutrients I’m talking about refined


the answer is a big fat yes it does it

depletes your B1 big time the more sugar

you consume the more B1 that is needed

to metabolize that sugar if you’re

eating a lot of sugar you’re going to

deplete your B1 you’re going to have a

lot of symptoms of a B1 deficiency so we

have B1 calcium magnesium we have

deficiency of zinc vitamin C the

chemistry of vitamin C versus glucose is

very very similar so if you’re consuming

glucose or sugar same time with vitamin

C it’s going to compete so the body’s

going to pull in the sugar and and avoid

pulling in the vitamin C and so if a

person consumes a lot of sugar

especially through the day they have a

lot of gum problems right they’re going

to start doing signs of kind of a

subclinical scurvy which is you have

bleeding gums fatigue they brush your

teeth and the toothbrush is red because

it’s destroying the um the

vascularization and making the blood

vessels very very weak like the

connective tissue that’s not happening

just in your gums it’s happening

throughout the entire body so refined

sugar does deplete vitamins but what

about fruit okay well fruit has sugar

but it also has these vitamins so

chances are it’s not going to deplete

any of these vitamins so that’s a plus

point for fruit so if you were to

evaluate the sugar and fruit versus

refined sugar of course refined sugar is

much much worse plus the complications

for the side effects from this refined


can be countered or lessened greatly if

you have phytonutrients so this is why

fruit is much much better than refined

sugar because it has all the

phytonutrients that can protect you from

the complications from diabetes it’s

very highly likely that you would ever

develop diabetes from consuming fruit

the reason I don’t recommend consuming

fruit is just that there’s too much

sugar and it bumps you a lot of ketosis

but anytime you’re eating anything in

the whole form okay there’s protective

factors in this whole form whether it’s

a starch or a fruit now with these seed

oils wow you’re getting a highly refined

over processed part of a seed which is

the oil part but nothing else you’re not

getting the phytonutrients to protect

you against the the oxidation that that

oil is going to create on your body

especially with your like LDL you’re

going to oxidate your LDL that’s going

to affect the inside of the arteries

it’s going to create inflammation it’s

going to pull things out of your body

and also how do you think that they

extract this oil from the seed

they use a solvent it’s called hexane

okay is it possible that some of that


still in that oil or does it magically

go away so you take this seed and you

turn it into this oil with all these

things that you do to it and then you

put it on the shelves as vegetable oil

right it sounds really healthy but it’s

really not but the amount of this oil in

our diet

just tremendous and unfortunately all

this came from this huge push to replace

the saturated effects with the

unsaturated fats okay that’s really why

it’s in our grocery stores in abundance

right and you might say well we don’t

consume any of that oil but what about

your salad dressing have you ever tried

to buy salad dressing without some of

these seed oils what about in hummus

right you’re supposed to put olive oil

and hummus they replaced it with soy oil

and canola oil and even safflower oil or

sunflower oil so we have all the

condiments mayonnaise especially soy oil

we have the salad dressings and then we

have the restaurant Foods right I mean

wow I mean try to get some food that’s

they don’t use these seed oils to fry

something or cook something with at a


especially if you consume anything fried

at the restaurant those appetizers

loaded with omega-6 fatty acids right

you might not make the connection but I

mean just see how you feel the day after

you go to a restaurant you just you

might feel bloated you know kind of

thick in your gut probably because of

those oils now I’m not even going to go

down the path of talking about like a

fast food restaurant or consuming french

fries or some of these obvious forms of

deep-fried Foods using Mega amounts of

corn or soy oil under this condition

where there’s extreme High Heats

and how many times do they use that same

oil over and over and over again I heard

it’s like weeks and months before they

change oil but all of that oil is going

to Lodge into our membranes at least

with sugar you can go and exercise and

burn it off now there’s going to be

deficiencies so you’d want to take these

vitamins back into the body

but I just recommend avoiding them I

mean let’s take a long distance Runner

right and they consume this little

glucose gel pack right filled with

you know glucose or maltodextrin right

it’s going to deplete a lot of nutrients

they’re going to burn off this energy

for sure

but they’re going to also end up with

low blood sugar symptoms they’re going

to end up with deficiencies the type of

deficiencies that you don’t want if

you’re an athlete right vitamin B1

vitamin C zinc magnesium

you don’t want those if you’re running

long distances I mean you need that B1

to handle the um the lactic acid

byproduct of the glucose metabolism so

you might end up with a lot of sore

muscles and uh a lot of other issues

like even lactic acidosis which it’s

like affects your breathing now at the

restaurants if you ever want to know

um where to find the majority of these

omega-6 just look at the kids menu right

the deep fried foods they have the

french fries of course the deep fried

Hush Puppies the mac and cheese all

these highly processed foods with just a

ton of omega-6 fatty acids if we just

look at these two omega-6 seed oils and


omega-6 fatty acids are much much worse

than the sugars now the other really

important point to know is that

the ratios of Omega 6 to omega-3 they

should be one one like I said before an

average person has at least 25 omega-6

to 1 omega-3 so this is so far out of

whack so another hidden source of this

is the grains that are fed to animals so

when you’re consuming the conventional

grain fed B for the grain-fed chickens

which produce the eggs the eggs would be

like if we’re talking about omega-6 like

19.9 to 1 Omega-3

so heavy on the omega-6 but if we look

at the free range non-GMO non-soy fed

chickens that produce these eggs we get

like a much better ratio like a 1.3

omega-6 to a one omega-3 and they’re

discovering all sorts of things that can

also improve this ratio

if a chicken is fed a fish meal Which is

higher at omega-3 okay it may be some

flax oil which has a precursor to


uh then that ratio comes way down to

like a 6.6 to a one ratio okay which is

much better down even to a a one to one

ratio so it really depends on what they

feed the chickens but if you’re looking

for chicken eggs

I would really go for the pasture-raised

organic eggs okay not pasteurized

pasture raised and then of course you

get the beef right you have the

grain-fed beef versus the grass-fed

grass-finished beef I’ve done videos on

this and also a study that is quite

amazing showing

the difference between beef from a

grass-fed or a grain fed diet and there

is a huge difference typically grain-fed


is like nine to one

nine omega-6 to 1 omega-3 okay whereas

grass-fed beef is like two to one now

when I submitted my B for my farm into


this study mine was like

um closer to like a one point I think it

was one point one to one ratio so it was

actually even better than most of the

other Farmers simply because my cows

don’t ever get the option to consume any

grain at all because a lot of times even

though something is grass-fed they can

also be grain finished there should be

more transparency with what you’re

really getting

and I think in the going in the future

you’re going to see that more and more

because I want to know if I’m spending

more money for grass-fed I want to know

it’s truly grass-fed now what about

other things like um nuts okay nuts are

high in omega-6 but nuts are also high

in these phytonutrients that can also

balance out all the complications from

the omega-6

versus US refined oils there’s no other

anything in there that can counter all

that oxidation so even though nuts are

high in omega-6 they’re not nearly as

bad so again we have to look at the

whole picture to evaluate levels of how

bad a food is versus something else now

if we refine that nut into like almond

flour for example now we’ve gotten rid

of some of these protective factors so

if you take these grains right and you

turn them into flour even if they’re

whole grains you’re still going to

oxidize them expose them to Air and

you’re going to lose a lot of the

nutrients so even though something is

whole grain okay less refined it’s still

a problem because it’s refined other key

Point relating to these omega-6 fatty

acids has to do with

the competitive nature between an

omega-6 and omega-3 fat okay they do

tend to compete

so if you’re consuming a lot more

omega-3 fatty acids from fish oils or

cod liver oil which you should be doing

and at the same time you’re consuming a

lot of the omega-6

they’re going to kind of cancel each

other out so you do need to reduce the

S6 and increase the omega-3 I think the

best way to do that is by doing the cod

liver oil because it’s a little bit

better than the fish oils even though

you can do the fish oils caliber oil

also has some additional things in it

like vitamin A and vitamin D and then as

far as these other oils like cooking

oils you should use like butter or ghee

coconut oil lard Halo extra virgin olive

oil it’s very important to have those

oils as your cooking oils now there’s

one last point I want to bring up doing

a major Deep dive into DNA and I’ve been

looking at quite a few reports and out

of all the things that show up

as a common

denominator it’s these polyunsaturated

fatty acids okay it keeps showing up as

an alteration in our genes now what do I

mean alteration in our genes it means

that our body has a great difficulty in

converting the precursors like the Ala

into the DHA or the EPA and DHA which is

the omega-3 fatty acids so we have a

hard time converting them okay so if

you’re eating walnuts or flaxseed things

like that you’re not going to convert

them as easily on top of that you’re

going to have a hard time absorbing some

of the omega-3 fatty acids so this is

just another reason why these omega-3

fatty acids are so important the fish

oils or even eating while caught fish

having that in our diets or even

sardines huge as you can see if we

compare these two things

omega-6 seed oils and Industrial seed

oils are much much worse than sugar at

least with sugar you can exercise and

burn it off you can take phytonutrients

you can take about an to replace the

ones that are missing and of course the

phytonutrients can protect you even if

you have high levels of sugar in your

bloodstream because you’re a diabetic so

I just wanted to make this important

distinction because you can’t give

everything the same importance as far as

how bad it is there are certain things

that are much worse than others now if

you have not seen my video on the


of the study I was involved with

comparing brain fed beef grass-fed beef

you should check that out it’s pretty

interesting and I put that video up

right here