Sugar Toxicity | DrEricBergDC

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today we’re going to talk about sugar I

do not think people are aware of how

much sugar they’re putting in their

bodies and their family’s bodies take a

look at right up here we have peanut

marshmallows number those things as a

child 280 grams of sugar both of these

combined right here could even fit them

to one cup and then we get apple juice

apple juice has 264 grams of sugar I

mean how many kids at parties at the

school they’re drinking the apple juice

thinking it’s better than soda when in

fact it seems to be it has more sugar

both of these combined right here and

then we got Coke 136 grams of sugar that

Arizona 120 grams right here you can get

this at the dollar store for a buck

which a lot of this contains high

fructose corn syrup all right now high

for just corn syrup is a lot cheaper

than actual sugar that’s why they’re

using it now it’s like 20 cents a pound

an average person consumes about 63

pounds of hyper just corn syrup every

single year

frosted our notes F Froot Loops I’d like

to know how much fruit is in Froot Loops

I don’t think any but they have fiber

and whole grains

so this Froot Loops has 96 grams of

sugar now the other thing you need to

make a note on is that some of these

refined grains like flour products might

not have a lot of sugar but they have a

lot of grains which isn’t listed in the

sugar content so when you evaluate the

food at the grocery store when you buy

it always look at the sugar amounts okay

a little sugar on the nutrient facts

it’ll have sugar grams that’s the most

important thing to look at and you want

that as close to zero as possible and

then you want to realize that serving

size per cup and then it says how many

servings per container so you have to

multiply eight serving per container

times the number of sugars to get the

true amount so if you’re just looking at

the sugars it’s not 12 grams for the

whole box it’s 12 times 8 which is 96

scrams okay then we have nutrigrain

nutrigrain blueberry right it says made

with real fruit but but realize that

there’s so much sugar in here 96 grams

there’s a little bit of blueberry

flavoring and puree that’s pretty much

about it then we have orange drink

that’s 91 grams of sugar you can get

this for a buck at the dollar store and

it has a lot of high fructose corn syrup

and then we have chocolate fudge soda 80

grams and then check this out Similac

this is baby formula and what’s

interesting is I try to find the sugar

grams you can’t find it I don’t know why

but if you look on the label it’ll have

total carbohydrates but it won’t have

total sugars so I’m just taking the

total carbohydrates assuming that sugar

beats simply because it’s made the first

ingredient is corn syrup and then soy

protein isolates so anytime it’s the

first ingredient it’s the most material

in the product okay so we have baby

formula and then we have Gatorade 58

grams of sugar dextrose they use

dextrose and sucrose those sugars tend

to deplete electrolytes so sugar one of

the facts is it depletes potassium it

depletes calcium and it depletes B

vitamins when you deplete your potassium

your relative sodium goes up so you

retain sodium and that’s why you can

gain a pound to weight after eating just

a little bit of sugar because of the

fluid retention and we get vitamin water

31 grams I mean an average coca-cola 8

ounce can of coca-cola has 38 grams this

has 31 not much less and again these

they should call it synthetic vitamin

water good it’s all synthetic vitamins

check this out hidden sugar in flavored

yogurt 26 grams of sugar that’s really

only 10 grams well 12 grams less than a

coke there’s a lot of sugar in this


here and then Activia 25 grams of sugar

and then we have ensure we have 23 grams

of sugar with a lot of synthetic

vitamins so when you take sugar cane

itself you have tremendous amounts of

nutrition which will never produce tooth

decay because of all the vitamins and

minerals in in the sugar cane so when

they separate it out into white sugar

the other part of sugar is molasses okay

and then they have different varying

degrees of how much of molasses versus

white sugar brown sugar you have a raw

sugar and you have really dark molasses

but molasses is still high in sugar as

well but it had at least it has

nutrition so it’s not going to form any

negative effects with tooth decay - and

when you bake with molasses you’re more

satisfied because of the fact that has

more nutrition it’s hard to eat a lot of

it it’s easier to eat a lot of refined

sugar because there’s no nutrients to

turn off the brains hunger okay so when

you eat foods high in sugar you tend to

want to eat more and more and more of it

because there’s no nutrition so it

depletes various things so the other

thing I want to mention the effect of

sugar is this thing called insulin

insulin regulates sugar by getting the

sugar out of the blood fast when you

take this much sugar in in one sitting

for example you’re going to have massive

whiplash of certain organs like your

pancreas that flood that insulin and and

spike it to drop the sugar and what it’s

doing is taking the sugar putting it in

storage is fat triglycerides cholesterol

okay that’s what it’s doing so when the

blood sugar goes up and your insulin

goes up to counter it you start to

create fatigue within the whole system

and over time it lose the control and

then you end up with low blood sugar

that’s the first step that’s like a

pre-diabetic it’s called hypoglycemia

low hypo meaning low blood sugar

glycemic means sugar so we have the

situation we have low blood sugar so

here are the symptoms craving sweets

okay that’s a pre-diabetic State craving

sweets all the time then we have here


anxiety depression a DD hyperactivity

those are all signs of pre-diabetes

because it’s hypoglycemia and what

happens is that over time you start

creating more and more damage with the

system and now the insulin doesn’t work

so now things stay high in the sugar

hyperglycemia that’s called diabetes why

because you don’t have enough insulin to

push it down so the symptoms for high

blood sugar would be fatigue brain fog

much like you would feel after a

Thanksgiving meal so you have this

lethargy this brain fog this fatigue all

right and that’s diabetes and that’s why

they take certain drugs metformin and

even insulin to start lowering the blood

sugar the problem with that is that once

you’re diabetic because the sugars

aren’t regulated there’s a lot of side

effects with vision you go blind

eventually because it affects the nerves

in the eye the optic nerve it affects

the circulation in the outer fingertips

and the feet so you start getting pain

in your feet tingling it’s called

peripheral neuropathy eventually losing

circulation eventually losing your toes

to gangrene this is a lot of about

affects not just weight gain and in the

presence of just a little bit of sugar

because sugar and insulin I’m sorry

because insulin is a dominating hormone

you can do a lot of good things with

your diet and all it takes is a little

bit of that bad thing especially as you

age to create huge countering effects so

in a little bit of sugar will block a

lot of good things that you do so you

can be exercising eating good and

sleeping and just a little bit of sugar

will bump you out of fat-burning for a

long time depending on your metabolism

now when you’re 18 you can get away with

it like myself because all I ate growing

up was sugar sugar sugar I would live on

these foods and that’s why I got in

health because I burnt my body out I

lasted till I was 28 I met a patient

yesterday in fact and she lasted till

she was like 48 and she she’s been

living in triggering all eyes and

finally I caught up with her and now she

has diabetes and all these other

problems so that’s what’s motivating her

so I’m not saying you can’t have all

these things but all I’m saying is I

want you to be aware of what’s going to

occur and be willing to experience those

negative effects

be more cognitive when you eat this

thing versus being slightly asleep when

you’re eating and getting into that

social mode where you all of a sudden

you realize oh my gosh what did I just

do so I want you to become more aware of

what you do when you consume this and

realize that how much damage it creates

now there’s a couple things that you can

do to get rid of cravings number one you

can consume more potassium I just wrote

a book and you could download this free

off my website called the kale shake

diet it’s 12 pages it’s a free book and

there’s nothing in here to buy you can

download it off my website you can also

come my office and just get one free but

it’s very very simple you should get

your friends and family just to do this

one simple thing make a kale shake in

the morning and that starts to spike

your potassium because potassium is the

mineral that will help reduce the

cravings to sugar why because it helps

to prevent a low blood sugar situation

so so it’s very important to have a lot

of potassium in the diet so that that

way you won’t want as much sugar and

when you’re burning when you’re actually

craving sugar you’re not burning fat so

just realize that if you’re trying to

lose weight and you’re still craving

sugar then there’s you’re not really

burning fat you’re just burning up your

sugar and then you eat more sugar and

it’s a never-ending process true fat

burning you have milk cravings for sugar

that’s just an FYI now the best

sweetener that I I use I like the

xylitol don’t give it to your dog it’s

interesting as a side effect on dogs but

for you it tastes very just like sugar

you can use it in your baking and things

like that I highly recommend something

like this and you know for your kids and

things get some recipes and do it that

way and another point I want to bring up

it’s so funny how you have people let’s

say well dr. Burke I’m doing I wouldn’t

tell foods that I’m doing organic foods

of course come to find out those organic

treats are made with agave nectar

coconut syrup and brown rice syrup those

are it’s still sugar it’s still going to

create a similar effect so just because

this organic doesn’t mean it’s okay to

consume another point is that through

3% of children are becoming diabetic

that’s crazy

we never had this when I was growing up

there’s been this huge spike of more and

more and more sugary drinks it’s the

sugar that’s the culprit so basically in

closing what I want to talk about is I

want to show you some interesting ads

that you can you probably saw growing up

you know when you were younger number

one there’s this ad that says that the

importance of sugar this is right here

in a timely matter in families and meals

nutritional findings show that your need

for nature’s own sweetener is as

deep-seated as human body’s need for

energy it’s only 18 calories and here’s

another one why so many weight watchers

find sugar a spoon full of prevention

what prompts Weight Watchers to take

sugar in their beverage and a light

dessert now and then well it may look

like cheating but they’re really making

their diet easier to stick to that’s

because sugar helps prevent you from

overeating it satisfies your appetite

much faster than other foods with sugar

in your diet you’re happier with smaller

portions and everything you try and

that’s hilarious because again they

don’t realize that the insulin effect is

so dominating it’s so powerful

the whole calorie counting thing is a

joke how about this one for a better

start and life tried Cola early earlier

how soon is soon not soon enough

laboratories tests I’d love to see these

laboratory tests over the past few years

has been proven that babies who start

drinking soda during the early formative

period have a much higher chance of

gaining acceptance and fitting in during

those awkward preteens and teens so do

yourself a favor do your child a favor

start them on a strict regimen I love

that strict of soda and other sugary

carbonated beverages right now for a

lifetime of guaranteed happiness

guaranteed how about this one pure

pleasure give some 7up and you’re into

your kids it’s so wholesome mix it with

milk see this is this is the problem the

apparently marketing works so here’s the

thing here’s what I want you to do

spread this video to your friends and

family go through your cupboards go

through your refrigerator start getting

the sugar out of your body it’s it has

major effects not just on your body but

your weight your vitality your energy so

I hope this video helped you to increase

your awareness spread the word and I’ll

see you in the next video