Benefits of Olives, Olive Oil, and Olive Leaf Extract – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Berg here in this video we’re going  to discuss olive olive oil and olive leaf okay  

olive leaf extract so first of all olives have been around for a long time it’s actually  

considered a fruit really good in preventing  clotting now that’s going to help with strokes  

so many people are on medication to thin their  blood well olives are natural floods binning  

agent without any side effects it’s loaded  with vitamin E vitamin A in a pre vitamin A  

form copper iron really good for high blood  pressure okay so those are olives and then  

you have the oil from the olive extra virgin  I would recommend but this oil is a really  

potent anti-inflammatory it’s considered in a  weak ibuprofen because it has effect on pain  

and headaches has there’s a lot of studies on cancer and how it can actually improve the risk  

of cancer loaded with vitamin E doesn’t have a  lot of vitamins but vitamin E it does have but  

it does support the cardiovascular system and it  also is good to improve V if there’s any type of  

damage in the artery wall which is always the  precursor for a clot so it’s good for the heart  

it’s good for blood sugars but olive leaf extract  is something that I really recommend a lot it’s  

antiviral antibacterial antifungal it’s just an  overall good killer of bugs in your body and even  

if you have something like MRSA this is what I  would be taking I remember one time I had the  

flu and I took this with an hour I was better  so it’s really good for viral infections and  

other infections some people take it as a natural  antibiotic as well really good for blood pressure  

very good for allergies especially of the sinus  and their studies it’s very anti tumor so you  

might want to keep this around in the house in  case you’re running down run down with something  

and I would also combine this with oregano oil  you can have them those little pearls and olive  

leaf extract for a really good antimicrobial  natural remedy alright thanks for watching