If You Have Acid Reflux, This is What You Should Know | DrEricBergDC

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today i want to talk about the most important  things you need to know if you have acid reflux so  

i have this diagram of the stomach there’s a valve  on the top part and there’s a valve on the lower  

part the valve on the top prevents acid  and food from regurgitating up through  

the esophagus the valve in the bottom  controls the food from the stomach  

into the small intestine as well as controlling  the food and bile from regurgitating back up into  

the stomach so both of these valves are sphincters  it’s like a circular muscle that is controlled by  

the autonomic nervous system so the muscular  control is kind of a gradual contraction and  

a gradual relaxation until it’s fully open and so  the problem we have with these valves is they’re  

if they’re open at the wrong time or close at the  wrong time we can have a big problem with acid  

and bile ending up in the wrong place now because  they’re controlled by the autonomic nervous system  

that means that they’re highly influenced with  this thing called stress and this is why there are  

so many digestive problems that can be affected  by stress like acid reflux heartburn and the list  

goes on and on and on and so if you have acid  reflux and a lot of stress you know you’re gonna  

have to do something to reduce that stress before  it starts improving now the other thing that  

controls these sphincters is calcium calcium has  the function of muscular contraction so it helps  

close these sphincters but most of the time people  are lacking the vitamin that controls calcium  

i’m talking about vitamin d if you’re deficient in  vitamin d you’re not going to have enough calcium  

and the valve is not going to close fully and  incidentally vitamin d also acts like cortisol in  

the body and there’s a lot to do with controlling  stress and by taking vitamin d that can actually  

help reduce your stress and can help directly  close the valve just from the function of vitamin  

d itself now the other cause of this valve on  the top of the stomach opening at the wrong time  

is because you don’t have enough hydrochloric acid  in your stomach apparently there are receptors or  

sensors in that valve for hydrochloric acid  so we have the synchronization of food coming  

through the valve closing and acid increasing so  you can get a complete digestion so if you don’t  

have enough hydrochloric acid or the acid in your  stomach is not acid enough that valve might not  

close and that can cause the regurgitation effect  so what can cause a deficiency of hydrochloric  

acid well one is low chlorides as in low salt  so if you’re on a low salt diet or not taking  

enough sea salt that could be the reason  why you don’t have enough hydrochloric acid  

also it takes potassium to also make hydrochloric  acid so you need those electrolytes as the  

building blocks to make hydrochloric acid now  another big cause of low hydrochloric acid is  

medication induced hypochlorhydria that  is low stomach acid caused by antacids  

especially the ppis now there are also foods that  actually can aggravate the situation gluten grains  

sugar of course alcohol and omega-6 fatty acids  as in all the soy oil the canola oil the corn oil  

the cottonseed oil and of course all  the processed foods and the junk foods  

those can not only disrupt the opening closing  of the valves but they can also disrupt the  

production of hydrochloric acid let me first  talk about the importance of hydrochloric acid  

okay number one its role in intestinal  hormones you have all sorts of hormones  

that are involved in your digestion and your small  intestine that’s secreted from the pancreas that’s  

secreted from the small intestine itself and  without hydrochloric acid they can’t work a lot  

of the enzymes that are in the upper part of the  digestive system they’re activated by a certain  

ph hydrochloric acid being an acid activates these  enzymes so they can work all right number two hcl  

prepares folate and b12 for absorption number  three hydrochloric acid helps the absorption of  

minerals i’m talking about calcium magnesium  potassium zinc and iron all right number four  

hydrochloric acid is also necessary for something  called the intrinsic factor for the absorption of  

b12 another mechanism of b12 absorption if you  don’t have enough b12 you’re going to have a lot  

of neurological problems and a lot of pain from  nerve damage all right next one is hcl is vital  

in the prevention of small intestinal bacterial  overgrowth this is the prevention of bacteria  

growing in the small intestine that’s the wrong  place we want bacteria growing in the large  

colon not the small intestine and so without  hydrochloric acid you can get sibo hcl is  

vital in preventing pathogens microbes that are  unfriendly going through the stomach and invading  

the body so we need this hydrochloric acid to kill  off unfriendly bacteria fungus viruses that are in  

our foods and also hcl is vital in preventing food  allergies because we want to take this protein  

break it down fully into amino acids and so if  it’s not fully broken down your immune system  

can react to it and you can develop allergies  all right so let me just touch briefly on the  

valve on the bottom part of the stomach okay  and this valve is very important in preventing  

bile from regurgitating up into the stomach and  then up into the esophagus bile can irritate  

the esophagus just as much as hydrochloric acid  because it’s a detergent and it can break down  

the mucous layer and create a lot of pain and  irritation now there’s three main culprits or  

problems with that happening number one excess  belly fat if you have too much visceral fat  

all that fat can put pressure up into this area  and cause a regurgitation of bile back up into  

the stomach number two hiatal hernia and for more  information about that i put a video down below  

so you can learn a real simple technique to  help that condition and lastly if you have a  

gallbladder problem or you have bile sludge or  even gallstones that’s obstructing the flow of  

bile that can create a backup bile into the system  and the solution for that is purify bile salts all  

right so what are the very important things  you need to do if you have acid reflux number  

one i would recommend starting out taking the  tane hydrochloride methane hydrochloride is a  

really good remedy for acid reflux it’s going to  increase the concentration of acid in your stomach  

and the problem with a lot of people when they  take obtain hydrochloride is they think that  

one or two with a meal is going to solve it  usually they’re going to need a lot more maybe  

five six seven eight with a meal especially in  the beginning and you would want to take it right  

before the meal and you’ll see it’ll create a huge  improvement in the digestion of your food and a  

lessening of the backup of acid that’s coming into  your esophagus also apple cider vinegar is very  

very important to add with that and you’ll find  great relief if you add both of those together now  

if you’re taking betaine heterochloride and apple  cider vinegar and you feel worse it aggravates the  

problem that could mean you either have an ulcer  or gastritis in which case you need to switch your  

plan of action and start taking chlorophyll  or some organic raw wheatgrass juice powder  

so that can help heal the irritation in your  esophagus and your stomach the best vegetable  

or even food for acid reflux is cabbage okay  all forms of cabbage and even sauerkraut so  

make mental note of that all right number three  very important reduce your stress do whatever  

you can to reduce your stress i have a thousand  videos on how to do that all right number four  

intermittent fasting if you’re consuming six  small meals or eating frequently just think  

about what’s happening you’re stressing the entire  digestive system intermittent fasting the decrease  

of frequency of eating especially if you can do  two meals or even one meal a day that’s called  

omad will greatly improve your acid reflux why  because it gives your digestive system a chance to  

reset and heal and not work so hard all right  number five vitamin d i’ve already mentioned that  

very important to prevent acid reflux number  six zinc l-carnosine is not only good for ulcers  

gastritis it’s also good for gerd and acid reflux  in fact zinc l-carnosine is good for anything  

that’s inflamed in your entire gastrointestinal  tract and number seven taking a very good  

probiotic because if you have the microbes helping  you digest in the lower part of your your system  

that’ll take a huge stress off the top part of  the digestive system because they’re all connected  

alright thanks for watching and i will see  you in the next video hey before you go  

if you’re benefiting from any of my content  i would love to hear about your success story  

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