The #1 Exercise to Lose Belly Fat (Easily) | DrEricBergDC

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today I’m going to share some really

important information on how to get rid

of your belly fat the easiest way

possible and primarily the exercise you

need to focus on I’ve talked about the

contribution of exercise to belly fat

loss being about 15 and diet being 85

percent but the question is what type of

exercise would be the best exercise to

help you lose this belly fat so I do

want to share some new information on

this topic that I stumbled on on a

research paper that involved 54

different studies number one they’re

operating off this information on

calories in their mind they think that

body fat equals calories in versus

calories out so the lower amount of

calories they intake the greater the

body fat this is known as the energy

balance equation which has been proven

false so many times so I have a question

for you if you lower your dietary


what happens to the rate at which you

burn those calories well unfortunately

it adapts it adjusts to your calories so

as soon as you start lowering your

calories let’s say for example you lower

your calories by 20 right well guess

what happens to your metabolic rate it

too lowers by about 20 percent now I’m

not saying that calories don’t matter

because obviously if you cut down your

calories low enough you will eventually

lose weight in fact if you don’t eat

you’re going to lose weight but the

question is is it sustainable can you do

it for how long eventually you’re going

to need to eat and let’s say you do lose

your weight and heat your goal then what

do you keep doing the same thing over

and over again how do you maintain this

weight and the other question is are all

calories fattening and the answer is no

you have to look at calories from the

Viewpoint of how your hormones influence

these calories the next problem is

something called the set point so let’s

say you lose weight right and you go go

on a diet and you lose the weight and

for some reason you can’t seem to get

below a certain weight let’s say it’s

155 pounds no matter what your body will

not go below that regardless of what you

do effort being put out exercise dieting

you tend to lose weight but not below a

certain point that is a person’s

individual set point and unfortunately

too much dieting can raise that set

point up to the point where every time

you start another diet you become

further and further away from your goal

and then we have the problem of exercise

what is the best exercise that will

maximize and be the best strategy to

leverage the maximum fat loss from your

midsection if you end up doing the wrong

exercise it can be devastating you’re

going into the gym week after week just

spinning your wheels not really getting

anywhere so before we get into the first

exercise that we need to get you into

the most important thing that you need

to know is that we have to first switch

your body to burn fat okay as your

primary fuel source there are two fuel

sources one is sugar the other is fat

and so many people end up mistakingly

just burning sugar Fuel and their body

is running off the calories of the meal

that they just ate and so they never

have a chance to tap into their actual

fat we want the body to run on fat not

just when you’re sleeping but between

your meals as well and whether you burn

sugar or fat really depends on one

hormone and that is called insulin if

insulin goes up you will not burn fat

you’re only going to burn sugar if it

goes down your body will then burn fat

you have to realize that the fat on your

body is a survival mechanism and it’s

very unnatural for your body to actually

burn fat in the first place it doesn’t

like burning off this fat it likes to

retain fat especially in your midsection

but you can Leverage urge certain pieces

of knowledge to get your body in fat

burning by simply understanding the

hormone influence over certain calories

so if we take the type of calories you

have carbohydrate calories you have

protein calories and you have fat

calories so out of all three of those

type of calories there’s really only one

type of calorie that increases insulin

believe it or not the fat calories do

not influence insulin of any significant

degree but on the flip side it doesn’t

mean that you can just start eating

unlimited amounts of fat and lose the

weight that’s not going to happen if you

lower the very specific type of calorie

cold carbohydrates your body will then

be forced to burn fat Fuel and from that

fat fuel you will also develop a more

available type of energy called ketones

okay so ketones are the byproduct of fat

the energy that your body can use as

fuel so to get your body of fat burning

we need to lower insulin by number one

lowering your carbohydrates and number

two and this is actually more important


lower the number of meals that you eat

okay eat less frequently this is called

intermittent fasting so I had a friend

who did the ketogenic diet right and uh

he said it doesn’t work and I said what

are you doing well I went on low carb

right I’m eating all this fat and I’m

eating all these keto fat bombs which

are these cookies made out of fat and

I’m eating them all day and I’m actually

gaining weight so obviously you missed

the other key component which is

intermittent fasting it’s necessary

because of this very important

information that a lot of people don’t

understand so if you’ve checked out I

want you to check back in right now

because this is very very very important

in addition to the carbohydrate

increasing insulin eating in general

will increase insulin so that little

snack that you had eating between meals

is very very very bad so to make this

successful you must not only lower your

carbs you must eat less frequently this

is called intermittent fasting you want

to do them together if you do that

you’ll get in the fat burning and

between the meals and at night you will

be burning fat fuel so you’ll be eating

your own fat between the meals and

what’s really cool about that is that

your appetite goes away you will not be

hungry between the meals which will make

it very easy to do long term plus you

won’t have cravings versus the other way

it’s going to be torture because you’re

going to be

hungry you’re going to want to eat every

hour and a half you’re going to want a

snack it’s disastrous now there’s one

more thing that you need to know and

this is another really really important

piece of information when you start

adapting into this fat burning or

ketones it takes about two days well if

you eat a tiny amount of carbohydrate

calories guess what can happen that

piece of bread or half a glass of wine

can literally pause this whole program

and stop fat burning for two freaking

days so this could be very very

depressing especially if you’re doing

mostly good but you just have a little

bit of certain things

too frequent like every other day and so

the second most important thing you need

to know is consistency okay staying very

very consistent with this program this

means doing it a hundred percent it if

you do this consistently your body is

going to get in this very interesting

State called the fat adapted state where

your body is very very efficiently now a

fat burning machine this is very

important because if you get into this

state which by the way does take some

time it can take up to a month to get

into the state it’s going to correct

something called insulin resistance

which most people have and it is the

real root cause behind stubborn weight

especially in your midsection so you’re

going to actually correct a bad

metabolism or a slow metabolism by

getting into this fat adapted state but

to do that you have to be consistent

correcting insulin resistance is going

to be huge because now things are going

to get easier and easier so then when we

add the exercise which is the next point

it’s finally going to be something that

really works for you as a side note

since we’re talking about in insulin

resistance there’s a couple other things

that you can do very simply just add one

tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to

your water and drink that two or even

three times a day put one tablespoon and

then drink that with the straw apple

cider vinegar greatly improves this

insulin resistance that one little tiny

change can actually create a big effect

on not just your weight but if you have

any liver fat it can help reduce fat off

your liver it can help balance your

blood sugars number three let’s talk

about the exercise and this is based on

the study which I’m going to put down

below but it’s not really just one study

it’s just a kind of like a a review of

54 different studies on this one topic

which we’re going to call walking

walking actually can help you burn more

fat off your midsection than doing this

higher intense exercise but I need to

explain the details of this I’m not

saying not to do high intense exercise

but you’re going to get more benefit out

of doing walking than the higher

intensity type exercise even though I do

recommend doing high intensity interval

training okay with the walking

but the high intensity interval training

tends to improve certain hormones it

tends to spike growth hormone

testosterone it’s essential for growing

muscle but as far as fat burning you’re

going to be more successful

from the walking now when you walk

you’re doing a type of exercise that is

lower intensity okay and the first 30

minutes you’re going to burn up kind of

the stored sugar in your body that’s

called glycogen and then after 30

minutes you are going to be burning pure

fat so obviously we want you to walk at

least an hour maybe even more than that

up to two hours per day now I’m just

talking about going for a walk I’m not

even counting all the other steps that

you’re walking through the day which

could add up to a lot but typically

walking only really burns like 200 to

300 calories per hour and that doesn’t

seem like a lot but when you are walking

you are reducing cortisol which is

stress you’re clearing out cortisol and

adrenaline which is a huge barrier to

losing weight walking greatly

significantly improves insulin

resistance and I highly recommend that

you get a pedometer to measure how many

steps that you walk in a day because you

want to increase those steps to around 8

000 to 10 000 steps per day here’s a

number of ideas that you can do to

actually increase more walking through

the day number one take your dog on a

walk go on a walk with a friend usually

that can help motivate you and push you

to walk more when you walk try to speed

up a little bit more so you’re not

walking too slowly if you have a chance

to take uh the stairs or walk up a hill

take advantage of that when you walk try

to find something in nature that you can

actually you know look at and get your

attention out and look at things that

will accelerate the process because

you’re improving What’s called the

parasympathetic nervous system which is

all about reducing stress versus just

kind of getting on a treadmill and

watching some screen or your cell phone

which you’re not having a chance to get

more space by looking around you in your

environment make a game out of it make

it fun don’t get too serious about it

start recording your numbers and each

time try to build on that and getting a

little bit more if it’s raining outside

you know walk in your house what what I

do is I can kind of walk downstairs

upstairs walk downstairs upstairs walk

around the rooms come around

I’ve done that in the winter when it was

snowing and because I go I couldn’t go

outside it’s not a bad idea to also walk

after you eat with each meal especially

if you feel bloated or you have

digestive problems walking can greatly

improve that now I want to tell you a

recent experience that I just went

through that I think you’ll find very

interesting I decided to do what’s

called stem cell therapy okay and stem

cell therapy is where they take some of

your fat okay and then they siphon it

down pull the stem cells out put it into

a vial inject it back into your body to

help circulate and heal certain things

and I did it mainly for old injuries and

arthritis that I have in my spine so

I’ve been looking at this for a long

time and I decided to bite the bullet

and get it done but they have to do

liposuction and when they evaluated me I

didn’t have enough fat so I had to gain

more fat around my midsection so they

can can lipo it out and have enough fat

I needed five pounds more fat in my

midsection now that might not seem like

a lot but it’s a lot in order to gain

five pounds of fat I had to gain more

weight than that right because you don’t

just gain fat you gain some muscle and

fat so I basically went from 183 pounds

to 197 pounds now the question is how

did I gain this fat number one I ate

more carbs but I didn’t eat like the

Breads and pasta and cereal and crackers

and stuff like that okay because that

creates a bit more inflammation

I had things like certain fruits like

apples with peanut butter between the

meals especially I had things like

blueberries and I’m talking a lot of

blueberries I even ate things like

potatoes but I had the purple potatoes

from the Peruvian potatoes that had more

antioxidants and I also had some red

potatoes and I ate more calories for

sure and I also ate three meals plus

snacks and I gained a good amount of fat

in my midsection so I live on a farm and

there’s nothing flat there’s all sorts

of hills

and I’m very used to walking everywhere

all day long and what I noticed when I

started to try to gain weight I wasn’t

gaining any weight because I was walking

all over burning all these calories so

what I basically had to do is slow down

not walk around so much and that was

very hard to do but it was a really key

thing to help me gain weight so after

the procedure I’m back on my original

program I’m doing two meals a day okay

I’m not doing potatoes anymore I’m not

doing any more fruit especially the

apples and then we’ll create a video on

the stem cell uh therapy and the results

of that in about a month because it does

take some time for it to work now that

you have these principles the next thing

you need to know is the details of

exactly what to eat and for that

information you should check this video

out right here