The FASTEST Way to Get Rid of Your Allergies | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about the number one antidote

to allergies okay now whether you have


or food sensitivities

let’s talk about how you can actually

get rid of those but what is the

difference between a true allergy and a

food sensitivity well there’s several

things that are uh different with each

one a true allergy

involves a protein but with a food

sensitivity many times there is a

delayed reaction okay so you eat this

certain thing

and you don’t feel any difference for

about two

to six hours later


even up to 72 hours

later and this makes it very very


to connect the dots

because it can show up in a headache it

can show up in a mood change like


it can show up in fatigue it can show up


crohn’s or some type of inflammation in

your gut

it can show up in your skin as eczema

or it can show up in your joints as

arthritis but if you wanted to figure

out what food sensitivities you have

you can get what’s called an igg test

which basically it’s it’s a type of


test but with food sensitivities there’s

more of a generalized discomfort usually

not a severe symptom but with food

allergies there’s more of a severe

inflammatory symptom or even a very uh

life-threatening situation where you

have an anaphylactic shock so the

question is how do you deal with these

is there a non-drug


antidote or remedy for allergies or food

sensitivities now there definitely is

a very valid uh form of uh therapy is

just the elimination diet right you

figure out what you are sensitive to and

then you avoid that for a period of time

and then sometimes it can even go away

but there’s something even more powerful

than that i want to touch on

now you have to realize that

allergies originate in your gut

something happens with the permeability

in your gut so you start to get a leaky

gut which is just the tight junctions in

your gut start to open up and then some

of these particles whether it’s a

protein or other particles can

get through that little barrier

and then your immune system can react to

it and then you start developing

antibodies to this specific

particle or food and it gets really

confusing because

let’s say you have a peanut allergy

the protein in peanuts is very similar

to almonds so you may have a true almond

allergy that can also show up as a

peanut allergy so i’m not going to get

in that complexity now because what i’m

going to talk about is how just to

improve your immune system to the point

where you don’t have allergies anymore


the antidote to allergies

is called

autophagy it’s a condition where your

body is eliminating proteins that you

don’t need anymore because they’re

somewhat damaged it is a survival

mechanism that your body has been using

for a very very long time

to help protect you against various


because if there’s

some type of defect or impairment

with this

normal autophagy condition and then

these proteins can exist and create a

lot of problems for people there’s been

a direct link between impairments in

autophagy and alzheimer’s disease

parkinson’s disease

lung fibrosis

and a whole list of other problems so

this is a very important

normal process that goes on in our body

it’s your body’s way of dealing with

a lot of damaged things like even damage

within your dna or damage within the

mitochondria which can create a lot of

problems and even increase your risk for


and autophagy is also an anti-aging

process because as you age autophagy can

come in there and help clean up some of

the old damaged proteins that need to be


giving you not just a useful look

but better functioning body and

autophagy can even decrease

infections it can remove um

long-standing viruses from your body

like epstein-barr virus


papilloma virus

and other pathogens that shouldn’t be in

your body so autophagy is a really good

thing but as far as allergies go there’s

a lot of great data on this which i’m

going to put the links down below

that you can increase the expression of

autophagy to help decrease allergies so

the research i’m going to supply you

shows that you can decrease allergies


histamine levels levels of igg which are

basically the antibodies that are

involved in sensitivities autophagy can

repair the immune system it can rebuild

your immune system it can enhance

the immune defense system and it can

reduce pulmonary inflammation

so now the big question is how do we

increase autophagy in the body and

there’s several things you can do the

most powerful one


fasting okay

fasting is the most powerful stimulus of

a topogene

now what i would recommend if you have

allergies is i would start doing


fasting immediately and do that on a

regular basis okay that alone just might

eliminate your allergies

especially as you increase your fasting

window okay to like 18 hours or maybe 20


or even getting on one meal a day but

there’s some additional things you can

do that will take you to the next level

and that would be to do

periodic prolonged fasting okay so let’s

say every month or every two weeks you

do a 48 hour fast for every month you do

a 72 hour fast

you’re going to make a serious dent into

any problem with your immune system to

the fact where that alone might handle

your allergies but you’re going to find

over time your allergies will be less

and less and less and less

and the cool thing about fasting is it

will drop inflammation so even if you

have allergies you’ll have a heck of a

lot less inflammation

and not to mention that about 70 to 80

percent of your immune system is located

in your gut

and fasting does wonders for your gut

because you don’t eat and it allows the

gut a chance to heal

as well as

improve the diversity and the strength

of the microbiome

i don’t know if you knew this or not but

your microbiome the friendly bacteria in

your gut

greatly help modulate or control your

immune system so anything you can do to

improve the microbes is going to help

you reduce allergies

in fact babies who experience the


are at much greater risk of getting

allergies than that children that have

the normal birthing process because they

weren’t exposed to the friendly bacteria

that the mother would normally give a

child and the next thing is regular or

consistent exercise can greatly improve


green tea can help stimulate autophagy

and turmeric and other similar herbs can

also stimulate and boost

autophagy all right so now there are

other things that can also lessen

allergies that i would recommend adding


fasting okay

probiotics taking probiotics on a

regular basis

since 80 of your immune system is your


taking probiotics can greatly greatly

reduce allergies

i would recommend taking your probiotics

right before bed okay the third thing is

vitamin d treat what’s unique about

vitamin d is that it helps to


uh immune reactions without suppressing

the immune system that’s why they use

vitamin d in something like uh the

cytokine storm where there’s this this

uncontrollable inflammatory reaction or

hypersensitivity so vitamin d is really

really important and i would take um no

less than 10 000 iu’s every single day

or more probably 20 000 ius or even 30

000 i use depending on the severity of

the allergy there’s some great data

which i’ll put a link down below that

shows that the development of an allergy

occurs when someone has a zinc

deficiency so taking zinc would be a

very logical thing to do

now the question is how do i do fasting

okay is there a good way well i just

happen to have a video on that check it

out i put it right here