How To Break Weight Loss Plateau – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys how are you can you hear me

okay it’s kind of a delayed there so

let’s get start I want to jump right

into this and I have all this probably

is the most important webinar that I’ve

ever done on weight loss you’re going to

learn some seriously powerful tools that

are going to just crack through any

break through any plateauing you have

okay now I have a series of slides that

I want to present to you so I’m going to

open those up right now all right cool

see if I could do this here not try to

make it bigger there we go let’s try

this one okay does that work I think

that worked cool alright so welcome how

to bust through any weight loss plateau

and get your body amazing okay so let’s

let’s go through some things here now I

know you’ve heard you know all you have

to do is eat less and move more and you

just going to lose weight this is this

is a concept that all experts do agree

but the theory has been thoroughly

disproven it’s complete utter failure it

just doesn’t work you know it’s based on

this concept that one pound of fat

equals 3500 calories and if you just eat

500 calories less each day you lose one

pound a week well there’s more to this

you know calories in versus equals

calories out so we’re going to get into

the truth behind this thing this is it’s

just a failure now we do know that low

carb diets do work for lots of people

but why don’t they work for everyone

that’s my question so we’re going to

cover some things that go way beyond

just the low carb okay

but the main thing I want to do today is

help you bust through your Plateau

okay I’m gonna give you a lot of stuff

just follow through the notes the

Downloads you should have them by now

and just fill it out as we go okay so so

a plateau what is a plateau it’s

basically a weight right your body is

very comfortable and it doesn’t like to

move it wants to stay right there okay

unfortunately the three facts are this

dieting slows your metabolism the more

you diet the slower your metabolism so

if I meet someone for the first time in

my office and they say well I’ve never

been in a diet before those people are a

lot easier to work with than people that

have diet dieted their whole life but

I’m going to show you some things that

we can reverse this whole set point okay

also one little tiny little note here

age slows your metabolism sure you

already figure that out but

unfortunately as we age things slow down

so we have the combination of many many

diets and a an aging which is even a

compounded effect on your metabolism

unfortunately but there’s two main

problems number one we have the problem

you know decrease calories in you know

every time you cut your calories every

time you diet your body adapts so it

just slows your metabolism down so let’s

say you want to get to 140 and you’re

170 and you lose weight and all of a

sudden you stop losing weight if you

continue to try to lose weight past 140

your body will either get extremely

hungry and craving or it just will slow

your metabolism down even more it just

won’t let you get past that point now

the second problem is that your body has

not been burning fat as fuel it’s been

burning sugar is fuel these are the two

fuel sources and if you’re not losing

weight and you’re stuck then we

you’re not burning fat okay so we need

to you know switch things over so now I

would just have a question and you could

if you could answer this this would be

great if you can or if you’re watching

this what you can’t that’s fine but I

want to know do you know what hormone

effects the switch which determines

whether you’re going to burn fat fuel or

what are you going to burn sugar field

do you know that fats which if you do

just go ahead and type it in there okay

now before I get into what the switches

I just want to quickly introduce myself

for those people who don’t know me a lot

of you guys know me some of you don’t

been in practice for 26 years I work at

my Northern Virginia clinic on over

45,000 people I taught at Howard

University as their associate professor

in the nutrition department best-selling

offer seven principles of fat burning

I trained over doctors and alternative

medicine so I certify them in my methods

I delivered over 4,900 seminars to all

the governmental agencies in DC and I’ve

done some of those to churches all over

the place I have over a thousand YouTube

videos with over 13 million views and

muscle the developer of the four body

types and real quickly my story in a

thumbnail sketches I lived on junk food

and sugar I’ve never eaten any

vegetables until I think I was 22 years

old I just didn’t like them so I would

consume massive nuts my grandmother was

an incredible

cook she made these huge cakes for me

all the time and I would eat the whole

thing by myself so I just kept going and

I pretty much I started getting blood

sugar problems when I was 13 I noticed I

didn’t know what it was at the time it

was very dizzy and then I got into

sports I got into wrestling

I went to state and wrestling wrestling

college but honestly my nutrition was so

bad so I would go

into the the the season undefeated and

then I start getting weaker and weaker

and weaker and weaker and weaker I knew

nothing about health and if I could only

go back in time so I got really bad to

the point where I pushed myself to the

point where my bones became actual

actually fragile and I fractured

fracturing bones fractured my neck

fractured my leg my shoulder then I

decided to go in the military so I went

into basic training and during basic

training it’s very stressful and you

also you’re eating his neck right you

don’t sleep so I barely passed the PT

test when I got out of basic training

Fort Jackson South Carolina and to 1983

so that was really kind of rough on my

body too so I just kind of went through

a series of stressful events and then

when I started getting to be about 28

years old I started really starting

breaking down arthritis insomnia chronic

fatigue blood sugar issues going right

in the diabetes um

constipation oh my gosh I was a basket


I was always tired okay but all of that

forced me to be interested in helping

myself with nutrition and fortunately to

push push beyond points of knowledge

that other practitioners might not go to

because I personally was desperate to

figure this thing out so I really

respected tremendous amounts of data to

try to come up with solutions and to

make a long story short I figured out

what was wrong with me I started to get

better and I’m 51 right now I’m way

healthier than I’m now that I’m back

when I was 28 and so yeah your body can

we can bounce back so that’s my story in

a thumbnail sketch now let’s get into

this switch okay now before I just show

you something

okay this book right here guidance

physiology this is the Bible of

physiology this book I studied in

pre-med and it has incredible data on

how the body works so it’s not

necessarily some study it’s like actual

facts and I want to share with you on

page 9:30 some amazing information you

can see this is in college these are

coffee stains okay so I’m going to share

with you something that actually will

blow your way okay so let me just pull

up the page and I made a little clip of

it so you can see it okay so let me just

have to go through these there we go


boom okay now you can see check this out

role of insulin and switching between

carbohydrate and lipid metabolism Wow

this is down here when glucose

concentration is low insulin secretion

is suppressed and fat is utilized almost

exclusively for energy now what does all

that mean it means that insulin that

hormone that lowers blood sugar is the

switch between sugar and fat and when

your sugar concentrations low your

insulin is low and your fat is utilized

almost exclusively for energy so in

other words your fat is only going to be

utilized when we keep the glucose low

okay that’s part of the answer but this

is the switch so insulin is the switch

okay so insulin is a switch and now what

is in some insulin is a hormone that

lowers blood sugar okay what happens

when you eat too much sugar or eat sugar

insulin secreted and it takes the sugar

out of the blood because your body

considers sugar

as a toxin okay so now your set point

which is that weight that your body

loves to be at exclusively is controlled

100% by insulin okay here’s a picture

the pancreas secretes insulin it gets

the sugar out right very simple so how

does it do this it increases the

absorption of glucose into the cells the

muscle and the liver so it makes your

body sponge like to pull in the glucose

okay and it converts sugar into stored

sugar called glycogen in the liver and

the muscles and it also converts sugar

into fat and cholesterol fat cholesterol

and triglycerides number three it

prevents any fat from being born

I’m served so basically insulin controls

whether you’re storing fat or you’re

burning fat when there’s no insulin

there you’re burning fat when there’s no

insulin there you’re not absorbing

glucose into the cells liver muscles

okay so that’s how it works

okay so now if you look at the actual

burning of fat the actual burning of fat

is controlled by an enzyme it’s

controlled by the enzyme and the name of

that enzyme is called hormone sensitive

lipase okay just the primary enzyme that

burns fat and guess what insulin in

activates it and it turns it on when

insulin is very low so in other words

when we get the insulin out of your

system clean it out

this enzyme will start working too how

people in fact okay that’s how it works

so this is straight out of guidance

physiology I’m going to give you a

little quote check this out all aspects

of fat metabolism are greatly enhanced

in the absence of insulin Wow


and the down here the most important

effect is that the enzyme hormone

sensitive lipase okay in the fat cells

become strongly activated Wow

it’s right there so again I’m just kind

of making a point that insulin is in

charge with this thing okay now here’s

the problem

most people with stubborn belly fat or

stubborn weight or a stubborn setpoint

have a insulin problem okay and it’s

called insulin resistance okay let me

explain what that is the receptors for

insulin in the cells and the muscle

deliver become blocked so if here’s a

good analogy if you’re let’s say your

your house was underneath a train or a

metro and you heard these trains going

over your your house every single day at

first it’s going to drive it crazy but

after a while you’ll start to become

immune to it you won’t even hear it so

the same thing with this when you have

high levels of insulin being pumped on

that pancreas over a long period of time

your body will start to reject it as a

poison and start blocking it and that’s

what happens okay so insulin resistance

is created from high levels of insulin

being pumped out over and over over a

period of time so you have a situation

where you have high insulin and you have

low insulin in other places so you can

have symptoms of hyperglycemia which is

high sugar or diabetes and low sugar

which is hypoglycemic so it’s really

really weird so what happens is when the

cell or the liver becomes low with

insulin there’s a feedback loop that’s

going to tell the pancreas to make more

insulin so even when you’re not eating

sugar your insulin is going to be high

if you have insulin resistance okay

here’s if you’re curious if you have

insulin resistance okay maybe you have a

stubborn weight but maybe maybe you

don’t have all these other issue that if

you do so here so that this is the cell

of insulin resistance okay belly fat a

fatty liver and by the way if you have

belly fat you have some fat on your

liver okay they go hand-in-hand brain

fog your belly bloats and swells either

after meal or at night not in the

morning sleepy after meals okay you need

a nap I’ll show you why in a minute okay

not satisfied after meals why because

you can’t pull in the nutrients

everything is stuck there it’s blocked

high blood pressure cravings for carbs

and sweets inflammation cannot go

without eating from one meal to the next

excessive hunger having a snack at night

and even bladder problems you having to

go up and urinate in the middle of night

isn’t a symptom of insulin resistance

now here’s some other symptoms check

this out

polycystic ovarian syndrome if you’ve

never heard about that that’s usually

when a woman gets acne in facial hair

infertility that comes from insulin

resistance now if you look that up a lot

of times you’ll say oh one of the

symptoms of polycystic ovarian syndrome

is insulin resistance unlike no insulin

resistance causes polycystic ovarian

syndrome resistance increases androgens

okay alright so you can also have

estrogen dominance so insulin resistance

can spike estrogen unfortunately

estrogen can then increase insulin as

well and that’s why when women take

birth control pills they gain weight

when they have their cycle then gain

weight when they get pregnant they gain

weight which then blocks the thyroid oh

my gosh so it’s a it’s a real terrible

cycle here okay so on the Left we have a

normal cell to the right we have insulin

resistance now remember insulin

resistance blocks this receptors right

so look at this the cell on the right is

literally starving of energy okay yet

you have all this energy stuck in the

blood so it’s people with insulin

insulin resistance are kind of tired

they’re weak you don’t have the strength

they used to they

don’t store sugar in between meals like

they used to and they’re always craving

for sugar but they’re never satisfied

that is what’s happening to the at the

cellular level they’re going right in

the diabetes okay so people with insulin

resistance have a higher fasting insulin

level so that means like at night when

they’re sleeping their insulin is high

even if they’re not eating any sugar

isn’t that crazy

okay now I’m sure you have heard of the

glycemic index right basically that’s

the foods that break down the sugar

faster and they can spike your insulin


so like a jelly bean is a lot higher

than um celery okay so that’s the

glycemic index and so when you eat foods

high in sugar it spikes the insulin do

we choose things low in sugar it doesn’t

stimulate as much but the glycemic index

is just not enough it turns out that

many people still fail at losing even

when they avoid foods high on the

glycemic index why is this because

glucose or sugar is only one of the

factors that triggers insulin in fact

glucose accounts for only 50% of the

insulin okay so let me just show you

this right here

let me just I have to leave this up here

okay so again what we’re going to do is

we’re going to take out my favorite book

gagging okay and right here I’m going to

show you this right here other factors

that stimulate insulin right there see

the other factors amino certain amino

acids Wow does that mean amino acids

that’s protein let’s take a look all

right there is there is something called

the insolent index an insulin index okay

it’s way more important than the

glycemic index because it covers a lot

of other things that you know that we

need to be looking at okay and one thing

is amino acids unfortunately certain

amino acids will trigger insulin okay

now here’s the insulin index of certain

foods you can see down here beef fish

okay but eggs are pretty low and I tell

you why in a minute

okay protein can increase insulin but

not necessarily increase glucose that’s

fascinating if you combine carbs or

sugar with protein you can increase the

insulin by 200 percent MSG triggers

insulin by 300 percent if you add

carbohydrate to fat you can also

increase insulin but guess what the

glucose goes down which is fascinating

okay so this is all really good things

but there’s other factors that

potentiate or increase glucose and

insulin one is fructose now fructose is

in all the high fructose

corn syrups I mean the amount of the

problem right now is that almost all of

the sugar in units sold the United

States is subsidized by the government

so you can see the companies that sell

it are making huge profits and they

almost get it free because the

government pays it so you end up paying

the farmers to produce this GMO sugar

and yes it’s GML a beet sugar is mostly

all GMO they passed this regulation that

now all the beet sugar has to be GML

unfortunately so now we have the corn

the GMO corn sugar which acts like a

pesticide and then we got the beet sugar

you see the problem oh my gosh okay so

here’s the other thing I’m going to

teach you whey protein whey protein

stimulates insulin a pretty-pretty


like on the insulin scale it’s like 71

so egg white protein stimulates insulin

but egg yolks hardly at all so here’s

the interesting point the point is this

let me just pull this up right here

so you know there’s there’s great

articles out there on the insulin index

but you got to pay for them there rent

them I don’t know why so I had to buy

this article and I actually read it and

I actually really read it and studied it

because I looked up probably maybe 9 to

10 or more words on every single page

and it looked them up to make sure that

it was comprehending and digesting and

it wasn’t just reading the summary like

a lot of people do because I wanted to

really get this but I actually typed out

an insulin scale okay and what I want to

share with you is this fat does not

stimulate insulin hardly at all it’s

very low butter being very low olive oil

being very low olives low coconut oil is

low heavy cream is low okay bacon is

really low why because bacon is mostly

fat okay so apparently the more

concentrated protein is the more

concentrated the protein powder is the

leaner than meets the low fat the meat

or the product the more that insulin

spikes Wow Wow

so these people that are going to the

store buying low fat protein low fat

carbs low fat fat all right now low fat

um actually just fat with with sugar oh

my gosh they are setting themselves up

for getting in some resistance okay now

I’m just kind of increasing your

awareness because we’re going to build

on this so we knew about the sugars now

there’s certain proteins so if you take

the egg white and egg yolk and combine

them you can lower the insulin index

okay but nuts the nut that is delete the

lowest on the insulin index is pee cons

then you get macadamia nuts and the

avocados sour cream bacon peanut butter

so these are all really really low

but if you start going leader lean meats

low-fat goes higher higher and higher

and higher and higher

fascinating okay so that’s one thing

okay so let me show you couple other


okay amino acids that’s protein Peter

concentrated proteins whey protein

isolates like like the soy protein

isolates that are a lot of diet shakes

have high insulin triggering response

verses proteins with more fat so full

fat yogurt Greek yogurt is way better

than that free yogurt whey protein um is

not as good as whole milk cheese lean

meat is not as good as value me and I

kind of you can say have this reverse

but you can see the point there okay so

now when we add sugar to protein like in

barbecue breaded meat burger with bun

burgers with fries burgers with soda

burger with ketchup you’re really just

spiking that in some way way up there

okay so I have a list here and you can

see pecans are really low butters really

level avocados Bacon’s pretty low peanut

butters below egg yolks are pretty good

the whole egg but look at egg whites 55%

amazing Wow bananas way up there fat

free pretzels way up there holy bread oh

my goodness look at how high that is

white bread baked beans sweetened yogurt

potatoes jelly beans look at this these

are all the things that people think I

should be eating oh my goodness okay

alright so now I want to get into

something else if we’re trying to get

rid of insulin resistance we’re trying

to heal it we’re trying to get your body

to recover from inside what caused it

the first place was sustained eating and

snacking because here’s the here’s the

other other thing that insulin

resistance can be I’m sorry

here’s something else that will trigger

insulin that you might not think just

basically general digestion

so there’s hormones in your your stomach

that trigger insulin

okay so basically every time you eat

there’s going to be some spike in

insulin that’s what I’m trying to

communicate but very poorly of course so

if we look at this right here we got the

breakfast we got the spike of insulin we

got the snack

we got the lunch without the snack we’ve

got the general got the snack and then

at night you if you graze you pretty

much will never ever get rid of insulin

resistance okay pre-diabetes you won’t

get rid of it you’re not getting rid of

your stomach so why because what we have

to do as a technique is we have to get

more recovery between the meals we have

to do a little bit of intermittent

fasting so the first thing I want you to

do is not snack between the meals okay

now if you have a hard time doing that

that just means that you have insulin

resistance we have to work on that

because you should be able to go from

one meal to the next without craving or

getting excessively hungry okay so this

would be the first step just do three

meals because look at you’ll get a

little dip in insulin reduction between

breakfast and dinner and between lunch

and dinner and then after when you’re

sleeping okay so that’s a really good

thing but if you if you’re not hungry in

the morning and you’re only hungry let’s

say at 12 then go for just eating two

meals a day and I’m not trying to do

this to cut calories all I’m trying to

do is to heal the insulin resistance

that is keeping your setpoint completely

fixated okay so we want time for your

body to recover and heal and if you’re

constantly eating it’s not going to work

okay so two meals is great if you can’t

do that then do three okay but what I’m

going to suggest is if you’re having a

hard time going from one meal to the

next add a little fat to that meal and

it’s not because that necessarily

dissolves fat or burns fat it’s just

going to get get you to be able to

sustain your hunger a lot better and fat

does not trigger insulin so it’s a safe

food and it does not cause any heart

problems and I don’t want to get into a


right now but if you are concerned about

cholesterol and heart please watch my

videos and cholesterol because I

explained it thoroughly it’s not the

cholesterol or fat that causes heart

attacks strokes or high cholesterol it’s

the sugar okay that’s what’s converted

all right now so you got that so we

talked about sugars proteins we talked

about snacking between meals all of that

messes you up but there’s something else

that causes insulin resistance and that

is high cortisol levels okay high

cortisol levels now cortisol is a stress

hormone let me show you see if I could

find it right here okay this is another

book my favorite Sybil okay so in here

it talks about cortisol cortisol is a

stress hormone it’s part of the adrenal

body type which just like right here so

check this out cortisol increases

glucose output okay so stress that

triggers cortisol increases glucose so

you don’t end up Sara Lee have to be

eating anything or doing anything you go

through stress and your glucose goes up

okay when the glucose goes up the

insulin will go up so cortisol induces

diabetes Horsell induces insulin

resistance I have a very good friend

he had an injection of a prednisone shot

developed diabetes and he’s just been

struggling ever since so here’s the

here’s the thing sometimes your friends

don’t comply with my advice for us they

could they could overcome it because he

just can’t give it up but the point is

this insulin lowers sugar

cortisol raises it

so when you see this belly fat right

here that is that causes so cortisol

causes this what it’s doing it’s causing

insulin so it’s cortisol is indirectly

raising insulin that’s making the belly

fat that belly fat all the fat in your

belly is controlled by insulin but

cortisol just one of the triggers okay

so that’s an insulin belly and what

happens is that cortisol just happens to

be one of the triggers so on the scale

of insulin index that is a big one okay

so because I want to talk about cortisol

for just a little bit I wanna let me

just go ahead and switch it to the

slides again okay cortisol can cause

diabetes because it’s constantly turning

turning on your body to make sugar

raising insulin and this is the reason

for the belly fat now there is a

difference between the visceral fat okay

in the superficial fat on your belly all

that visceral fat the fat around your

organs the fat around your heart the fat

around your kidneys the fat in and

around your liver the back fat the fat

over that surrounds the organ come from

insulin it’s insulin derived but the

superficial fat is different it’s

estrogen derived and that’s why you see

women that have like in this extra layer

of fat than men like men don’t have as

much but men do have that when a male

body gets the superficial fat what’s

happening the estrogen is going up and

the testosterone is going down that’s

why they get the man boobs right so the

superficial fat is the same thing with

the breast tissue and that is estrogen

estrogen inhibits testosterone so in a

male body this is not good okay but

that’s I just wanted to point out the

difference between the two and you know

if you if you if you’re if you don’t

have a lot of this work that maybe you

just have some superficial fat then what

we need to do is we need to address the

estrogen piece okay

so I just want to talk about the adrenal

body type okay because many many people

this is the most common adrenal body

type and I want to cover some important

data on this the adrenal glands are the

stress gland of the body sit on top of

the kidney they create various symptoms

excessive thinking you know tired eyes

the need for coffee in the morning can’t

wake up fatigue dispersed multitasking

but not can’t focus on any one thing for

any period of time low stress tolerance

decrease libido that’s this little fence

down here in the left lower corner high

blood pressure ah that’s a inhaler

asthma allergies diabetes it’s a

pinprick on the finger acne sleep apnea

leg cramps LP Shore hair loss brain fog

hot flashes facial hair the need to go

to the bathroom frequently sinus swollen

legs cravings for mainly salt uh breads

and chocolate okay also they get loose

skin and by the way that loose skin is

being converted into sugar by the way

loss of memory and concentration out of

breath climbing stairs a digestive

problem because when you’re in stress

mode you don’t digest like you should

heartburn acid reflux GERD and

irritability especially when with people

that are low calm like low I um I guess

it’s like incompetent people people that

are slow

Oh stupid people you just they get on

your nerves easily and also the need to

take a nap after you eat and that’s

because of the spike in sugar and

insulin okay I just showed you this book

right here but right up here it talks

about increased glucose output and

increases insulin so Wow interesting

okay so it messes with your body cause

osteoporosis a buffalo home

so this cortisol is being pumped out so

here’s the thing the interesting thing

about the adrenals is that they don’t

have an off switch

no they don’t and what caused the

adrenal gland to get stuck on and pump

out cortisol is the accumulation of

stress and I want to just show you

something because all stress accumulates

the old stuff accumulates especially as

relate related to your eating I’m sorry

related to when you started gaining

weight because take a look at how many

people have started gaining weight when

they’re after a pregnancy hysterectomy

menopause after some change in hormonal

shift after a loss of level and injury

why is that because of stress activates

cortisol and increases insulin they

develop insulin resistance from the

cortisol interesting so if you just fix

the cortisol that you don’t fix the

insulin resistance you may not get

better okay so the point is that all

your stress accumulates in your body so

that’s why it’s important to get a

history of all the past stuff that

happened to you okay I have a machine

that measures the stress in your body

and it’s interesting because I can I can

actually see and even tell you what you

what you feel based on this graph this

person will wake up on the top you can

see that they’re just totally jacked up

completely wired for sound they’re

probably they’re mine

is racing a mile a minute and they just

can’t wind down but this person down

here has very low recovery because the

recovery should be all the way to the

right so the tall dial should be

straight up and down in the small dial

should be all the way to the right so

when someone has very low recovery they

don’t tolerate stress there it didn’t

sleep that well okay they have a high

degree of overwhelm okay all right so if

we look at the causes of insulin


we know the higher sugars will do it we

know lean proteins will do it especially

the concentrated whey protein and

combination so protein sugar will do it

lots of snacking and frequent eating

will do it msg and cortisol those are

the main factors okay the insulin is a

dominating hormone so even if you’re

exercising and eating good if that

insulin is still high from insulin

resistance you’re not losing any weight

because it inactivates all other

hormones and this is why people you know

they try to overcompensate with exercise

exercise is not going to work if you

haven’t some resistance just try it see

how much weight you lose okay cortisol

also is a dominating hormone so in the

presence of stress it really is hard for

anything else to activate so we really

it really boils down to two things

stress and sugar and eating too frequent

okay let’s just I’m going to get into

now some solutions okay number one sleep

why because sleep reduces cortisol sleep

reduces insulin resistance if you’re not

sleeping you’re going to be more hungry

and you’re going to want more sweets so

it’s a really really key factor okay now

I developed a tool to help people sleep

it’s very cool I want to show you I’ll

show you how to calm one right here okay

so this is a little tool that I have

right here this is an um this is

developed by my hand there are certain

acupressure points on your body that

release stress and there’s one right in

the back of the neck right here and you

can sit back on your couch or a tall

back chair and sit back and hit those

points I do this every night before I go

to bed two minutes out cold because it

hits these two points these two points

if you’re if you know anything about

anatomy physiology are called the

parasympathetic points it’s right by the

brainstem it triggers a relaxation these

are the sleep points back here and

there’s about actually where is it I

have a little booklet with all the

maneuvers there’s about 15 different

maneuvers that you can do with that tool

and it’s basically designed to help

extract stress from the body so you can

sleep better it’s wonderful okay so

that’s one of the techniques that I

personally use to sleep okay now let me

just get back to this one thing here

okay okay so this is one technique

there’s many other techniques number two

exercise exercise greatly helps insulin

resistance exercise also can help a hike

or so if it’s low intensity but the key

with exercises you must make sure you

don’t over train because you’re going to

trigger cortisol but if you’re not

exercising you need to start because

that will help insulin resistance okay

but go like that first okay zero sugars

now um

this is a this is the big one because

the purpose of fat check the sound the

purpose of fat every time I click off it

goes way back okay here’s the thing the

purpose of fat is to protect you against

the starvation of sugar okay so it’s a

backup fuel for sugar so in order to tap

in the fat we must bring sugar down to

zero okay so if we’re doing a low carb

it might not be zero low carb just has

enough in sugar to keep instant high

because remember it’s only the lack of

insulin that does this so we have to go

ultra low so now we’re going to take

away something from you and you’re not

going to like that so we have to

substitute it with something that’s why

I created this book right here this is a

really good book that shows you recipes

and brownies I have a lot more in my

adrenal portal membership site which

I’ll explain in a bit but these are

amazing recipes that allow you to

consume the foods you like but with no

sugar these are the good recipes there’s

eighteen of them this is a good one

right here bread and also the cookie and

the peanut butter cup one so what I

suggest you do and I do this I take a

certain type of chocolate that’s that

has no sugar and I put it with certain

salted roasted seeds or nuts like

sunflower seeds or pistachios or enough

or almonds and I’ll put it in the

freezer and then I will just consume

this right after the meal not in between

the meal but right after as a little bit

of a snack now I don’t need that anymore

but that was something that I did in the


and I do it occasionally just a little

bit but that’s something you can do

because that way we don’t have to

anything away from you you can just add

to it okay so there are solutions so you

don’t have to feel deprived alright and

you can eat things and as you transition

to this if you had a recipe for a

chocolate cake for example you probably

be happy so if you had a recipe to

substitute anything like even ice cream

then you’d be happy so that’s what we

want to do is to give you some

ingredients but it’s going to be a

little bit more fatty ingredients but it

tastes really good so I show you how to

make those as well okay so now let me

get back to the slides all right okay

hidden sugars fruits grains including

oatmeal yogurt especially even plain

because it has like ten grams of sugar

it’s too much alcohol starches I’m sorry

look at an apple has 19 grams of sugar

give me a break it’s like eating a candy

bar yeah we can - the fiber but we still

have way too much sugar

okay so apples a nice to recommend them

but not any more

why because if you have stubborn weight

you’re going to have to give up apples

right now I’m sorry okay here are some

just pictures of some of the substitute

foods now all of these foods are loaded

with fat and no sugar okay so you get

the you get the pleasure you get the

sustaining from one meal to the next and

you get no insulin secretion so it’s

really cool okay now number five one of

the things that you must do is increase

your potassium if you’re going to reduce

both cortisol and insulin okay and

potassium will do it they will

help you but the problem is you need 47

hundred milligrams a day and that’s a


so that would eat that would be like

having ten bananas or five avocados

that’s almost impossible so what are we

going to do we’re going to get it from

our greens okay so one ounce equals

let’s see one ounce of salad equals one

cup so we need about seven to ten cups

of vegetable or salad every single day

okay you what you’re looking at is the

size of my salad

of course it’s hard to hard to see this

but it’s really not that hard it’s like

a fluffy salad set in the ten cups I

have a big salad for lunch big one for

dinner I might blend kale with water and

I’ll put a little of mine instant Cal

shake and make it taste better but the

point is you can drink your salad or

consume it but we need to increase the

salad for two reasons one is the

potassium and number two is to keep the

liver free of fat because we’re going to

be dumping a lot of fat through your

body because you’re going to lose weight

and the last thing I want to do is have

you end up with a fatty liver and this

is writing guidance physiology where he

talks about one of the problems with

reducing glucose is that it can cause a

fatty liver effect of insulin lack of

lack on causing a fire liver so that’s

why the amount of vegetables that you

eat is really really really important

okay seven to ten cups every single day

okay number six if you’re not hungry for

breakfast then make your lunch your

breakfast but this is what I consume for

breakfast this is what I did for eggs

avocado but guess what I barely have a

dinner so I really have like two and a

half miles but this gets me by and I can

go from one meal to the next I can

probably go all the way until two

o’clock if I need to without any problem

at all

I’m adding the fat in there to improve

the sustainability now if you’re a guy

weigh 201 pounds right if you are

smaller just eat less you don’t have to

have that much but it’s very important

to have the protein breakfast because

then it sets your blood sugars in a good

place for the rest of the day and also

the fat buffers some of this protein

that you know I just love egg yolk and

bacon and avocado I just dig that okay

number seven intermittent fasting two to

three meals per day no snacking add more

fat per meal if you are hungry so you

just keep adjusting it right listen our

bodies I don’t know whoever came up with

we need three meals a day or six meals a

day it’s not natural to have eat that

often it’s much better to have less

meals and just see a little bit more

until you’re satisfied but your but you

want to be living off your own fat okay

so you say well what if I skip a meal

what am i eating well one of your meal

is your own fat on your body isn’t that

the goal so you might initially feel a

little kind of empty but that’s okay you

know as long as you’re not too hungry


apple cider vinegar is really good to

reverse insulin resistance so I would

recommend you can even take it in pill

form I have it on my website or you can

drink it take two tablespoons in a glass

of water and drink it with your meal and

you’re going to see some really cool

effects also episode of vinegar into

plot gets rid of fat on your liver

additional small things lowering your

estrogen to are lowering high estrogen

because high estrogen can also increase

insulin like like I said the birth

control pills you know sediment helps a

little bit and increasing fiber does

help as well okay so I have a question

for you are you willing to make these

changes is

two of whelming if it is that’s fine

take it on a gradient just do what you

can and work up to it I just wanted to

give you some really good solutions

because some of you already are doing a

lot of the things but you might not be

doing some of the things I’m talking

about okay so for a lot of you you need

a little bit more help okay you need a

little bit more solution so plan a come

to my office and let us evaluate you and

you might be in other parts of the

country this might be very difficult so

there is a plan B and Plan B is my

adrenal body type exclusive membership

site let me explain what this site is

this is an awesome site because what I

did is like I actually have two goals I

fixed your lifestyle habits and I fixed

the inside of your body many people have

a lot of additional problems that go way

beyond just the weight they have

digestive problems and sleep problems

hormone problems thyroid problems um

they got arthritis they got high blood

pressure they get diabetes they get all

these other issues right well we need to

get you healthy so you don’t have those

issues that’s getting healthy to lose


not lose weight to get healthy this is

what it looks like there are over a

hundred and fifty eight videos that are

in this portal and this membership site

and it’s sectioned out into categories

one thing at a time so I give you

step-by-step things to implement and I

ate you along the way and then I give

you all the barriers and solutions like

like temptation social eating what do I

eat when I go to a restaurant at all

that and then I get into substitute

pleasure food recipes and most ninety

percent of all the data here is not on

YouTube is not on my website is just on

this portal so I also give you a

tremendous amount of additional great

substitute recipes like a chocolate cake

chocolate seeds all these great things

now and they’re in video for video most

of them are video

format then we get into the body

problems so if you have a certain

condition fibromyalgia back pain neck

pain let’s say you have high blood

pressure whatever I show you what to do

to fix it okay and then real-life case

studies I show you my technology of how

I evaluate people then I give you real

live examples of people just like you

that have similar problems in what we

did to them and how it worked out okay

and then the other thing that I have is

advanced techniques this is where we

show you how to do advanced acupressure

techniques on the adrenal on the thyroid

on the ovaries and this is where I mean

that alone is worth way more than what I

charge for this which is 36 hours a

month or 18 dollars a month if you want

to go here lean but the point is that in

this portal you will have all of the

solutions to be able to handle just

about any body problem that you have and

the goal is to get you healthy and what

I mean by that is the great digestion

perfect sleep lots of energy

no heavy period no inflammation no

stiffness and no extra weight okay and

then I give you a lot of other bonuses

now so you get access to the advanced

techniques to fix all the body problems

including the adrenal you get access to

me personally I answer all your

questions I’m on this portal several

times a day and you’ll see a lot of

success stories that everyone is very

very happy I have very few people that

ask for a refund and we give it with it

you know 30 day refund and I have most

people upgrade for a year because of the

amount of service that they get and you

get access to me so if you have

questions I answer them

personally and I can do that for right

now but as we grow there will be

probably less and less of that I not

only show you what to eat and give you

charts and everything I should give you

an understanding of why you should eat

certain things okay

it’s targeting address the other bottom

type problems that stop weight loss and

stop your health from improving and also

the members get a lot of strategies to

make sure you stick to it live examples

158 videos and then here’s a question

what does it cost it’s not $2.99

$1.99 it’s not even 99 bucks it’s 39

bucks a month so it’s really cheap or

most people get in eighteen dollars a

month and they get a year commitment so

your pre paying for the whole year but

you’re getting access to me all this

data and I’m constantly doing Q&A live

videos every two weeks okay for all the

members so you can ask me personally in

front of the group and I’m constantly

adding more and more data to this so

this is really your portal your access

to me it’s the least expensive way to

have access to me and to help me teach

you bring your body to the next level

okay so um full 30-day money-back

guarantee okay if you’re not satisfied

now if you get this program today if you

sign it up there’s two bonuses that I’m

going to give you better really cool for

free unlimited access to the meal

creator software okay so you can

actually create all your meals if you’re

a vegan or you’re a meteor I actually

give you options for different foods

plus you get all the recipes so you can

generate a weekly meal plan within a

minute and you can make it you can

create variety so this is a really good

tool that you’ll have access to okay

plus you will also have access every

month to my advanced evaluations

software okay this is a very in-depth

deep evaluation of your specific problem

you take this very lengthy quiz online

and pretty much we’re going to ask you

every single symptom about that you

could possibly have from acid reflux to


air hunger brain fog polyps depression

and listen I create a Saval uation and I

programmed into it a certain logic to be

able to find the one cause the primary

cause to most of your problems and

that’s how it’s designed and you’ll have

access to this once a month so you can

actually run these reports and see what

your problem is this is really really

cool one of my health coaches will walk

you through the results and will give

you a report but just think about what I

have to do to create this I had to type

in every single symptom every single

cause I had to type in every all the

explanations about what things are so

it’s been it’s taken me a long time to

break this so I really hope you

appreciate it because I think it’s

really cool I mean see some symptoms can

come from multiple causes and some

causes can have multiple symptoms and

it’s very confusing because you’re like

what do I figure out but we everything

out for you so you just need to plug it

in press submit and then we can do it

here are just a couple success stories I

wanted to just read it dear dr. Berg

thank you so much for creating this

portal it was truly amazing and look

forward to the journey I just started it

and I’m loving it

Dory’s is doing fantastic she’s lost so

much weight her whole body is doing

better I put her on my website as well

first of all thank you my fiance and I

had finally found an eating lifestyle

we can both file and enjoy awesome thank

you for everything you’ve done for me my

family I lost 40 pounds together we have

lost over a hundred and fifty pounds you

have given us so many tools to help us

through this process now I want to thank

you again that’s from tomandbecky dr.

Berg you’re an angel walking on this

earth thank you so much for all your

wisdom studies and support for all of us

healing our bodies I am married to a

general surgeon so you can imagine my

struggle ten but I always prefer

holistic approaches and feel so blessed

I found

looking forward to watching all your

videos and learning more about you god

bless you so it just keeps going on and

on and on and the content is amazing I

put a lot of time into it and I think

that you will love it so I’m going to

give you a link right now I can figure

this out here yeah so the links should

be up and you can go to the website and

you can choose if you want to do the

monthly or the yearly um it’s a I would

get the yearly if I were you because you

get a whole year it’s only 18 bucks a

month okay I mean come on if you can’t

invest that in your health like you’re

not really committed yet but you need to

be but the point is that you got a whole

month to see if it’s worth it and I

already know it’s going to be worth it

because you’re going to it’s going to

help you but the portal the membership

site is mainly designed to tip to

basically get you to be cause over your

health so you’re not dependent on me or

some other practitioner see my goal used

to be I wanted to help lots of people

with big health problems but I changed

that goal because that’s kind of a

stupid goal a better goal that I

switched to is I want to help people

help themselves with their own bodies

and to do that I have to teach you how

your body works how to get healthy and

you have to learn how to do it so

therefore now you have the knowledge and

you can control your own body your

family your kids and be an example for

other people so you know you’re not

calling me going I have a zit on my nose

what should I take you already know what

causes the zits on the nails so that’s

really fulfills my purpose of training

you and I think you really would love it

appreciate it so I suggest give it a

chance and try it out and I will see you

on the inside because I check it all the

time and also the Q&A but I hope you

enjoyed this very important presentation

and I gave you a lot of great content

that you can apply and get well

even without the portal but the portal

this is the icing on the cake because

there is more to learn and I can

individually help you with your problems

as well so I want to thank you for

coming on from this webinar and

listening this far because it went on a

bit too long I can see that and I will

see you on the inside on the portal

thank you very much and have a great
