The ANTI-INFLAMMATORY That Will Surprise You | DrEricBergDC

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we’re going to talk about a very

powerful anti-inflammatory

that you’ve never related to being an

anti-inflammatory before in fact you

probably think of this thing I’m going

to talk about in a negative light like

something you should avoid but it is a

potent anti-inflammatory and the cost of

it is pretty inexpensive in fact it’s

free ultraviolet radiation but I even

say the word UV radiation you probably

immediately think wow skin cancer avoid

this radiation it’s something very very

bad but you have to realize this UV

radiation which is a

part of the spectrum of energy from the

Sun I mean human beings animals and

plants have coexisted with these Rays

for a very long time so we have

developed all sorts of adaptation to


this radiation and use it to our

advantage in fact when we’re dealing

with the sun’s Rays ultraviolet

radiation is the only part of that sun’s

energy that you can make vitamin D and

you know how important vitamin D is it’s

the most important

uh vitamin for your immune system it’s

the most potent anti-inflammatory but

it’s created from ultraviolet radiation

now before you disagree and click off

hear me out because we’re really talking

about the dosage Okay small amounts of

UV radiation now I’m not gonna lie too

much of it chronic exposure to UV

radiation is really bad it can increase

your risk of melanoma it can produce a

lot of wrinkles it can take the water

right out of your skin and make your

skin very dehydrated it’s all about the

dosage of this radiation but a small

amount here and there not the amount

that it would create a burn but maybe a

very slight tan could be very very

beneficial so let me first explain what

makes up ultraviolet radiation you have

UVA UVB and UVC let’s first talk about

UBC and get that on the way because it

doesn’t really pertain to what we’re

going to talk about because you’re

really not exposed to UVC UVC is

generated by the sun and it gets trapped

in the ozone layer so it never ends up

on Earth but they do make UVC

artificially in different wands that

they use to kill certain microbes and so

it can definitely create some problems

believe me but you don’t have to worry

about it from the Sun so now that leaves

us with UV a and UV beads what are the

differences very simply majority of this

ultraviolet radiation is in the form of

UVA like 98.7 and it’s the least

damaging energy but if you are exposed

to much of it it’s the one that gives

you the wrinkles loss of collagen it can

even give you the Aging spots which by

the way if you have enough antioxidants

in your skin that can protect you now

let’s talk about UVB radiation okay

that’s really only like 1.3 percent so

that can give you a moderate amount of

damage like a little bit more than the

UVA but not if you’re exposed to it in

smaller doses it’s a UVB that makes the

vitamin D by interacting with

cholesterol on your skin

so right there we have two things that

are like a negative right people think

oh my gosh I need to protect myself

against ultraviolet radiation and

protect myself against cholesterol well

if you combine those two things you get

vitamin D which is very very important

especially since the majority of the

population is deficient in the vitamin D

in fact there’s some reports which I

think I agree with it’s virtually

impossible even to develop an autoimmune

disease if you have sufficient vitamin D

simply because how Vitamin D is so

intertwined with every part of your

immune system now UVB radiation also is

the one that triggers the melanocytes to

make melanin okay melanin is the the

pigment that makes your skin darker okay

and so people that are more fair

complected have less melanin versus

people with darker skin and this pigment

is interesting because it acts like a

sunblock it protects you against the UV

radiation the damaging rays that can

affect your DNA so it’s similar to a

sunscreen or a sunblock and so when

you’re exposed to the UVB you trigger

that cell that makes the pigment so now

you’ve adapted and you’ve actually

become more protected against that

radiation so that’s called a hermetic

effect where you’re adapting to some

small amount of stress to then be

stronger than you were before the UVA

does penetrate deeper than the UVB it

penetrates into the dermis whereas the

UVB only penetrates superficially into

the epidermis now again both of these

Rays can produce DNA damage they can

produce cancer they can produce a loss

of collagen and wrinkles

Etc but it all depends on the dose and

your level of antioxidants in the skin

but let’s just go through some of the

benefits to ultraviolet radiation in

general okay that type of energy can

give you an anti-inflammatory effect now

in large doses it can create

inflammation but in smaller doses it can

actually reduce the cytokines that

produce this inflammation cytokines are

involved in the inflammatory process the

UV radiation can trigger a certain T

Cell It’s called the T regulatory cell

which is involved in decreasing your

risk for autoimmunity which is very very

interesting because there are a higher

risk of developing autoimmune diseases

the higher you live away from the Sun

like in higher latitudes like in the

North if you live away from the Sun

you’re more at risk for developing

autoimmune diseases you’re more at risk

of getting cardiovascular problems

you’re even more at risk for developing

certain types of cancer which is pretty


now this partly has to do probably with

the creation of the vitamin D but

there’s other factors that go beyond

this vitamin d a fact but just realize

that the further away you are from the

sun’s Direct Energy okay like higher

latitudes the less ultraviolet radiation

you’re exposed to ultraviolet radiation

also decreases the risk of getting TB

and their Associated skin disease that

comes with it in fact the sun was

considered the antidote for TB way back

when they had the sanitariums now

there’s some other effects from UV

radiation that are not even associated

with vitamin D in suppressing the

symptoms of eczema

psoriasis dermatitis

Vitiligo which is the loss of pigment

and even Scleroderma there’s a lot of

different type of light remedies using

UV radiation

photobiomodulation therapy that they use

in these skin disorders and they use a

very narrow band UVB radiation to help

in these conditions but again they’re

they’re not exposure for a long period

of time they’re very small short doses

to create these interesting effects

there’s even an anti-pain or they call

it an opioid effect of this UV for pain

so the next time you’re in pain get out

in the sun and see if it doesn’t help

you the UV radiation also has an effect

on the HPA axis that’s the hypothalamus

pituitary adrenal axis in that it can

help regulate cortisol which is a

positive thing when you have stress and

you can’t live without it it’s a very

important hormone but UV does affect

your endocrine system in a positive way

if you have these small doses UV

radiation also increases nitric oxide

I’ve done videos on that of helping the

inside of your arteries but nitric oxide

also can be very beneficial to your skin

and act as a protective mechanism

against the UV radiation UV also in

short doses gives you reparative actions

probably because of the Hermetic or

stress effect and then the adaptation

that comes after UV radiation can

elevate your mood this is probably why

people feel better in The Sun Also it

can increase and help balance serotonin

in the body so I just wanted to create

this video to kind of show you the other

side of ultraviolet radiation it has a

lot of positives if you don’t overdo it

it’s not all bad we don’t just need to

avoid the Sun and use a lot of sunblock

and wear hats and glasses all the time a

little bit can help you and of course

out of all of these factors that are

related to UV I think vitamin D is

probably on the top of the list as far

as the most important and I want to give

you some more information on a vitamin D

itself in relationship to the Sun so I

put that video up right here check it
