The Minnesota Starvation Experiment | DrEricBergDC

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there’s an interesting study that was

done called the Minnesota starvation

experiment it was in 1944 by a man named

Ancel keys the same guy who fudged the

data on the heart study in 1958 which

has led to the false information about

cholesterol causing heart disease that’s

the same guy who did this experiment

what Ancel Keys did in the heart study

is he omitted data because he only gave

you the data that aligned with his

premise okay that cholesterol is bad in

a clog the arteries he omitted a lot of

other countries that showed no

relationship between the cholesterol and

heart disease and that’s just another

classic example how certain researchers

can manipulate data to look a certain


now with this experiment it involved

over 36 men over a course of a year and

the first three months they consumed

3,200 calories okay then after that they

cut the calories down by half to about

fifteen hundred and sixty calories for

six months and this was called a semi

starvation okay now to me that’s not

necessarily starvation because you could

live on this if there are nutrient-dense

foods but they wanted to mimic the diet

that was in the war previous to that so

they fed the potatoes rutabagas turnips

bread and macaroni now I see ralph the

bat there’s not enough protein there’s

definitely not enough essential fatty

acids and there’s definitely not enough

vitamins or minerals in this diet over

six months it’s going to create some

serious nutritional deficiencies it’s

not the starvation of the calories that

I see is the problem it’s the starvation

of the nutrients then after the six

months they put them on a restricted

Rehab period and they beefed up the

calories to 2,000 to 3,200 okay where

they fed them more protein more vitamins

and so now they were feeling better and

then after that they put them on an

unrestricted rehab period for short

of time where they pretty much can eat

whatever they want but here’s the

outcome they were exhausted irritable

bored cold this would be a thyroid

problem okay because you’re starving the

nutrients we’ve talked about that in

other videos decreased libido craving

food like crazy

they even resorted to stealing food okay

and as the icing on the cake it

destroyed their metabolism kind of

metabolism went way way down and this is

very similar to some of the diets that

are out there that people go on which

are low-calorie diets when you’re on a

healthy keto plan and you’re doing in a

minute fasting your energy goes up okay

especially if you’re doing healthy keto

you’re not going to be irritable your

your moods gonna come way up and you’re

probably gonna find that your libido

goes up you’re not gonna crave food your

hunger goes away you’re probably not

going to end up stealing food because

you’re not hungry

and your metabolism is going to be fine

so that is the benefit and the unique

distinction between healthy keto and

fasting versus a semi-starvation

typical low calorie diet that a lot of

people actually go on which they don’t

really pay attention to the quality of

food so I put a link down below for the

actual study but I want to just point

this out because many people that do

fasting do not do healthy keto okay and

they end up with problems and it’s

totally unnecessary so what we can learn

from this is the importance of

nutrient-dense foods and all of the side

effects that we can prevent and also if

we’re trying to do this with weight loss

the last thing we want to do is destroy

the metabolism thanks for watching so if

you want more knowledge on how to create

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