4 Causes of Kidney Pain (Low Back Pain) on Keto Diet – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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I wanted to do this video based on a

question someone had about low back pain

when they started keto okay is it coming

from the kidney well probably is so

there are several reasons for this

number one you’re consuming too many

oxalates and your body is sensitive to

them those are certain compounds in

certain foods and when someone does keto

a lot of times they start doing a lot of

almonds or almond flour and some of the

keto desserts this is loaded with

oxalates and that can aggravate the

kidney and even the joints causing pain

anywhere in the body also spinach is

very high in oxalates so it’s rhubarb

but a lot of people don’t consume a

rhubarb but they definitely do spinach

and then chocolate is really high in

oxalic so if you’re combining chocolate

with almonds we could have a problem now

I did put a link down below to give you

a lot more information not other foods

that have this but if you start to

change your diet and eliminate these and

the back pain goes away then we know

that was probably it the problem with

oxalates is this is related to number

four stone formation kidney stones

some people are stone formers they make

kidney stones very easily so if you’re

in this boat what you need to do is to

consume more water two to three liters a

day okay and add some electrolyte powder

in there

why because stones can only develop in a

super saturated state so if you’re

drinking this much fluid the stones

cannot form okay so right there that

eliminates the possibility of forming a

stone number two lemon gives you the sit

rates sit rates inhibit the oxalates

okay so you can actually also with this

one avoid these foods and also consume

lemon water okay next one is decrease

oxalates we talked about this and I put

the link down below you can check that

out and also you want to do a moderate

amount of protein potentially too much

protein could stress the kidney and set

you up for getting them stone too much

salt because the more salt that goes

through you the more calcium goes

through you so calcium tends to follow

sodium you want to do the normal amount

of salt you just don’t want

do excessive amounts if you’re a stone

former okay number two you’re doing way

too much protein and that constrained

the kidneys that can strain the liver

and cause back pain right from there so

if you were to have kidney pain it’s

usually gonna be right up in here it’s

not gonna be right down here it’s gonna

be a little higher up its isolate where

the pain is draw a circle on the front

and press into the front of your abdomen

and hold pressure exactly where the pain

is on the opposite side and once you

hold that for 30 seconds the pain should

disappear and that’s just a quick

technique to help you temporarily get

rid of the pain as you find the source

and correct the source of it all right

next one is this your urine is too acid

now this could also relate to stones

because let’s say for example you get

uric acid stones one way to correct that

is to alkalize the body a little bit if

you to acid because ketones are acid and

you’re in some hardcore ketosis that

could potentially raise your uric acid

level and that could create the pain but

not if you’re doing enough vegetables

which will very easily counter that

acidic state because these are alkaline

okay another reason to consume a good

amount of salad or other vegetables

during keto also you can take potassium

citrate which is a type of an

electrolyte which will also help

neutralize the acid so these are some

things to narrow down to help you get

rid of the back pain if you have it when

you do keno so if you want to get

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