Ammonia In The Brain – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys in this video we’re going to

talk about ammonia in the brain and what

does that mean well here’s the thing a

lot of times when people get older their

liver becomes damaged and they start

building up ammonia because the protein

is not breaking down to urea and it’s

backing up into the blood and it’s going

into the brain so here are some of the

symptoms severely decreased cognitive


confusion memory loss swelling in the

brain and that must be sweet breath that

sometimes you would smell walking

through a nursing home it’s just it’s

liver damage

now there’s another condition where it’s

a kind of a sweet sulfur breath which is

a little different and that’s basically

kind of a symptom or a sign that they’re

dying and it’s also it can come from

liver damage but the liver is on its way

out and it has a certain odor to it but

it’s a little bit more sulfur sweet

rather than musty sweet so anyway what

causes deliver to become damaged is

excessive protein so if you eating

massive quantities of protein you’re

overloading the liver and it could

actually build up ammonia alright and

then of course alcohol drugs processed

food years of eating a lot of cooked

foods going to the all-you-can-eat

buffet will do it and high insulin okay

from all the sugar that people becoming

a diabetic and medications will do it as

well so you’re about as healthy as your

liver so you’re really going to save the

liver and take care of the liver so

here’s one of the remedies or that

natural remedies would be l-glutamine

that’s really good for recovery

balancing pH helping the kidney and

liver rid waste in addition to all the

other things I talked about vegetables

healthy foods and things like that I’ll

put a link down below but maybe your

grandparent or even your parent has this

some of these symptoms well get the

liver checked and start loading up with

l-glutamine and I think you can help

them alright thanks for watching hi guys

hey listen I created a pretty amazing

evaluation quiz down below that actually

analyzes your symptoms to find the cause

the root cause of all of your symptoms

the most likely cause

so take the quiz now and we’ll send you
