Blackstrap Molasses Benefits Explained by Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video I want to talk

about blackstrap molasses okay what is

it this is though a waste product from

sugarcane now they do make molasses from

beet sugar which I don’t like because

most of the beets nowadays in the US are

GML okay but the point is that unsub

lack strap molasses comes from typically

comes from sugarcane so here they take

out this refined product which is pure

white sugar okay and brown sugar is just

a little bit of molasses okay but then

they shoot away this waste product where

they just sell it as molasses molasses

is where you have all the nutrients

specifically the minerals certain B


I mean it’s rich with potassium and zinc

and silica and the trace minerals

massive amounts so it’s really I think a

good product and a small amount for kids

or people that are not trying to lose

weight and don’t have a blood sugar

problem I know some people are like well

can I start having this and like we’ll

hold on just use it as needed as a tool

to solve a problem if you want like a

spike of minerals but again it will stop

weight loss because it does have some

carbohydrate a little bit of

carbohydrate and they’re not compared to

white sugar but it does have some sugar

in there because they haven’t completely

taken it out but here’s the point I

I like the benefit of this in certain

situations with women that have anemia

specifically if they have like a fibroid

issue or heavy bleeding with their

cycles this is probably one of the best

sources of iron okay so that’s one

indication and the other one is that for

kids that are hyper and they’re like

running all over the place and eating

all this white sugar white sugar

depletes you of potassium and minerals

blackstrap molasses puts it right back

in potassium is a physiological

tranquilizer it helps the nervous system

it helps apply to fight system it calms

the nervous system down the Tassie ’m

helps you store sugar in your liver as

glycogen and how

so you go longer without those dips in

the blood sugar issues so it’s good for

certain types of low blood sugar issues

but black mass a black sunsoft word

means that it doesn’t have the sulfuric

sulfur dioxide that they put in there so

it’s a lot healthier if it’s unsalted

and again you know keeps them in your

fridge use it if you have anemia make

some recipes for your kids or yourself

occasionally if you’re not trying to

lose weight but I think it’s a really

good remedy and natural remedy because

it has so many minerals and thanks so

much for watching and before you go

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