How To Use MCT Oil To Improve Your Sleep – Dr.Berg On MCT Oil Benefits | DrEricBergDC

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so recently i had this idea that i was

going to try some mct oil before i went

to bed and normally you would take mct


in the morning to get more energy or

even before you work out to actually run

your body in ketones


i thought about sleep apnea sleep apnea

is a condition of a lack of oxygen which

interferes with your ability to sleep

and i do know there’s a huge connection

between breathing air getting oxygen

and actually sleeping for some reason we

don’t sleep well when we don’t get



give you oxygen give you more oxygen

than glucose also you’re getting less

co2 carbon dioxide

now what happens with the brain is this

it prefers ketones if there’s enough

ketones in your blood

if you’re just starting out in ketosis

and you’re not necessarily doing

imminent fasting or you just want to

spike more ketones in your brain

you can actually take mct oil to do that

because it converts to ketones very very

efficiently and it doesn’t even use

the bile and some of the digestive

enzymes from the pancreas it just kind

of gets absorbed and it turns into

ketones very very fast so by taking a

small amount of mct oil medium chain

triglycerides i’m talking about starting

off with a half of a teaspoon

because it can

create some digestive issues so start

small and maybe kind of work your way up

to maybe one teaspoon over time

but try this right before you go to bed

i’ve been doing it for the last week and

it does definitely increase the quality

of sleep for sure the other cool thing

about ketones in general there are

certain parts of the brain that run on

ketones and other parts that don’t well

just so happens that the pineal gland

runs on ketones and that’s where you

have the melatonin that helps you sleep

as well

the hypothalamus and the pituitary also

love ketones now in the hypothalamus you

have all these little tiny

nuclei they’re little regulatory

cells that are combine the autonomic

nervous system with the endocrine system

and there’s one little nuclei called the

suprachiasmatic nuclei that’s involved

in the sleep circadian waves and that’s

basically your internal clock

if you support it with the right fuel

you could potentially enhance your sleep

and one last point about the brain there

is a lot of confusions on the brain

until fairly recently

it wasn’t known that your brain could

actually run on ketones uh it was

thought that the brain could only run on

glucose so sometimes when you talk to

your doctor for example

they might still not even have this new

information that your brain can run on

ketones very efficiently the brain can’t

run on fatty acids though other parts of

your body can run in fatty acids but

because the brain is composed of a lot

of fatty acids that would be very

dangerous if you’re going to run on your


tissue so that’s kind of a protective

mechanism but let me know in the

comments below if it actually improves

your sleeping

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