Should I Do Keto With Hypoglycemia? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so the question is should you do ‘quite

L if you have hypoglycemia take a look

at this low blood sugar comes from high

blood sugar and the spike of insulin

pushing it down so in reality

hypoglycemia is high insulin because

it’s actively pushing you down into a

lowered state the next question is well

don’t we need sugar to balance it to

bring it back up well the problem is the

actual cause of hypoglycemia is high

insulin by adding more sugar to balance

it we raise more insulin to lower it so

why would you want to do that

now insulin resistance which you see in

diabetes all the time especially type 2

and also in type 1 as well

is caused by too much insulin or chronic

exposure to insulin as well but when you

have insulin resistance which so many

people do your body is actually making

seven times the amount of insulin that

you need than a normal person so it’s

not just about you meeting candy but

your body is actually making it by

itself without eating any carbohydrates

you’re just making tons of insulin

creating more insulin resistance and

that high level of insulin is just gonna

drive it down and cause the hypoglycemia

in certain people some people never get

hypoglycemia they get hyperglycemia or

high blood sugar so the real question is

how do we keep your insulin normal to

then normalize hypoglycemia well we just

want to focus on keeping insulin normal

we want to keep our Sugar’s low we don’t

want to eat frequent meals we want to

consume magnesium potassium and b1 these

are the two minerals and the vitamin

that you need to really support insulin

resistance and help this condition but I

think what we should do is we really

need to go to the experts for this


murk’s manual is the authority on

medical pathology let’s go to chapter on

hypoglycemia and see what it says page

1056 diabetic patients taking insulin

should always carry sugar lumps or candy

with them and the patient’s family and

friends should be instructed to

recognize the symptoms of hypoglycemia

which is dizziness lightheadedness

irritable Ness even fainting spells and

in giving the emergency treatment

mentioned above okay

so we want to give them sugar right so

I’m trying to find out what you need to

do to correct this problem so I’m going

to go right to the chapter where it

talks about the diet for diabetes let’s

let’s see what they say about that what

is the diet for diabetes diet

composition there’s no need to

disproportionately restrict the intake

of carbohydrates in the diet of most

diabetics Wow flexibility in diet design

helps many patients to adhere to an

effective program so in other words we

can keep it flexible we can pretty much

tell them what they can eat what they

want because that way they’ll stick to

the junk food diet makes no sense

whatsoever if you do that you’re gonna

raise insulin you’re never going to

correct this problem if you eat the

sugar same deal very simply what you

need to do is healthy keto and

intermittent fasting on a nice gradual

level start with three meals a day and

then no snacks add protein electrolytes

B vitamins and then go to two meals a

day what’s going to happen you’ll

transition over to burn fat and the need

for insulin will go down the need for

running and blood Sugar’s will go down

and you won’t have this anymore it’s a

very effective all right thanks for


hey guys real quick I have a new healthy

keto eating plan for you just go to dr.

Berg comm it’s right on the front page I

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