Sudden Flabby Thighs & Butt in Menopause and Perimenopause – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey dr. Berg here this video we’re going

to talk about fat thighs and a fat butt

alright so if you know of anyone that

has that have them watch this video

because as you age you’re going to find

out that it’s harder and harder to get

lean especially in the lower part of

your body and let’s first talk about

some facts in the body okay some these

are physiological facts number one the

most that you can burn as far as actual

fat per week is two pounds okay so you

can’t burn five pounds of fat a week

it’s impossible if you are losing more

than two pounds a week it’s just water

weight so just realize that okay so two

pounds is the most and that’s for a good

healthy body with a good metabolism so

if you’re not burning two pounds don’t

get frustrated it could be just that

your your metabolism is kind of broken

and you might only burn one pound or

less as you build up your health but the

fact is that that’s the most you can

burn per week all right now number two

in order to burn fat your body has to be

energetic it has to be sleeping it can’t

be burnt out if you’re tired and you’re

not sleeping chances are you’re not

going to be burn fat because it takes a

lot of energy to get the metabolism to

start burning this stuff off so you

really have to get healthy first before

you can start losing weight third in

order to burn fat you can’t have

cravings when you’re craving breads

pastas cereal what you’re running on is

you’re running on sugar fuel you’re not

burning fat the way you know you’re

burning fat is when you don’t have the

cravings and the way you get rid of

cravings is we increase the greens and

the potassium in the body by a factor of

seven cups a day and the cravings should

go down but the point is that you

there’s no way you’re going to burn fat

when you have in these cravings and

you’re starving and you’re hungry all

the time that’s not going to work okay

next thing is the body will always build

back the muscle if it the muscle is

wasting away before the fat okay now

what is that that brings us to our next

point there’s a huge difference between


on your body and maybe cellulite let’s

just call it cellulite and atrophy now

atrophy is the wasting or or sagging of

your muscles in other words when a

muscles after atrophied it’s sagging

it’s weak it’s hanging there and that’s

really what a lot of people have and

they think that it’s all just cellulite

and fat when in fact it’s just an

atrophied muscle okay so because the

muscle is breaking down why because of

the stress hormones of age will tend to

make everything kind of droop and and

it’s hard to get it lean okay so when

we’re trying to lose weight we want to

identify what the real problem is

because if you think it’s fat and you

start trying to burn this off you’re

going to be very frustrated when it

doesn’t work so let’s take a look at

this atrophy a little bit more and how

we can undo it in the body there’s two

things that happen you have a breakdown

of muscle and then we have a build

building back up of muscle okay so when

we exercise when we go through stress it

breaks things down there’s a name for

that it’s called catabolic I like a

cannibalistic your body is eating itself

up so it breaks things down it’s a

breaking down catabolic and that happens

during the day and then at night when

you’re resting you should build things

back up and so that’s when you’re

burning fat but that’s when the muscle

starts building buck back up and that’s

called anabolic and you may be heard

that from like anabolic steroids or

something like that big your body makes

certain hormones that build things back

up so really a person as they hit the

age of 50 during menopause and they get

atrophy they have a problem with this

anabolic catabolic thing they have too

much breakdown but not enough building

back up okay why because the hormones

are messed up so what can we do to

improve that number one we do not want

to exercise every day you don’t want to

over train you want to take less

frequent workouts and space it out and

get more recovery so we want to recover

longer we want to rest longer we don’t

want to exercise over soreness why

because when you’re sore that means your

body is still in a catabolic state

now to speed up the anabolic phase where

we build back up the muscles there are

certain amino acids that you can consume

at the health food store and you can get

these even as a one supplement you have

to find them but the one that you need

and I would buy this as a single source

of three different amino acids leucine

leucine is an amino acid that helps

restore muscle tissue isoleucine is

another recovery amino acid these are

proteins in valine which will also

increase the muscle repair so find a

supplement with all three of these and

I’ll type them out down here on the and

the blog you can just click read more

and get it and then also you even want

the cofactors because there’s also

associated things with these amino acids

that help them work better and that’s

called a cofactor its associated vitamin

like b3 and a b3 b6 and vitamin C so

find a supplement with leucine

isoleucine valine b3 b6 and vitamin C

and start taking that before you go to

bed every night even when you’re not

working out to speed up the process of

recovery that will help the workouts

work better and then you want to workout

less so I recommend just workout until

your the soreness goes away and it could

be once a week it could be once every

two weeks when you start out but as you

do this more it’ll get better and better

and better

the other thing you want to take is

omega-3 that’s that flax oil because the

flax oil is really good to repair not

just the muscle but all the little

structures in the muscle to help you

like the energy factories the metabolism

factories so we want those omega-3 fatty

acids to take a little flax before you

go to bed and these amino acids you can

get them from the health food store

okay so the body will build back the

muscle first before the actual fats burn

and that is why people get frustrated

because they think it’s not working but

it’s really working their muscles are

getting leaner or stronger but they’re

heavier so the scale doesn’t move that

they’re shrinking in size that’s a good

thing and that actually must happen in

the beginning especially if your body is

broken down so don’t take that as a loss

just go by size

measurement and also go by maybe how you

look less sagging muscles but and that’s

why people don’t necessarily lose the

weight right away that could it take six

weeks it could take eight weeks

to be before you start losing weight on

some cases because the muscles are so

atrophied that it takes time okay so

don’t give up apply this information and

send me your success stories