Ignore Hunger Waves While Fasting | DrEricBergDC

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so i wanted to cover some interesting things  about fasting one is that fasting will increase  

your motivation exercise i’m going to cover that  but i also want to talk about something very  

very important and it basically has to do with  hunger waves okay you want to ignore hunger waves  

now what is a hunger wave well it’s a wave of  hunger that if you ignore it it will go away  

what’s causing the hunger is a hormone and it’s  called ghrelin okay ghrelin is the hunger hormone  

and it sends signals to the brain telling you  it’s time to eat and let’s say for example it’s  

lunchtime and you’re getting hungry and you just  ignore it you get busy whatever within two hours  

you’re gonna find it’s gone you’re not hungry  anymore okay then at dinner time it might come  

up again if you ignore it push through it it goes  away so over time when you fast you have these  

waves of ghrelin up and down up and down  but over time they go further and further  

downward to the point where it becomes easier and  easier to fast where you don’t have that sensation  

of hunger anymore so you have two things you have  one is the sensation of hunger and number two you  

have wow my blood sugars have dropped i’m really  hungry i’m feeling irritable i’m getting weak i’m  

getting dizzy well that means that you need to  eat but that’s a lot different than a temporary  

wave of hunger caused by ghrelin fasting over  a period of time will make you less and less  

hungry it’s very counter-intuitive you would think  that not eating will make you hungry it doesn’t  

and eating especially repetitive eating makes you  more hungry every time you eat you spike insulin  

and two hours later now you’re hungry and you  need a little snack so related to that information  

try to ignore the hunger signals right now  and fast longer now i want to switch gears  

to something else very interesting and this was  based on a study involving mice okay not humans  

but i find it to be true in humans there was an  increased urge to exercise when fasting and they  

isolated that down to the same hormone ghrelin  so ghrelin can actually make you want to exercise  

what i want to know is if you’ve been fasting  for a period of time go ahead and put down in the  

comments section down below if you find that when  you fast you do have this increased motivation  

exercise so if you get this spike in ghrelin  and you’re hungry ignore those signals but don’t  

ignore the signals to exercise hey before you  go real quick i have a course entitled how to  

bulletproof your immune system it’s a free  course i want you to take it and here’s why  

here’s you here is your environment everyone  is focused on this over here avoiding  

your environment but what about here what about  strengthening your immune system that’s what’s  

missing this course will show you how to  bulletproof yourself and so you can tolerate  

and resist your environment much better by  strengthening your own immune system i put  

a link down in the description right down  below check it out and get signed up today