How to Lose That Last 10 Pounds – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys it’s me in this video we want

to share the secrets of how to lose that

last ten pounds okay now what’s

interesting it’s very unnatural to lose

weight in general the body doesn’t like

losing weight it goes against its own

purpose of trying to survive so anything

that is losing is something that’s very

unnatural but there are things that you

can do strategically to really dig deep

into losing the last resistant stubborn

weight okay so number one zero sugars

now you as you may already know that

anything high in the glycemic index

anything high in sugar increases insulin

and insulin blocks fat burning you will

not be able to lose weight in the

presence of insulin and that includes

all the hidden sugars like the breads

the pasta the cereal the crackers the

biscuits the waffles pancakes muffins

juice alcohol and fruit okay we need to

actually bring all those out of the diet

because we don’t want any excess insulin

okay alright number two intense exercise

the intensity of exercise is what can

trigger the most powerful fat burning

hormone called growth hormone and here’s

the catch-22 with intense exercise

exercise that will help you lose weight

if you recover from it all the benefit

of exercise occurs in the recovery so

yes we need to do a full-body

high-intensity workout but that will

only work if you don’t overtrain it only

works if you recover from that workout

okay in the sleep so if you’re working

out and you’re sore the next day or

you’re tired the next day then give it

some more time but the combination of

high intensity full-body compound

resistant exercise with recovery will

increase some massive growth hormone

changes which then will burn fat okay

number three eight plus hours of sleep

now why because most the fat burning and

most the benefit of exercise occurs when

you’re sleeping if you’re only getting

six hours or even seven hours of sleep

that can greatly reduce your chances of

losing weight and the key is has to be

quality it has to be long enough

and it’s totally okay if you take a nap

during the day but we need that eight

plus hours of sleep every night

number four two meals per day now here’s

the thing we don’t want you to be hungry

we don’t want you to cut calories that

doesn’t work

it creates starvation but there’s a

thing called intermittent fasting that

will greatly improve your fat burning'

specifically growth hormone is triggered

by intermittent fasting and what that

means is that we’re eating a couple

meals not three meals a day and we’re

going to add fat at the meal to be able

to go longer so it’s not about reducing

the calories from fat it’s about going

longer because what happens when you

have more than two meals a day every

time you eat you trigger insulin so

we’re trying to keep insolent very very

low and two meals a day is a perfect

combination now when should you have

those two meals a day number one if

you’re not hungry in the morning do not

eat breakfast wait till lunch okay if

you’re hungry in the morning have that

breakfast but then go all the way until

5:00 6:00 and have dinner okay and that

would be the perfect combination or the

frequency of eating number five no

snacking between meals why because every

time you eat no matter what you eat you

trigger insulin and insulin blocks fat

burning so we don’t want to snack if you

want to actually have like some nuts or

some cheese have it at the meal not in

between the meal because if you keep

spiking insulin you’re never going to be

able to lose weight a lot of people have

this thing called insulin resistance

which is basically like a pre-diabetic

situation which keeps the insulin four

to five times higher than an average

person so no snacking and two meals a

day will actually correct incentive

resistance okay and you’ll go longer and

longer and you add more fat of your if

you’re hungry so you can go longer

without eating but we don’t want to

snack even if it’s something healthy all

right so that’s actually number five

number six protein three to six ounces

per meal now why because if you have too

much protein you can increase insulin

anything more than 35 grams spikes

insulin so we want smaller amounts of

protein we can have them twice a day but

we don’t want to have a large amounts of

protein okay that’s another tip number

seven seven to ten cups of vegetables

now this is interesting because unless

you do those vegetables you won’t get

the minerals specifically potassium you

need about 4700 milligrams of potassium

every single day and that that’s the

quantity of vegetables that you’re

supposed to consume to get that

potassium you’re not going to get it

without the potassium you can’t curb

cravings you can’t metabolize protein as

well you can’t build your stomach acids

it’s the most important mineral that you

need especially for losing weight and

many people don’t have the quantity now

we just want to make sure you can have

two big salads you can blend it but

here’s the key if you’re consuming a

type of vegetable that you’re not used

to like even kale or any of the

cruciferous vegetables and you start

bloating or you get constipated change

up the vegetable because we can’t have

you bloated a lot of the microbes in

your gut eat fiber and if you overwhelm

the veg of the microbes with too much

fiber at one time they’re not used to it

and you’re constipated you’re bloated

you’re not going to lose weight okay so

make sure you’re eating vegetables that

you can digest and that you don’t have

any type of digestive problem okay so

those are the seven secrets to lose that

ten last ten pounds and this will work

if you follow them a lot of times people

will focus on one more than the other

but whatever you’re missing plug it in

and write your success stories below hey

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