How to Increase Your Height and Grow Taller | DrEricBergDC

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let’s talk about how to increase your

height is it possible

yes it sure is

in practice over the years i’ve had a

handful of patients who had kids that

really were not developing and that

certain children in the family were

taller but another child

really was not growing like they should

and so they wanted my advice so i’m

gonna tell you what i recommended

because it was successful now normally

between age one and puberty

you should grow roughly about two inches

a year and then when you reach puberty

it should be about four inches a year

and then you pretty much stop growing

between the ages of 18 and 20. and

that’s a generality because some people

stop growing a little bit before that

and yet others continue to grow a little

bit longer than that but that’s roughly

the age

group that you stop growing so if you’re

that age or less and you want to grow a

little bit more

what i’m about to tell you may help you

and of course there’s a genetic

limitation however

if you are deficient in certain


that can

significantly affect your


so the three hormones that are involved

in growth our number one human growth

hormone okay and that is produced by the

pituitary gland

and it works through the liver

the next hormone is igf-1 that’s

insulin-like growth factor number one

and that hormone is made by your liver

and it’s controlled by

the growth hormone and then we have a

thyroid if the thyroid is not producing

enough hormones

that can create a stunted growth so

let’s start with the growth hormone what

could create a growth hormone deficiency

well the number one nutrient that can

affect growth hormone is

zinc so children with stunted growth are

mainly deficient in


and people with a growth hormone

deficiency are usually deficient in


so zinc is a very important trace

mineral needed for

more chemical reactions than all the

other trace minerals combined

and a couple things that will create a

zinc deficiency consuming too many foods

with phytates

and phytates are in all the grains

so all those so-called healthy whole

grains that

they tell you to eat

can create a major zinc deficiency and

then of course you have other things

that will deplete zinc

sugar refined carbohydrates alcohol

caffeine stress

not consuming enough foods or zinc like

let’s say you don’t consume any red meat



or let’s say you’re a vegan okay

all those things can create a zinc

deficiency the other thing that can

create a growth hormone deficiency is


now i’m not talking about doing fasting

with all of your nutrients i’m talking

about starvation where you’re starving

your body of all the vitamins minerals

nutrients amino acids essential fatty

acids that type of thing

now personally i think i stunted my

growth because i’m only six two

my dad’s six five my brother is six

seven i think he could be six eight my

mom is six foot no she’s five ten but i

am only six two and i think what i did

to stop my growth was i wrestled in 9th

grade 10th grade 11th grade 12th grade

and then starting in college before i

fractured my neck and you talk about

having to cut weight and starve yourself

through the season

that was me so remember one time i had a

wrestling match and i had to cut weight

and i was way over

so within three days

i dropped a tremendous amount of weight

and to do that

i wore these plastic bags and i

exercised pretty much all day and i

sweat and i barely drank

hardly any water i think i ate a few

celery sticks

and a couple french fries from

mcdonald’s and a few other things that

were not the healthiest thing on the

planet but i was weak i was tired i was

pushing myself

and of course i made weight and then i

just totally pegged out again and that

went on for some years

so all that starving and exercise and

stress and lack of nutrients probably

had a significant negative effect on my

overall health

so as far as growth hormone deficiencies

you need zinc okay you also need enough

protein you need sufficient protein so

those people who do not consume enough


can inhibit growth hormone and then

number three this is very important


apparently growth hormone works when

you’re sleeping okay so if you’re not

sleeping that well if you have sleep

problems and you’re a teenager that

could be the thing that can set your

growth next thing on the list is obesity

the more fat that you have on your body

the less growth hormone that’s going to

be activated and then you have other

factors like smoking or second-hand

smoking that can inhibit growth hormone

and also caffeine i mean think about how

many teenagers that are consuming

massive amounts of caffeine

and sugar which will deplete your zinc

now out of all the age groups it’s the

teenager group

that consumes

the most ultra processed

junk foods so talk about nutritional

deficiencies now there’s one more

nutrient that can create a deficiency in

growth hormone and that is

a lack of vitamin d now that’s a common

thing nowadays with kids because they

don’t go outside enough

pretty much sitting behind the computer

the great majority of the day

now as far as the other two hormones we

have insulin growth factor

if there’s any damage with the liver

let’s say for example your liver is

fatty because you eat a lot of

carbohydrates or high fructose corn


that can inhibit that hormone igf number

one and affect your growth

now when we get to the thyroid gland

thyroid gland is very sensitive to an

iodine deficiency

so with an infant or a small child or a

teenager that does not have sufficient

iodine that can greatly stun your growth

iodine is mainly in seafood


uh see kelp and it’s in other foods that

are grown close to the seashore but if

that food is grown inland chances are

it’s not going to have much iodine so if

you’re watching and you’re a young adult

or you’re a parent that has a child that

wants to maximize their height

these are the things that you want to

put on the list number one a good trace

mineral product that has zinc in it okay

because you never want to just take zinc

alone you want to take it in a blend of

all the trace minerals

number two

this is the product that i would search

out and find

and recommend it’s called pituotrophin


it’s a product that is sold by a company

called standard process you can look it


and i’m not affiliated with that company

but it’s a really good product to

support the pituitary gland that makes

growth hormone and i personally

recommended it and saw the difference in

height of certain kids that took it you

just want to take one before bed for

about three months the next thing on the

list is to get a lot of sleep if you’re

not sleeping that is a factor you need

to address i’ll put some links down

below of what to do if you have

insomnia and this is a really common

reason why people are zinc deficient too

many phytates in the diet

phytates are in grains so you need to

avoid grains and that way you don’t have

things in your diet that are actually

blocking zinc and then the next vitamin

of course is vitamin d ideally the best

way to get vitamin d is through the sun

okay get your kids out in the sun

several hours a day that would be very

very smart if they can’t do it then give

them a vitamin d supplement all these

things are going to maximize your height

potential but you also must focus on

your diet and i think the best way to

figure out the healthiest diet you

should be on

is take a look at what everyone’s

recommending especially the food pyramid

okay look what the government is

recommending and then use that as a

check sheet to do the opposite okay the

majority of your diet either whole

grains or starchy carbohydrates in the

form of potato

whole grain

rice things like that those are the

foods that you absolutely want to emit

from your diet they’re going to tell you

to avoid saturated fats and consume more

vegetable oils now you want to consume

saturated fats and you want to avoid

vegetable oils

because you can do that safely because

your carbohydrates will be very low

because you’re not going to be consuming

sugars now when they recommend consuming

fruits and vegetables they’re also

allowing you to consume canned fruit and

even fruit juice as your fruit and

vegetables so

i don’t recommend that because that

fruit juice is pasteurized and it’s

so concentrated with sugar it’s not

benefiting you in any way at all

now of course i’m going to tell you to

avoid red meat well where do you think

you get zinc

red meat is one of the best sources of


so in summary the best diet would be the

healthy ketogenic diet

now if you’re trying to maximize your


should you do fasting

well i think you should do intermittent

fasting because one of the


stimulators of growth hormone

is fasting but just to make sure you get

all your nutrients

let’s say you just do the type of

fasting that you you avoid snacks and

you have three meals or even two meals

but these meals are really nutrient

dense i think that can help you

so anyway try some of the things i

recommended and then come back

and type in your comments down below so

we can hear your success story i think

the best next video for you to watch

would be on zinc check it out i put it

right here