How to Prevent Kidney Stones on Intermittent Fasting (if you are susceptible) – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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okay so today we’re going to talk about

kidney cleansing on in a minute fasting

or just a regular fast there are certain

people that when they do the ketogenic

diet or intermittent fasting they become

susceptible to getting stones kidney

stones so this would be a great thing to

do for that situation so we want to

combine these two T’s this is called

chakra Piedra tea and dandelion tea okay

this is really good for the kidney and

also stones

it’s from the Amazon it’s called stone

breaker or stone crusher even though it

doesn’t really crush the stone or break

the stone it softens the stone so it can

loosen up and then come right out very

easily dandelion tea is really good for

the liver and the kidney it’s a

detoxifier that’s very gentle it doesn’t

it’s not gonna make you feel sick or a

detox sickness but I would consume about

16 to 20 ounces and when you make boil

the water I would take the teabags and

let them sit for about 20 minutes to

make it a little bit more concentrated

drink it during a fast and do this every

day for about one to two months and it

should take care of any sludge or kidney

stones and it’s great to strengthen the

kidney alright thanks for watching hey

thank you so much for watching keep

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