Can Too Much Protein Make You Fat? – Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so I get this question a lot can too

much protein actually make you fat let’s

discuss it and guys I’m not talking

about like a couple days of eating a lot

of protein I’m talking about

consistently consuming too much protein

week after week what would happen

alright so a couple things about protein

there’s a hormone called insulin okay

insulin has several functions insulin

converts what you’re eating to fat it

also prevents the release of fat so it’s

a fat making hormone that prevents you

losing weight an excessive amounts of

protein will trigger insulin but the

question is there’s a lot of people

doing large amounts of protein and

they’re not getting fat

why is that it’s because protein also

triggers another hormone called glucagon

glucagon does the reverse of insulin

it’s produced by the pancreas by the

alpha cells this is produced by the beta

cells so they’re very closer

relationship and they do an opposite

function okay so glucagon helps you burn

fat so if you’re consuming lots of

protein you’re going to be triggering

both of these hormones at the same time

you may not gain weight but it can

potentially prevent you from losing

weight because this prevents the fat

burning effect it depends on what else

you’re eating with that protein okay if

you’re adding carbohydrates you

definitely going to gain weight on that

especially if it’s like me and potatoes

and that type of thing also it depends

on how often you’re consuming this

protein if you’re doing in a minute

fasting for example and you’re doing one

meal a day you may still lose some

weight but if you’re doing three meals a

day large amounts of protein you’re

gonna have a hard time losing weight so

it’s the carbohydrate that triggers

insulin and does not trigger glucagon

okay so this is why carbohydrates cause

weight gain more than just protein does

because of this extra hormone right here

the big problem with excessive amounts

of protein consistently too frequently

over a period of time is that you’re

going to overload the stomach because

you need a certain amount of

hydrochloric acid to break that down and

you make

excessive amounts of beautification body

odor indigestion you might get tired

after you eat you could potentially

overload the kidney and liver because

you have too much nitrogen byproducts

okay then that can lead to more your gas

in the body and gout and all sorts of

issues so how do you know if you’re

consuming too much protein well you’re

getting tired after you eat your urine

is actually foaming okay that means

you’re doing too much protein or maybe

even you get constipation so these are

just some points to think about when

you’re consuming protein I typically

recommend between 3 to 6 ounces of

protein per meal but some people leave

more so it really depends on your

fitness level your metabolism and your

ability to digest that protein

all right guys talk to you later hey

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