The #1 Best Exercise Hack for Maximum Results | DrEricBergDC

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there are thousands of different types

of exercise routines that you can do

and they all of them claim that they’re

the best

what i want to do today is show you

what’s behind exercise so you can

understand the anatomy of exercise and

think with the underlying principles so

you’re not locked into a pattern of

exercise or you end up doing some

exercise that is a complete waste of

time the goal i would think with

exercise is to

get the maximum benefit with the minimal

amount of time but to do that

you really need to just understand

two simple definitions okay

and so all of exercise really comes down

to two different

types of exercise you have anaerobic

exercise that means without oxygen then

you have aerobic exercise which means

with oxygen

and let me just differentiate this

definition because there’s two different

definitions for aerobic you have

aerobic type routine where you’re going

to do this like i don’t know dance

routine or something like that within

like 45 minutes versus another

definition which means with oxygen okay

so at the cellular level depending on

what type of exercise you do

you’re going to be using this system

or this system

and there’s a lot of variations in

between but

just understanding these two okay and

how these certain variables are

different between this exercise and this

will allow everything just to make sense

for you and now you have the ability to

adjust these factors to really maximize

your results and actually not waste any

more time

so let’s take a look at this check this

out anaerobic right if you’re going to

exercise without oxygen

what do you think the duration of an

exercise going to be how long can you

hold your breath

not very long okay so

the duration

for this type of exercise is very very

short okay

with air it’s very very long so then

let’s look at intensity the intensity of

the anaerobic exercise is going to be


the intensity of the aerobic is going to

be low the recovery from this type of

exercise because the intensity is so


is going to be a lot longer because you

are creating a lot more damage to the

muscle versus having a low intensity

exercise you’re not creating a lot of

damage so your recovery is going to be

very very short and then of course the

frequency of this exercise should be a

lot less

and this can be a lot more

but let’s first start with the goal okay

the goal of this type of exercise is to

increase muscle stimulation increase

muscle growth

increase muscle strength of the body as

well as increasing the speed of how fast

you can go okay versus the goal of this


is to create more endurance

more capacity to go longer without


so the question is what type of exercise

should you do

you should do a combination of both

because you do want to at least maintain

your muscles okay and of course having

endurance is really important too

because you don’t want to be walking up


hill and just get out of breath just

immediately you want that endurance for

many different reasons cardiovascular

health longevity etc sometimes you hear

the concept that if you do a

high intensity interval training workout

for seven minutes you’ll get the same

benefits as an hour of

walking on the treadmill well the

question is what benefits are you

looking at because

the benefits from either one are

different i mean this type of exercise

will lower cortisol this will increase

cortisol at least temporarily

this system right here because it’s

using oxygen

will oxidize

more fat

okay during the workout this system

right here burns mainly sugar and

glucose in the muscle

but the hormone activation will cause

you to burn fat

24 to 48 hours later when you’re

sleeping so really when you’re comparing

these workouts it’s not really fair to

say which one is better or worse so you

really need to just understand the

differences between both of them so you

can actually use the information and

tailor make your workout to your goal

but let’s first talk about anaerobic

type exercise

there is

some great information by mike metzer

who basically was the first person to

win mr universe with a perfect score he

wrote multiple books but he really

talked about

intensity training and i want to share a

couple principles that i really

think are valid and you can use these

principles in many different ways mike

was all about maximum benefit and

minimum time and he talks about this

variable intensity which is a very

important variable especially if you’re

trying to grow muscle or even maintain

muscle the more intense you exercise and

let me just clarify that i’m talking

about using

maximum effort

to create complete muscle fatigue to the

point where

you cannot do even one more rep okay so

that’s what i mean by high intensity so

you’re creating enough stimulus to the

muscle where you’re doing at least six

reps okay six to nine reps but you can’t

go more than six to nine reps no matter

what you are at your maximum your body

won’t let you go any further

and that is going to create enough

stimulus and enough damage to the muscle

to create a repair action in the

recovery phase which will then make you

stronger but here’s the interesting

thing about that if you’re going to

create that much intensity and that much


the recovery is going to be very long

and i’m talking about 7 to 14 days okay

so let’s say you work out right and you

recover within

i don’t know a day or two all that means

is that your intensity was not at a

hundred percent and you didn’t create

complete muscle fatigue well of course

you have other factors too uh an average

person is not going to jump right into

that type of workout and also if you’re

older like me 57

you’re not going to jump into that

either especially if you have joint

arthritis or some type of disc problem

in fact you have to be kind of healthy

to do it at this degree however the

concept of this is important you can

take a variation of this what we’re

trying to do is create enough intensity

up to your ability to tolerate that

intensity so then the hormones the body

chemicals the enzymes can come in there

and repair and build a stronger body but

the key is letting your body recover to

the point where you’re fully recovered

now how do you know if you fully

recovered it is a bit of an arbitrary

thing because it’s subjective um it’s

how you feel

did the soreness go away are you at the

point where your body is like ready yes

i am ready to work out i mean there’s so

many times that i worked out where let’s

say even the second or third day i’m

like i’m not ready yet i’m just not

feeling it i’m feeling tired i’m feeling

like sore i’m just gonna wait so this is

very important

waiting till you have a full recovery

before you do the next cycle of exercise

and then you’re playing with these two

variables increasing your intensity over

time and then increasing the recovery

and then you’ll find as you get more fit

and the muscles respond your recovery

time will be a little bit less but it’s

okay to wait seven to even 14 days

to fully recover after a really hardcore

workout now let’s compare that to a

moderate amount of intensity okay

first of all you’re not going to get a

sore you’re not going to get as much

stimulation to the muscle you’re not

going to get as much strength or muscle

mass or speed because

the trigger for all of this is the

intensity so it’s really all about

intensity however you’ll get some

benefits but you’re going to spend a lot

more time in the gym with duration

because your intensity is not high and

how many people do you see at the gym

using these moderate weights or these

exercise equipment that they’re doing i

don’t know seven sets eight sets ten

sets thinking that that is the thing

that they need to do the complete muscle


pushing to failure

is the single most important factor in

getting to your goals so if you really

build up to this level you’re only going

to be working out like once or twice a

week now i’m talking about the anaerobic


this workout i would recommend to do

you know more frequently three times a

week for me it’s daily

because i can recover in 24 hours okay

because i’m doing you know light

intensity type activities walking hiking

yoga i do pilates and now i’m doing

gyrotonics which is a completely


exercise where you’re working range of

motion type stretching type things which

you’re not really getting tired in an

exercise but i’m doing it for more of a

joint rehab and so the lower intensity

the more aerobic the longer you’re

probably going to have to do the workout

like 60 plus minutes for a workout right

but you can pretty much do that every

day or every other day depending on the

intensity so your recovery is much

shorter the frequency of working out is

going to be more with the end result of

having more cardiovascular endurance as

well as muscle enduring so you can go

longer now there are so many other

exercises that are in between here you


jogging cycling swimming at various

intensities dancing

spin bike

and it can go from high intensity to low

intensity but like i said before based

on an intensity i mean if you’re cycling

up a hill

and you’re you’re going as hard as you

can to muscle failure that would be

something that would stimulate muscle

growth to a certain degree you’re going

to get sore the next day and it’s going

to take time to recover it might not

take a week of recovery but maybe it

takes two or three days to recover

and then you start the cycle over again

same thing with spin bike let’s say you

go as hard as you can until like you hit

a wall you cannot go any further right

so let’s take another example high

intensity interval training like

sprinting right can you do an all-out


for five minutes no

maybe you could do it for 30 seconds if

you can do it for longer that just means

your intensity is a little bit lower so

this is all about adjusting the

intensity to your body at first to see

what you can tolerate to be able to fit

into wherever you are on this scale

right here

but anyway i wanted to give you some

background principles of exercise so you

can think with the information and then

apply the right exercise to where you

are at with your recovery and

what you want to achieve

now the next most important video to

watch would be on this recovery capacity

there are things you can do to increase

your recovery and that is the next video

you should check out i put it up right
