Best Natural Pink Eye (Conjunctivitis) Remedy | DrEricBergDC

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so let’s talk about conjunctivitis okay that’s pink eye

now nothing that I say in here is meant to replace your medical care check with

your doctor before taking any of this advice now this condition could be viral

or could be bacterial the bacterial infections tend to be higher in young

children but not always it could be viral so what I want to do is just focus

on the viral cause to this condition the symptoms are itchiness watery eyes

red eyes swollen eyelids burning eyes light sensitivity so what we’re dealing

with about sixty to ninety percent of the time is a virus called the

adenovirus this is the same virus behind the common cold and there’s really no

medical treatments to cure this virus FYI and there’s 50 different strains of

it so usually what happens is you’re susceptible to it your immune system is

weakened and you get exposed to it somehow and it gets into the eye and creates

inflammation so conjunctivitis is inflammation of a conjunctiva now what

is that that is the membrane on the outside of your eyeball and as well as

the inside of your eyelid okay and it gets all red and swollen it’s highly

contagious and it can be contagious for 10 to 12 days and so you rub your eye

get infected and now you have an infection it could last between one and

three weeks now what can you do about this is there anything well yes there is

something that can help this and it’s zinc okay 50 milligrams per day now the

thing about zinc is that zinc helps to decrease the reproduction of the virus

so the problem is if you’re taking zinc too late in the chain of events it may

not do much to the virus because the virus is already into its reproduction

cycle because zinc actually reduces the reproduction of the virus so if you take

it too late in a chain the virus has already reproduce it’s creating chaos in

the body however there’s other benefits

in other parts of the immune system ideally we want to take the zinc right

away so if there are people that have colds around you for example start

taking zinc that would be a good thing to take or if you just start seeing the

pinkeye start taking it immediately because the faster you take it the

better you can actually slow down this process and speed up the recovery so the

other thing you want to do is just support the body with natural things and

good eating begin let it run its cycle because as soon as you start suppressing

some of the symptoms guess what the duration of that infection potentially

could be longer and longer alright thanks for watching

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