When Keto Doesn’t Work, This is Why | DrEricBergDC

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so does keto ever not work let’s discuss this  subject keto is a tool it’s the solution to  

a problem okay the question is what is the  problem what problem are you trying to solve  

are you trying to use keto to help your brain are  you trying to use keto for inflammation or are  

you trying to lose weight let’s focus on weight  loss with this video and instead of focusing on  

the solution let’s dive more into the problem  let’s define the problem what is the problem  

well you’re overweight but what’s causing this  overweight problem is there more than one thing  

that causes someone to be overweight yes but the  most common cause is high insulin in which case  

keto will help you let’s say you have a slow  metabolism right well there could be other reasons  

why you have a slow metabolism a combination of  let’s say you’re post-menopausal you’re getting  

older let’s say you have a thyroid issue let’s  say that you you spend your whole life dieting  

and your metabolism is just very very slow yet  you’re doing keto you’re doing three keto meals  

you’re doing keto snacks in between the meals is  it gonna work probably not why because you need  

to also add intermittent fasting okay because your  metabolism is very very slow so keto will work but  

you’re going to have to add something else but  you definitely want to do keto because if you  

were to do a high carb diet with intermittent  fasting that might not work simply because  

insulin is at the root of the problem and insulin  will determine whether you’re going to lose weight  

or not depending on if it’s high or low if it’s  high you’re not going to lose weight if it’s low  

the chances are you may lose weight but depending  on your metabolism you may need to add some other  

things like intermittent fasting but let’s say  you’re doing keto and it’s not working because  

your stress is too high you have high cortisol you  had a huge injury surgery trauma major loss okay  

loss of a loved one that high cortisol can  literally block the effectiveness of keto  

so you might need to do keto plus something  that addressed this right here i have a lot of  

videos on cortisol i put a link down below but  you’re going to have to add some other things  

to keto next one high estrogen let’s say you  just got pregnant and you gained a lot of weight  

and your estrogen went up and from that point  on you just could not lose weight because you  

have high estrogen is keto going to fix high  estrogen well it may help but you might need to do  

something to counter this high estrogen level and  this is why the information i have on body types  

can come into play because i talk about what to do  for high estrogen what to do for high cortisol all  

right next point is if your thyroid is a problem  that’s gonna not only affect your metabolism  

but ninety percent of hypothyroid  cases are autoimmune it’s hashimoto’s  

so in that case you might need to have to work on  your gut because that’s where the autoimmune cases  

originate okay i don’t want to get into the woods  too deeply on that but i put some links down below  

for more information antibiotics could be another  source of why people gain weight farmers fatten  

their cattle by putting them on antibiotics if  you had an antibiotic you may find if you don’t  

replace the good bacteria you may have a very  difficult time losing weight despite going on keto  

now let’s say for example you have sibo small  intestinal bacterial overgrowth you might  

need to alter the type of ketogenic diet you do  and do more of a carnivore for a couple months  

which is a slight version of keto you’re still in  keto but you may not be able to deal with all the  

vegetables that are creating irritation in your  gut next one is a lack of exercise you have to  

realize that exercise has a very very small effect  on weight loss it’s like 15 of your weight loss  

success 85 percent is going to be the ketogenic  diet with intermittent fasting so i think  

exercise does have a place and you should add  it into the mix but realize that exercise alone  

is not going to solve your problem because if  you’re on a high carb diet and you’re exercising  

you’re not going to be that successful you might  lose a little bit of weight but then you’re going  

to plateau all right what if you have a liver  problem where you have ascites where you have  

this fluid-filled gut well it might appear to be  that it’s fat and there might be some fat in the  

liver but you’ve gone past the fatty liver chances  are you have cirrhosis now in the liver and the  

liver is so damaged that it’s leaking fluid into a  sac around the gut is keto going to help that it’s  

definitely going to help that but you’re going  to have to also do some things for the liver  

to help prepare the liver to help get that fluid  out and you’re going to have to probably eat foods  

high in potassium to push that fluid out so we do  want to recognize this keto as being a powerful  

solution but you might need to tweak that plan  and add additional things as a solution but then  

the next question is this if you have the right  solution to the right problem is it being applied  

correctly if at all i can’t tell you how many  people that i’ve run into that do sort of keto  

they’re not consistently doing keto they’re  cheating along the way they might every other  

day have a cheat day well then it’s not going to  work so when people say that keto is not working  

i always try to find out are you actually  applying it correctly because they might be  

doing sorta keto or maybe dirty keto with any  ingredients from a fast food restaurant but  

they’re not applying the ketogenic diet that  i would recommend which is the healthy version  

of the ketogenic diet but with more and more  people gaining weight like 71 percent of  

of adults being overweight in the u.s  and 39.8 percent of them actually obese  

i think keto is going to become more and more  popular but you might need to tweak the plan  

but then you also need to apply it correctly all  right thanks for watching so if you’re enjoying  

my content which i hope you are and you’re  applying this knowledge to your health and  

you have a success i would really appreciate you  sharing your success story so click the link down  

below to my website where you can upload your  success story so you can help inspire others