The Mystery of GOUT Revealed | DrEricBergDC

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there’s a couple really strange things

related to gout that I want to discuss

why is it that 70 of people with gout

have high blood pressure

I mean that’s that’s weird especially

since uric acid which most people know

that gout is a problem of uric acid

building up in your big toe is

considered a powerful antioxidant

if it’s an antioxidant then why is it

associated with high blood pressure and

why is it associated with so much pain

in your right big toe so that’s what

we’re going to sort out today and I have

some interesting conclusions and ideas

if you have gout you’re going to be very

glad you watch this video you know it’s

not just high levels of uric acid in

your blood that’s causing gout because

they found there’s no correlation

between levels of uric acid in the blood

and gout attacks but they do know the

pain of gout is this uric acid Crystal

formation creating a lot of inflammation

so what is going on here well what they

do now your kidney is not able to get

rid of this uric acid effectively it

tends to retain uric acid and then

somehow it leaks into the joint of your

big toe and it forms crystals the main

medication for gout is called alopurinol

and what that does is it inhibits the

formation of uric acid there’s an enzyme

called xanthine oxidase which helps you

make uric acid so this medication blocks

that enzyme thereby lessening them out

of uric acid now the problem with this

medication is it creates all some side

effects and some pretty major side

effects so a lot of people don’t like to

take it so they’re searching out for

alternative methods to help their gout

but I think once you understand some of

these things I’m going to talk about and

sort out some of these Mysteries and


you’ll have a solution a common natural

remedy for gout is celery seed another

common remedy would be tart cherry and

both of these can actually inhibit that

enzyme and that’s probably why they do

help a certain amount of people but

there’s a couple other points of this

problem that I want to bring up number

one why is there such a high correlation

between gout and high blood pressure and

cardiovascular problems that’s kind of a

mystery that relates to this Paradox

this information that’s kind of

conflicting because uric acid is

considered an antioxidant

as well as a pro-oxidant now that’s the

conflicting information so how can it

get rid of inflammation but cause

inflammation if it’s such a powerful

antioxidant in your blood then why is it

associated with

heart problems okay why is it one of the

strong predictors of heart problems in

fact it’s also linked with insulin

resistance and even liver fat but how

can this be if it’s supposed to be an

antioxidant so let me just kind of go

through a couple interesting points

about this

number one and this is what I found out

uric acid inhibits nitric oxide nitric

oxide is what a lot of people are trying

to increase to lower blood pressure to

help their hearts to protect the inside

of the arteries and it’s considered a

powerful antioxidant it’s a potent

vasodilator okay so it just it relaxes

the blood vessels so it’s really good

for high blood pressure other people try

to increase it for other reasons like

erectile dysfunction because if it’s a

potent vasodilator it can help with

erections and so people take Viagra for

example which increases nitric oxide or

they might take a natural form of that

called L-Arginine which increases nitric

oxide so nitric oxide is a powerful

antioxidant but uric acid inhibits this

nitric oxide I mean if you even think

about what happens to a gout patient

with their big toe

you’re getting a tremendous amount of

inflammation you’re getting a lot of

free radical damage you’re getting a lot

of oxidative stress right and if you

don’t have this nitric oxide to counter

that you’re going to have a problem the

other point I’ll bring up and this is

interesting nitric oxide can help


that enzyme that makes uric acid so it

can help decrease or inhibit this

xanthine oxidase but on the flip side if

you have uric acid that’s going to

inhibit nitric oxide so what’s going on

I really think what’s really going on at

a deeper level is there must be some

type of genetic weakness that sets

someone up for this problem with the

inability to eliminate uric acid and

maybe even the inability to produce

enough nitric oxide or absorb enough

nitric oxide

but that being said um I’m going to

cover some other points that relate to

this coming back to this celery this

phytonutrient that can help increase

nitric oxide is not really present in

large quantities in the stock but it is

present in the celery seed extract in

larger amounts as well as the celery

leaves okay those little things that you

kind of cut off and don’t eat right

those are the things you need to eat if

you have gout it’s the leaves of the

celery now you can also get this

phytonutrient from artichokes artichokes

is a good source also sage in Thyme and

you can also get it in a lot of other

leafy greens as well but I’m just

pointing this out that there’s even

people that have claimed to get rid of

their gout by taking artichoke another

common remedy would be to actually lower

your sodium chloride apparently salt

inhibits nitric oxide especially if

someone is salt sensitive okay when I

read that line okay in this article a

little thing popped up in my mind

because anytime someone mentioned salt

sensitivity what they’re really

describing is the potassium deficiency

because you really no longer become salt

sensitive if you get enough potassium

and so now the question is what is the

relationship between potassium and

nitric oxide well apparently potassium

increases nitric oxide in a potent way

and this could also be the reason why

quite a few anecdotal reports indicate

that taking potassium can help reduce

gout and so you have this restriction of

sodium that helps gout and this taking

potassium that helps go personally I

think it’s the ratios if you get the

ratios just right I think you’re going

to be in good shape but if you have gout

and you’re taking a lot of sodium that

could potentially be a problem I always

recommend having sufficient amount of

salt especially sea salt but for some

people with gout maybe it’s not the best

idea maybe you restrict your salt but

you start really increasing your

potassium to the level where maybe your

gal can go away now the other thing

related to potassium is that diuretics

okay deplete potassium

they also get rid of sodium

and diuretics are linked with decreasing

nitric oxide as well as uric acid and

potassium is alkaline and so we also

know that if you alkalize your urine

you’ll have less gout attacks another

interesting connection

omega-3 fatty acids also increase nitric

oxide okay and we know that omega-3 is

an anti-inflammatory and so the real big

idea with nitric oxide is this it’s an

antioxidant okay and if you have

inflammation in your big toe you need

antioxidants and nitric oxide could just

be what you’ve been missing and there’s

also some additional data about uric

acid I want to bring up now is it an

antioxidant is it a pro-oxidant well I

think it’s both because there’s some

data that when it gets into the tissues

intracellular it becomes a pro-oxidant

which would make a lot of sense because

if this uric acid gets into your

arteries or let’s say it gets into the

joint then it starts creating

inflammation that’s why we need nitric

oxide because it’s not only an


it’s an antioxidant as well there’s

another term I want to introduce you to

and it’s called an inflammasome A

protein that is within the immune system

that you’re born with and apparently

this inflamasome triggers a Cascade of

inflammatory things that happen a gout

attack and nitric oxide is a potent


of this inflammasome what are some other

things that can trigger a gout attack

well you have fructose and when people

have fructose oh my gosh they just have

a worsened attack and it just so happens

that fructose and sugar decrease nitric

oxide all this is very interesting but

what can we do as action steps number

one increase your potassium okay both

from foods and supplement form if you

get into electrolyte powder you can do

that or if you get it in pills you’re

only going to find it in like 99

milligram tablets so you might need to

take several of them several times

through the day or if you’re doing it in

an electrolyte powder you can take

several spoops through the day just

spread it out that’ll give you enough

potassium also eat foods high in

potassium at the same time I would

recommend if you have a bad gout case to

reduce your sodium just don’t add a lot

of sodium I think that’s going to help

you because remember sodium or salt

inactivates this nitric oxide the next

thing is to eat foods that can Spike

nitric oxide like the leaves in the

celery okay the tart cherry

artichokes leafy greens number four

avoid fructose and sugar and the last

tip and this is another important thing

which I think can help you you want to

support the kidney with something that

can help eliminate the stearic acid as a

product I used to use in practice called

Arena food that’s a good thing to order

and take if you have gout now on the

note of potassium

very important mineral okay if you

haven’t seen my video on potassium I’m

going to put it up right here check it
