How To Adjust Keto Diet & Intermittent Fasting Patterns Around Your Lifestyle? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys in this video we’re going to

talk about how to align the Kido an

intermittent fasting pattern around your

lifestyle now I’ve gotten some feedback

from certain people who do this and they

have a hard time transitioning Akito

adapting because at work they’re tired

and when they need the most mental

energy they’re a little sluggish and

they had a problem with that so here’s

one thing you could do very easily to

solve that problem and have a little

more energy especially in the beginning

of doing this in the early part of the

day okay here’s what you do basically

keeping the breakfast

keeping the lunch and omit the dinner

okay so what you could do to make the

transition to start out is go ahead and

start with a breakfast okay and then

just don’t eat until you’re hungry so

that could maybe be like I don’t know

three o’clock something like that now if

you were to eat at 8 o’clock in the

morning and then at 12 o’clock noon that

would give you 20 hours of fasting so if

we compare doing it this way versus

consuming maybe a lunch and a dinner

with a four-hour window let’s take a

look at just a difference there number

one your stomach is mostly acid in the

morning which means it’s ready to digest

the protein so let’s say you did a lot

of your protein and your fats in the

morning versus in the evening okay that

may be better for your digestion the

other benefit is that this would prevent

you going to sleep with your stomach

feeling a bit bloated

because some people when they have

dinner they feel really full and so by

the time they’re going to bed they feel

kind of stuffed and your digestion if

it’s not right will definitely keep you

from sleeping so doing it this pattern

will allow your stomach and your

digestion to be low stress so you go

into a nice sleep cycle without your

body having to work too hard on the

digestion so this is just another option

to see if this may align with your work

schedule a little bit better especially

if you need maybe more mental energy in

the first part of the day right here

if you have digestive stress you might

want to try this pattern right here

alright thanks for watching hey I

appreciate your attention and if you’re

enjoying these videos go ahead and

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