Friendly Bacteria: Why You Really Need And how it Helps – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys I have a question for you are

you friendly to your friendly bacteria

well this is a good question let’s talk

about it first of all there’s two main

purposes for friendly bacteria another

name for friendly bacteria is called

flora all right to number one make

vitamins okay

and also they make up your immune system

there’s only really two vitamins that

your body can make without the help of

microbes and that would be vitamin D

from the skin and vitamin b3 that can be

converted from tryptophan which is a

protein vitamin D helps build the bone

helps the immune system it does a lot of

other things but those are the two

things that it primarily does b3 is

really good for decreasing LDL

cholesterol and increasing the HDL the

good cholesterol right which we know

it’s not good or bad but the point is

that it helps regulate cholesterol it

also helps your skin it helps a lot of

things but the body can’t make other

vitamins so either you’re gonna get it

from the diet or you’re gonna get it

from your microbes okay and this is why

you have to start becoming more friendly

to your friendly bacteria because you

have to look at them as partners or

things that actually help you they are

the energy factories they’re your

insurance policy they’re the backup

vitamins that you need now they live off

of fiber so when you consume vegetables

we don’t want to do we don’t want to

feed them grain fiber we want to feed

them vegetable fiber fermented

vegetables sauerkraut kimchi all the

fermented vegetables are very very good


you know garlic they’re all really

really good fibers to feed your friendly

microbes but let’s just take a look at

friendly bacteria can make vitamin k2

but I’ve been k2 prevents the

calcification of your arteries they get

rid of soft tissue calcium deposits in

the body so they’re good for kidney

stones calcium the deposits and the

breast tissue so they take the calcium

and put it into the bone where it should

be so this is one very variant

and vitamin so the body also makes

something called folate which you

normally think of preventing birth

defects and a pregnant women when they

take prenatals but it’s also needed to

make neurotransmitters to prevent things

like depression mood disorders and

reduce stress also they are responsible

for making certain type of protein as


now biotin is also important too and is

made by the friendly bacteria biotin is

really good for your hair it’s good for

cell growth and if you’re deficient in

biotin you could lose your hair and so a

lot of people are taking this supplement

but it could be a digestive problem you

just don’t have the friendly microbes to

make biotin in the first place now

there’s really only one microbe that

makes biotin there’s not a lot of

microbes so it’s really easy to become

deficient but b12 you have many

different microbes that can make b12 so

this is more difficult to become

deficient but if you’re a vegetarian you

could be deficient because normally this

is from animal products however I just

had my wheatgrass juice powder tested

and I found that it’s double the RDAs

and it’s interesting because in

wheatgrass you don’t have b12 so it’s

made by the friendly bacteria that lives

with the wheatgrass when you consume

vegetables you are consuming something

that is just loaded with friendly

microbes just so you know so yes you

need to clean them off but you don’t

necessarily want to destroy those

microbes that’s probably half the

benefit in addition to all the vitamins

and minerals and the phytonutrients so

b12 is good for red blood cell

preventing anemia nerve brain energy and

many many other different functions your

microbes make b1 which also is a

precursor for all the neurotransmitters

in the body like gaba for example and

that’s why when you’re stressed and you

take b1 you just feel so relaxed

because b one makes gaba and gaba is an

anti stress vitamin now when you take

antibiotics you’re gonna find that

you’re not going to absorb nutrients

very well after that so you have to put

that friendly flora back into the gut by

consuming fermented vegetables like

sauerkraut that’s very important but any

if someone has taken many antibiotics

they have a lot of nutritional

deficiencies and they need to take a lot

of supplements because their body is not

making enough vitamins so you have to

realize number one that your your body

is bathed in a sea of microbes you have

10 times as many microbes as you do your

own cells so you want to become more

friendly to them you don’t want to just

kill them off with too many antibiotics

so look at them as your partners as your

insurance policy and take care of them

thanks for watching