Dr.Berg Interviews Tristan Haggard On Benefits of Fatty Foods | DrEricBergDC

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hey everyone I got another special guest

Tristan is here in the house hey how you


here in my house I’m hanging out primal

health a primal edge health that’s your

your YouTube channel right awesome

hey listen I want to do it I wanted to

bring you on because I got your book

okay this below there you go it’s a very

very interesting very interesting book

you know I’m always looking for good

ideas for cooking and something that’s

definitely that aligns with my

philosophy and you put some cereal you

and your wife put some serious work into

this book I mean that amazing the

pictures the amount of work I mean

that’s one thing I mean I have a couple

recipe books but they’re just digital or

not anything high-end because it’s my

work attics I don’t know how you pulled

how you guys pulled this off but well I

mean I’m kind of the face behind the

camera and Jessica is the magic behind

it all and she did such a good job and I

really appreciate the other kind words

there but I love it too the cover is so

pretty I mean it’s a the only my only

complaint is there’s not enough fat on

those steaks those are way too lean that

butcher trimmed off too much fat for

that photo we got well it’s just it’s

like a piece of art I mean like even the

images like wow okay I want that I want

that we got to make that it’s awesome

and then like even like the my wife

she’s gonna be making a lot of things in

here but one thing she likes is the bone

marrow she just loves that bone she can

live on bone marrow oh she’s like her

and I would get along because I’m a bone

marrow enthusiast but I think a lot of

people miss out on some of the best

parts of the animal you know the bone

marrow the heart the heart can be really

affordable to actually a lot of these

really good parts until the most recent

push with a lot of people getting

interested in like Weston a prices

information and the paleo movement

doctors like yourself you know teaching

people how to eat nose-to-tail and of

course on our channel we’ve been

promoting this as well but people used

to just a few years ago now have no

idea that heart or liver could be so

affordable could be so delicious and I

think people miss out on a lot of the

best pieces of the animal I mean I’ll

get don’t get me wrong I love a ribeye

you know I love me a nice t-bone but you

know some of them if you’re doing

grass-fed sometimes there’s just not

enough fat so that’s kind of an issue

here grass-fed is always the way to go

in my opinion right supporting local

cattle ranchers had a local cattle

rancher from a two ranch on my channel

the other day and he’s down in Texas and

it was just so cool being just getting

able to see my audience connect with him

and there were people in his local area

who were able to pick up some meat

directly from the producer after

listening to him on the show we always

recommend that but the problem with some

of the grass-fed is

seasonally in certain times of the

season they don’t have as much fat so

bone marrow is one of the best things to

use su and also like so yeah we wanted

to teach people how to eat nose-to-tail

I know you’re talking about this all the

time as well teach people how to use the

entire animal and of course how to get

in the good healthy animal fats so this

book what’s unique about this book and

thanks so much again for having me on

dr. Berger what’s I really really

appreciate you know everything you do on

your channel everything you’ve been

doing to direct people and how to live

healthfully how to eat the right foods

how to do a ketogenic diet the right way

I think you’ve done a lot of great work

and you definitely have brought so much

attention to the movement here and been

a really positive influence on so many

people I mean the amount of people who

contacted me and said hey man I found

you and dr. Birds channel and look at

this I lost 100 pounds or I lost 200

pounds or I reversed my type-2 diabetes

or I’ve got my autoimmune condition

under control so many people have told

me that they found keto from dr. Berg

and channels like ours primal edge

health as well but what’s cool about

this book is it’s it’s all animal foods

so a lot of people they start doing a

ketogenic diet we actually I’m sure you

talked to a lot of these folks as well a

lot of people end up finding that keto

is great but sometimes they have to take

it to the next level and look at maybe

food sensitivities and a lot of people

have been

about a carnivore diet is like the

ultimate elimination diet and that’s

kind of what I see it as you’re removing

any possible irritants you’re removing

any possible foods that might be giving

you a reaction and you’re whittling it

down to the bare essentials which are

the animal fats and the animal proteins

so whole unrefined animal foods for me

are the crux of my diet are the baseline

of our kids diet as well and they eat

lots of fruit they carbohydrates they’re

growing children so we don’t put them on

a straight low-carb keto diet but our

whole family eats animal fats in

abundance and the reason we made this

book the way we did it using no plants

at all no plants harmed in the making of

this book it’s all animal foods we call

it zero carb recipes for people who

really love animals and you know it’s

kind of a cheeky comment kind of

happened to laughs at the ad the vegan

trolls out there but we made this to

help people with autoimmune conditions

people who are trying to get back into

eating meat people who might be doing a

autoimmune protocol type diet or even a

gapps type diet the gut and psychology

syndrome or you know a low fodmap diet

or a full carnivore diet we wanted this

book to be applicable to all these folks

across the board and teach people how to

use the whole animal and how do you nose

the tail and how to get all the

nutrients we need from the most

bioavailable foods that are the most

easily digestible foods in the world

those are always gonna be the animal

foods so to me it’s all about the animal

foods and we’re really happy to be able

to uh you know put out a book like this

and it’s something that’s unique it’s

something that’s definitely I thought

was much needed in the space and yeah

Jessica really did a really good job on

this book so I can’t take any credit for

it was all her

I’m just the I’m just the the face and

you’re the messenger

exactly don’t shoot the messenger right

well um you know years ago I remember

like as a kid but my family is from

Sweden my you know my grandparents stuff

so we would go over to their side of the

family their house and they would they

would have they would cook with large it

cook with lard a lot of lard and you

know I remember in college Chiropractic

College it has been grain that you don’t

need etc and fat so I remember eating

bacon and taking this towel and just

dampening out all the grease and

everything and just getting rid all this

fat and like it’s bad it has a meaning

of pizza and chips and I’m like I got it

wrong but the they back then they a lot

of young lard they which by the way can

potentially have a lot of vitamin D and

here’s the thing about vitamin D it’s

really really really hard for people to

get vitamin D unless they know what the

heck they’re doing and what 57% of the

population is deficient vitamin D right

there and that’s like incredible so

where do you get vitamin D I mean it’s

you you you can get maybe a little bit

of I think b2 in mushrooms but that’s

not going to satisfy even a fraction and

unless you’re getting enough Sun you

know which very few people do who’s

gonna have something everyone’s inside

they don’t go outside they’re on the

computer all day long like me yeah yeah

but man I live in a beautiful place we

got abundant sunshine year-round and my

job is still indoors on the computer so

I although I you know I love the Sun I

look at it as a nutrient I still very

often don’t get enough just because of

the nature of how much I work and it’s

hard yeah and so let’s let’s just talk a

little bit about vitamin B how important

is person I think it’s probably the most

important vitamin especially when you’re

dealing with autoimmune stuff immune

immune immune I mean it’s like it’s a

direct correlation II you but the

problem too is that not only are we

knocking up Sun there’s a I familiar

with some of the mutations in the

vitamin D receptor have you kind of got

into that isn’t something I’ve learned

much about and love yeah certain open

assembly there’s certain quite a few

part of populations that have mutations

in the vitamin D receptor and you can

test genetic test to see if you have a

called polymorphism and basically you

have this alteration in this receptor

for the vitamin d receptor and another

thing that microbes will do bacteria and

viruses as a strategy is they’ll block

your vitamin D receptor to basically

shut down your immune system so they can

take over and so there’s a huge huge

connection between vitamin D deficiency

and autoimmune especially when you get

to MS and so there’s a whole protocol so

there’s a couple ways you can fix that

you know you need to take more bottom in

D you need to keep increasing it to the

point where it connects or there’s

another thing you can take is in the

medical community it’s called vitamin D

and receptor analogues which is

basically it’s kind of like a another

thing that kind of pushes in the vitamin

D without having to take vitamin D and

so there’s a certain but the problem is

like you’re using medications right

there like benicar it’s a blood pressure

medication that’s a that actually

bypasses the whole system and gives you

some connects vitamin D in there but you

can also use bile salts that’s another

thing that you can do Wow yeah bile

salts will help open up that vitamin D

receptor big-time and interesting so I

wonder if there’s a connection between

gall bladder function and vitamin D

production in the body as well massive

you you can’t without bile and you’re

gonna have a bowel deficiency if you

don’t have a gall bladder if you’re

deficient in bile you’re not gonna

you’re not going to be able to absorb

vitamin d2 well because you need the

bile to break it down at least from

foods but they’re even looking now at

infants that are born at certain months

of the year

having less autoimmune based on how much

sunshine the mother got you know if yes

and this is a big this is a big thing a

lot of cultures you know when you look

at this book right here is really cool I

think we might have talked about this

book last time I was on your show I’m

crazy I like said my books yes nutrition

and physical degeneration from Weston a


he talks about the timing of pregnancy

was kind of important in a lot of these

cultures and they would actually time a

pregnancy around the abundance of

certain foods you know what’s

interesting a lot of these foods were

vitamin D rich foods that these

different cultures were using as

fertility boosting foods so you know

certain shellfish were used a lot also

here in the Andes they would trade for

this little egg called an antelope they

from the anima look basically and this

is a skatelite creature and it’s the

unfertilized egg and it’s got a lot of

iodine and very likely of course because

it’s a sea creature probably a

significant amount of vitamin D and

pregnancy would be time in a lot of

these cultures so that the children

could be born under the most optimal

environmental conditions of course you

don’t want a kid born in the middle of

winter when the mothers already depleted

when the food supply is so crap you know

so then I think it’s very very important

and that’s that’s a fascinating

observation you just made there well you

even like ms occurs in blatte’ twos

above a certain amount a lot actually

higher than a certain latitude so if

you’re not getting the Sun your risk

factor for MS goes straight up and

vertical simply because of vitamin D

vitamin D is going to be a modulator

involved in two thousand genes I mean

it’s like it’s so key now unless that

person living in the north is consuming

salmon or fish eggs which is loaded with

vitamin D so college school those

cultures would have been doing just a

few generations back right until you get

the bread you get the grains you get

Cheerios in every place you get

pasteurized milk which basically turns

it into something that I wouldn’t want

to even give to my dog when you’ve got

you know raw milk that you know your

your ancestors in Sweden and they’re the

Swiss also we’re using an abundance and

some of these cultures living almost

exclusively off of raw cheese’s

fermented dairy products and raw fresh

milk you know I mean these are great

foods but you pasteurize it you give

people the weep the corn the soy and

they leave their heritage foods behind

and look what happens we get obesity we

get diabetes shoot ms I mean that’s

that’s such a fascinating correlation

there and you know now that I think

about it here in Ecuador on

equator you see very few people with MS

I mean it’s just it’s not as common

you’re not seeing things like rickets

very often here either and the diet is

pretty westernized right there is a lot

of Western disease coming in from the

vegetable oils from the junk food that

we’re getting here and you know

coca-cola and all this crap that people

drink here instead of you know water

right you know maybe a little buttered

coffee if you guys are into it but yeah

the the diet is definitely degenerated

in a lot of these areas and of course

the disconnection from the Sun coupling

with that is going to create a massive

health deficit and the immune system is

just it’s just not gonna function it’s

not in fact those of you that are

watching if you wanted to do a

five-second test to see if you’re

deficient in vitamin D do this okay

you just need to press on your shin

because the phone right on your your

lower leg and see it press pretty hard

and see if there’s any tenderness and

then or and then you can press on your

sternum right here there’s bone your

breast bone press in there if it’s sore

if it’s very painful chances are you may

be a low in vitamin D and what you do

take some vitamin D we chuck it in one

hour and that pain will be completely

gone because one of the big symptoms of

vitamin D deficiency is bone pain

interesting yeah their rickets is really

common and a lot of the Western world as

well I mean unfortunately we see a lot

of well there’s a there was a news

article that was circulating around this

year about a girl that had such bad

rickets and such bad you know vitamin

and mineral deficiency from her parents

raising her on a very restrictive vegan

diet and you know not saying that every

single kid raised on a vegan diet is

gonna manifest these symptoms but this

was a specific case that was pretty

shocking I think she was a British girl

and this 12 he she was 9 or 12 and just

really debilitating rickets and this

girl was in such bad shape the parents

were actually I believe legally held

responsible for it so yeah I get that

vitamin D so now what are you some of

your preferred vitamin D sources as far

as a dietary sources go

hands-down the best one is going to be

cod liver oil or Cobb liver you you ever

you ever have the cat liver in a can you

can actually get it yeah yeah I’ve got

cans full of it here it’s great it’s

funny because we got some some little

recipes that we like to make and the

kids like it too that kind of used the

cod livers and our kids really like like

some low carb red things with the cod

livers on them are these little flax

pancakes and my wife makes but you know

I think with the polyunsaturated fatty

level of flax I’ve kind of backed off of

using so much of it but excuse me well

yeah cod livers are good my kids will

eat a whole can of it it’s like it’s

like pudding

but the Colliver if you take what’s

better what’s what’s different about cod

liver than fish oils the cod liver has

not just DHA and EPA but it has vitamin

D and vitamin A and a perfect 50/50

split so you get the benefits of vitamin

A which is essential for night vision in

internal skin internal like lesions in

turn like ulcers and stuff like that

sinus stuff you mucous membranes dry

eyes dry mouth that’s vitamin A so like

we have a baby in the house right now

Lucy’s little Lucy my son’s daughter and

grandfather she’s four months she can

graduate this is your first grandchild

yeah yeah congratulations

yeah we haven’t talked since that is so

cool yeah is it is it kind of like

having your own baby except without all

the responsibility stuff it’s wonderful

it’s cool I don’t have to change the

diaper I can just go in there play with

her and then give her back yeah she’s

crying not my responsibility

exactly I’ll have to jeez I did a video

with her it was just kind of like ah yes

it was for clickbait but I I took Lucy

and I just I actually held her and I

didn’t say anything you did the whole

video on the board holding Lucy and no

one even paid attention so but I got a

lot of clicks but Lucy is a very healthy

baby and you know she’s breastfed and

I’m making sure that her mother Jordi

who’s married to

my son Jordan is doing all the right

things nutrition-wise but you know Lucy

is really hungry so the only two things

that we’re feeding it right now just

small amounts will be cod liver well and

just a little bit each day as well as

grass-fed pasture egg yolks

not the whites just the yolk yeah push

it up give it to her she just sucks it

up like crazy you should see her after

that the collar all she loves it

her teeth are gonna come in perfect her

skin she has the big cheeks she’s such a

healthy baby so um yeah so that’s um you

know what’s interesting our daughter she

had some dental caries which is kind of

what threw us into this looking into

high-fat nutrition you know actually I

would have never been into a ketogenic

diet as far as my life timeline goes I

would have never probably heard of keto

were worried so much about getting in

enough animal fats had my daughter not

experience dental caries so she she had

you know which is choose decay if for

those of you don’t know very rampant in

the Western world now you’d be amazed at

how many kids get teeth extracted before

their adult teeth come in she had some

dental carriers and it freaked us out we

learned about the principles that were

taught by Weston a price we read his

book started looking into kind of

ancestral nutrition what were people

eating just a few generations back

before they had all these issues with

health with teeth he was noticing that

tuberculosis love levels in these

countries in these societies pre

industrialized food supply

there was no tuberculosis there was no

dental caries their jaws were formed

properly the women had easier childbirth

because their hips were wide enough and

we don’t see this so much in the Western

world now with you know really

degenerated food supply the women’s hips

are getting closer together a lot of

people have difficulty in birth and a

lot of kids have dental caries so this

led us to actually researching the

importance of fats the importance of fat

soluble vitamins so back in 2012 this is

what kind of sparked our journey 2013

and must’ve been because she was born in

2012 and yeah we gave her lots of butter

you know for the

the vitamin k2 butter is also a pretty

decent source of vitamin D lots of

animal fats we started giving her liver

grass-fed beef liver and of course egg

yolks were another one of her favorites

and she her teeth hardened up they

stopped the tooth decay was able to be

stopped in its tracks and now her adult

teeth are coming in and they’re

perfectly normal our second child he’s

got perfect teeth you know he was

blessed enough to be raised on a on a

lot of animal foods and like you said

the first the first food we gave him

were raw egg yolks egg yolks from our

chickens you know III as a child I

craved butter and I didn’t know of

course I didn’t connected up that’s

vitamin k2 k2 is what I needed and I had

every single Tuesday the cavity you know

but k2 ISM is fascinating it works with

vitamin d3 in k2 is essential in the

transportation of the calcium out of the

soft tissues into the bone but it really

makes really good teeth solid teeth good

bone structure but k2 also people don’t

realize this it gives you more cardiac

output so let’s say for example you’re

you’re exercising and you just don’t

quite have that endurance and you want

more just take some k2 that’ll give you

that edge because it outputs more energy

from the mitochondria it’s not just

about calcium but it’s uh I’ll usually

take it before I’ll work out maybe about

an hour before and I can go up hills

like crazy so it’s definitely great yeah

that’s cool I actually had not heard

that factoid I think you know people get

so afraid of these fats they think lard

they think butter they think fatty

snakes they think fatty meat I think

bone marrow or you know even you know

brain where these are full of dangerous

cholesterol and saturated fat that

saturated fat is so bad but um people

don’t realize how important these things

are I mean your your whole body is made

of cholesterol yeah I think I forget how

many pounds of cholesterol we actually

have in our body but it’s ridiculous I

mean every one of our cells is the cell

walls are made of a cholesterol our

brain is made up of cholesterol

we need fats and the body just runs so

efficiently when we use fat as if

fuel source I think yeah the the

ketogenic diet and you know even a

carnivorous diet which is becoming much

more popular now the way I like to teach

a carnivore diet is using nose-to-tail

eating and making it more of a ketogenic

carnivore diet so a lot of people focus

a little bit more on just eating as much

steak as they can and I like to teach

people how to actually use the fat

because you know things like sheep fat

beef suet these are really affordable

and you can get these from you know

local rancher you can get these from

places like I don’t know if you you know

like us wellness maybe some of these

groups i order laughs John John woods

he’s uh he’s actually coming to my

summit meeting with one of the sponsors

and he can see samples out there Mike

it’s like it’s the best it’s it’s

grass-fed a hundred percent but he you

know he he’s very you should talk to him

sometime interview him on your show you

maybe you have but fascinating

understanding of grass-fed and what it

does nutritional and it’s just it’s

awesome you know there’s another um

there’s another person I’ll have to turn

you on to you could do an interview on

her she’s a podiatrist she’s a surgeon

as well for the feet right and this is

what she told me and you could probably

ask her more about this but I just I was

like it just stuck with me she was doing

she goes you know you got different

colored people on the outside but then

the inside they’re all the same color

and then she said except vegans and I’m

like what are you talking about she goes

yeah when I if someone is a vegan when

you cut their foot open all the the the

muscle is like gray like what well I’m

like okay that’s interesting so anyway

that’s what is her name again

I’ll find out I have it in my database

and you can you could talk to her and

get more data but I just stuck with me

and I didn’t didn’t really ask her too

much more about that but I was like oh

that’s that’s interesting yeah then they

you started to tell deeper into some of

this information you start looking at

the importance of these animal fats the

importance of these animal foods for

everything from fertility to bone

mineral density to you know maintaining

lean muscle mass and it’s just it’s so

important that we look at you know

animal foods as a I mean I I make it the

most important part of my diet and I

think that people who are maybe

vegetarian leaning should at least

consider including some and maybe you

know replace if you’re eating tofu and

you think it’s healthy

you’re you’ve been misled right the tofu

is not healthier for us than a steak and

a nice marbled steak will always say she

ate as well as any other food on the

planet and it’s yeah the the fats the

animal fats are crucial so I mean one of

my favorite fast is this suet when I

like to do is I’ll take a steak I’ll

cook a steak I’ll cook it real rare I

like it rare and then I’ll take some

little chopped up the suet in some

little bit so maybe just pull off peel

off a little disk of it the suet being

the fat around the kidney of a ruminant

animal and and I’ll just warm it up a

little bit on the skillet there I’ll

still leave that really rare and

basically raw in the middle but that fat

is just so good it’s so easy to digest

compared to most other fats for me and I

just yeah I love it so animal fats are

crucial and hey nothing wrong with

coconut oil if you can handle the

coconut oil if you can handle the

coconut oil it’s great but when you look

at something like you mentioned you know

pastured lard having you know with if

the pigs are outdoors pastured lard is

going to have significant amounts of

vitamin D the higher vitamin D content

than almost any other food you’re gonna

find foods like cod livers you know

there’s actually some vitamin D also in

beef liver as well as vitamin A you’re

gonna find that if you replace those

plant fats that you’ve been focused on

thinking that those plant fats are

healthy especially those vegetable oils

man like the those are the worst


what are you sir soils not good is that

well unfortunately that’s my worst enemy

you know what’s crazy a lot of these

people that hate me so much in the you

know these vegans who hate me so much

those poor guys are eating this stuff

regularly the cottonseed oil the corn

oil canola

well canola oils like these grapeseed

oil it just doesn’t that sound delicious

it sounds real good literally yeah in

college I think you know because I had

this fixed idea that you know I need to

get rid of fat because just being

grained in you I um I made some meatloaf

right and I didn’t read the recipe that

well because it’s said to drain some of

the excess grease so I ate a pound of

meat loaf but of course I put an entire

loaf of bread in there and not to

mention a whole bunch of ketchup right

well that started my gallbladder problem

I mean that was probably that and of

course we’re doing deep frying with

Crisco so I was ingrained in like fats

bad but it wasn’t a fat it’s not the fat

it was the ketchup the bread and the

trans fats so just it’s just another

point that got me off track for probably

a decade before I came full circle and

realize you can do fat as long as you

don’t add all the carbs and sugar you

don’t add sugar you’re like you say well

meeting about a meeting ice cream yeah

but it has so much sugar in it it’s

gonna create sticky blood in all sorts

of issues you know yeah if you want to

gain weight as quickly as you can eat a

lot of carbs and a lot of fat at the

same time oh yeah just gain as much

weight as you can and now I’m not

talking about good weight I’m not

talking about you know all right you’re

putting on muscle I’m talking about you

just want to gain a bunch of weight

mostly fat do that eat carbs and fat in

a great abundance you know I’d say if

you’re gonna do a high carb diet you

definitely need to eat less fat if

you’re going to be healthy right these

insulin signaling is I mean a lot of us

on the low-carb community we talk about

insulin resistance right insulin

resistance being the root of many

diseases them even be highly implicated

in heart disease but we don’t realize

that fat does play a role in insulin

resistance as well let me explain so I’m

not trying to make anybody afraid of fat

but understand this principle when you

eat a ketogenic diet we need a high-fat

diet your muscle tissues don’t want to

take up glucose because you save the

glucose for certain parts of the body

that require

they’re parts of the brain that need

glucose your liver is gonna partition

the glucose that you do have so what

happens is your muscle tissues will be

using fat for fuel when you’re using fat

for fuel and there’s an abundance of fat

in the muscles and in the tissues in the

blood it signals your body not to take

up glucose because you should be either

using glucose or fat right and of course

it’s not just a binary system we’re

constantly using both fuel sources

throughout the day but your muscle

tissues don’t want to take up glucose

when you’re burning fat as fuel so when

you’re taking in a high-fat diet if you

add a bunch of sugar to that your body

is going to become physiologically

insulin resistant because your muscles

don’t want to take up the glucose

because they’re being told like it’s in

they’re being tricked into thinking that

it’s almost like a fasting state or in a

ketogenic state where you’re using fat

for fuel and you don’t use glucose in

the muscles if you take in a bunch of

fat and carbs at the same time you’ll

make yourself insulin resistant and you

will store body fat and that’s gonna

start storing in the liver you’re gonna

get fatty liver then once you start

storing that visceral fat it creates

systemic insulin resistant that is just

very very difficult to get rid of if

you’re going to continue eating

carbohydrates so that’s why pulling out

the cards not worried about fat not

saying pull out the fat eating a

ketogenic diet that you are burning fat

in will allow you to get rid of that

insulin resistance and burn the body fat

eventually so it’s important to realize

that both of those together a deadly

combo you’re talking about something I

think just I just did a video I have a

very interesting this is yeah this one

right here you can see that evidence

that acute insulin administration

enhances LDL cholesterol susceptibility

to oxidation there you go so insulin

increasing oxidation of cholesterol yeah

that’s so basically up here and it talks

about also you get oxidized cholesterol

if insulin is high even if your blood

sugars are normal so if you have instant

resistance you’re pumping out your body

is making more insulin it’s not coming

necessarily from the sugar your body’s

just making

more and that is oxidizing the

cholesterol so when people see their

cholesterol out of control when they

start a ketogenic diet whatever realize

that that is going to improve as insulin

resistance goes away and as you do it

longer because your system is changing

over and it’s becoming more efficient

but um you know it’s also the

cholesterol that’s not oxidized should

we worry about that some of the

questions guys like Dave Feldman and I

think you talked to Dave right yeah I

new friends with he’s a great guy he’s

not a lot of good work at cholesterol


and you’ve done a lot of good work

raising awareness of this on your side

as well so I’m sure if anybody was a

searched cholesterol in dr. Berg’s

videos you’d find some great information

about why we don’t necessarily need to

worry about high cholesterol some of us

on a ketogenic or high-fat diet do get

elevated cholesterol the cholesterol is

not the boogeyman that has been made out

to be just like you know glucose in and

of itself is not bad but when you’ve had

an overabundance of glucose you can get

those an advanced glycation end-products

we can start to get a lot of oxidative

stress in the body it’s about balance

right so if you’re getting oxidation of

LDL from all that insulin then you’re

gonna have issues and they’re blaming

the fat for what clearly the sugar and

the insulin are very likely highly

culpable in and of course the body’s not

so simple as you know black and white

there’s a lot going on you’re looking at

systems interacting with other systems

and it’s a beautiful delicate dance

within us but uh but the cholesterol is

not the enemy maybe the insulin is the

dang enemy it is it is no doubt

absolutely it’s the it’s the thing I

mean you you you work with clients you

see the results some probably all that

long people are reporting oh I lost all

this weight my diabetes my heart is

getting better and you just like like I

do a show on Friday morning and I have a

nice chance to just to get a sample from

all over the world people calling in and

it’s just over and over and over it’s

like massive results this is what

happened I lost another you know ten

pounds of my cholesterol everything came

back I mean like it’s just like over and

over and over I mean

very few people that ever said they’re

not like winning like crazy and there’s

no one that says they’re getting worse

so I’m like wow you know what it’s

pretty obvious to me that it’s the way

to go yeah it’s pretty amazing I mean it

makes my day when I get people from you

know clients said I did private coaching

with two to three years ago sometimes

will contact me and just update me on

what’s happened and they’ll send me

pictures and I’ll recognize the before

picture but it almost like did you

photoshop this this is a different

person and it’s just so ridiculous to

see you know people lose in a hundred

pounds in eight months is I mean these

are the regular stories that I’m hearing

these are regular testimonials that

people are sending to me and it’s just

it’s so fun to be able to work with so

many people and to actually you know

helped them where they’ve yo-yo dieted

before they’ve never been able to find

something that they can maintain a

sustained long-term and a ketogenic and

a low-carb approach where you’re

focusing on healthy fats healthy fats

from animals whole unrefined sources of

food real human nutrition and they get

the results they wanted their whole life

and they do it effortlessly and

enjoyably and then they start changing

other people’s lives around them because

everyone asks them hey what it what

happened what did you do you know

sometimes they’ll send their friends and

family my way I don’t have come to me

for coaching or something or we do a our

keto and carnivore collective or group

coaching thing we do this each month

where we run it sort of like a course

but it’s with a lot of live interactive

voice chats so we do two voice chats

every single week and one of those is a

lesson then another one’s a Q&A where

everybody’s bouncing ideas off of each


everybody’s supporting each other and we

use a you know private forum for this so

each month we’ve got a different group

but it’s just amazing seeing these

people and their friends and family

learning so much and integrating these

principles into their life and it’s just

amazing seeing how transformative it can

be and I know you probably feel the same

way for me it’s just it’s like it’s

normal now it’s like I don’t get hungry

but I’m saying it’s okay if I go for a

heavy workout or something and I haven’t

eaten all day I might feel kind of

hungry before the meal but it’s never

like it was before where it’s you know


shig after a meal my blood sugar is up

and down all day you know inflammatory

responses from food digestive issues

I’ve had in the past you know these

things that have been so detrimental to

my quality of life you know I don’t want

to take them for granted at all and I’m

not saying I take them for granted but

the new normal it can be it’s so

interesting the new normal is so

different from what it used to be for me

and it’s cool talking to people all the

time and seeing them on their path and

seeing where they’re at in their journey

because I do sometimes forget what it

felt like in my own life because it’s so

far back behind me but then you know

talking to clients all the time and

seeing people out there in the trenches

trying to get their life back trying to

get their health back you know kit helps

to keep me grounded and keep me

appreciative and you know kind of

appreciate the blessings of being able

to function well in human body being

able to have mental clarity to have

stable blood glucose levels have low

inflammation levels and the fuel your

body with fat and you know getting the

nose-to-tail nutrition from animal foods

is something that has just really

changed the game for me and my family

and for you know I’m sure millions of

people who tune into your channel as

well it’s just really cool you know I

mean we don’t get TV spots you know you

don’t see dr. Berg or Tristan from

primal edge health getting invited on on

dr. oz although I don’t know man maybe

you one day could get jump on the dr. oz

train but I wouldn’t even if he called I

wouldn’t I wouldn’t do it I wouldn’t be

interested in all this it’s not mine not

my gig it’s just it’s two commercially

I’m not into yeah that’s what’s so cool

so many people through your platform on

YouTube and change so many lives and you

know at some of these YouTube channels

yours being one of the biggest ones I

mean you’re probably getting as many

people watching your videos every week

as even tuned into something like dr. oz

you know I’m not trying to toot your

horn or inflame ego too big but it’s

like you reach a lot of people for free

through YouTube with information that

you’re just giving out so you know I

think it’s I think it’s great what guys

like you were doing and you know I don’t

think there’s anybody out there who

works as hard I put out two videos every

day as you do them mom-mom


well I appreciate you coming on and guys

you need to check this out I’ll put a

little link down below it’s a great book

we’re gonna we’re gonna be doing more

recipes my wife and I and so we’ll have

to do some out of this book right here

and get the word out because it’s a

great high quality book tell your wife

we appreciate the energy she put into

this and the work it’s like a piece of

art I’m like amazing so you got content

and the art it’s nice to look at all

these wonderful pictures as well yeah

yeah I really like some of the pictures

she put in here I mean some of these old

Renaissance paintings and stuff are

really interesting and you know she did

just such a great job I I really

appreciate all the work she put into

this I’d love to see if you if you make

the pemmican from the the book that’s a

really cool travel food I know you’re

gonna be doing conferences and stuff and

pemmican is a nice food for people to

travel with it’s a kind of a Native

American recipe made of fat and dried

meat that will keep for years you don’t

need to keep it in a refrigerator and

it’s really easy to make and you can

even include dried heart and liver in

there that’s what we like to do we mix

it at least 10 to 20 % liver with our

pemmican and it’s just it’s a really

cool food so again man it’s it’s an

honor talking you it’s an honor to you

know to be featured on your channel and

I really appreciate everything you’re

doing and appreciate you giving me the

time of day and and I’m so excited for

you being a grandfather man you’re the

youngest looking grandpa I know you look

like you look 39 right now and the at

least on camera now I don’t know if

you’ve got a live Photoshop guy that’s

doing your that’s making you look you

know airbrushing you and in the youthful

it’s all airbrushed yeah I’m actually 40

years old right now ahead we have Jordan

when he when I was 13 yeah I like Jordan

and Jordie that’s a funny that’s not I

know yeah I’ve got a buddy whose name is

Jay and his fiance’s name is Jamie

that’s cool man awesome