Juicing vs Blending: What's Better? – Explained by Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys dr. Burke here in this video

we’re going to talk about the advantages

of juicing versus blending when do use

juicing versus blending okay okay

juicing is really good in chronic health

states like you have this chronic

sickness recovering from chemo or you

have this disease you’re trying to

recovery from that’s very very good

because you can concentrate a lot of

vegetables in a very small amount and

drink it it’s easy to go down the

problem is that it’s hard to do green

juices without fruit and when you add

the fruit like apples and pears and all

these other things you’re going to spike

the sugar even if you do carrot juice

that’s a lot of sugar and then we spiked

the insulin so that’s a problem but I do

recommend it in situations where you’re

you have a chronic health problem okay

what’s much better for the majority of

the population is blending because you

use the whole vegetable okay and so you

can take vegetables and blend them with

maybe a little bit of berry and you get

all the fiber that buffers the insulin

response okay because fiber slows down

the spike of insulin fiber feeds your

microbes you have all this flora you

have like a hundred trillion microbes in

your gut no actually I think it’s a

thousand trillion microbes you have a

hundred trillion cells in a thousand

trillion microbes growing inside and

outside and in the gut they live on

fiber so rather than give them brand

fiber or give them a vegetable fiber so

that’s going to actually really help

feed them so it’s better for the general

population so what I like to do is I

like to take kale okay my favorite and

this has a lot of vitamin A as

phytonutrients that’s good for the liver

it’s it has I like the dark green this

is organic get it from Trader Joe’s I

freeze this so lasts forever okay keep

in the freezer it’s already clean-cut

convenient all right then I like and I

freeze little sections of parsley

parsley is very bitter I mean it’s

interesting that both of these our

garnish is that no one eats on the plate

right we want to take this

parsley combined it with the the beat to

make a very powerful bitter shake with

lots of vitamin A and modified our

nutrients good for the eyes good for the

liver good for burning fat good for fat

on the liver and I’m not trying to lose

weight I’m going to recommend myself I

use the berries organic berries you can

put like a cup of this now it it may in

some people slow them the weight loss

down if they have a really really slow

metabolism but for the most population

the majority population you can do a

little bit of berry okay like a cup just

offset the bitterness so I do that and I

also put lemon juice I like the Italian

volcano why because this is grown on the

volcanic ash and soils in Italy and it’s

this lemon juice is amazing I put like

two ounces of lemon juice in that shake

okay why because lemon juice will

prevent kidney stones and you don’t have

to put in the shake I like the taste of

it and it gives it a nice little lemony

citrus and also it prevents any stones

okay I will also add my wheatgrass juice

powder one teaspoon because that’s like

an extra boost of actually a juice

powder with some interesting properties

yes it has vitamins and minerals in

chlorophyll but one thing about

wheatgrass juice is that it has a unique

factor that’s has to do with a growth


it doesn’t make you grow but it’s it’s

mainly for your skin it’s a good healer

and right now there’s some studies I’ll

put some links down below that they use

this on burn patients because it burns

the skin it heals the skin so it has a

healing factor for the epidermis the

skin also internally the skin like you

have irritable bowel syndrome ulcers in

your stomach it’s really good for that

even in some cases of leprosy with

ulcers on the skin or diabetic ulcers on

the feet this is a good healer an

overall healer

for collagen making you healthy so this

is one of the reasons I stick that in

there a teaspoon blend it all up and it

makes two of these ok these jars so I’ll

drink one of these in one sitting I use

a straw big straw drink it down I’ll

take the other one put in the fridge and

I’ll drink that maybe later in the

evening ok I’ll do this so I do the kale

shakes not every single day I might do

them twice or three times a week the

other days I’ll use just salad or

vegetable ok so that’s how I get my

greens if I’m doing the shake I don’t do

a salad but the shake is convenient I

drank it I feel great my liver feels

good if I miss that I don’t feel is

bright it’s also very hydrating and it

seems to increase the oxygen levels of

my body I can just breathe better when I

drink that I think the parsley in there

is like a real key element so go ahead

and do that and put your comments below

hope you enjoyed this video and I’ll see

you the next one hey guys thank you so

much for watching please click the

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the next video