Shoulder Muscle Pain – Causes and Treatments for Relief by Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey dr. Berg here in this video I’m

going to talk about right shoulder pain

now many of you have this right muscle

thing right here that just irritates the

heck out of you and you go home and your

spouse massage that thing you go to

massage therapist and you’re working on

this muscle you go to the chiropractor

get it adjusted and it keeps coming back

it’s on the right side it’s this little

ropey tight muscle right up by the

scapula right here the name of that

muscle is called the levator or angle

ass gap of the muscle so it pulls this

little bone up here in the shoulder and

sometimes you might have pain at this

rhomboid right next to the scapula right

here and that’s a very common thing and

I want to show you what’s really behind

that it’s actually something called

referred pain it’s not coming from this

area at all it’s coming from something

called your gallbladder and your liver

because that’s right behind it and

there’s a little nerve that goes right

through there let me show you okay so

check this out

we have the little liver right here the

liver is about right here it’s about the

size of a football about three pounds

it’s huge and then it has a little tube

that connects to this gallbladder right

and the gallbladder is there to hold and

release something called bile B I I’ll

eat that helps you digest fatty foods it

helps you do a lot of things and extract

nutrients from fat especially the fat

Seibel vitamins vitamin A D e ke that

type of thing so what happens what’s

really going on with this right neck

thing it’s being referred by the

gallbladder now some of you might say

well I don’t I’ve never been diagnosed

with the gallbladder problem I don’t

have stones but stones are the last

thing that occur after gallbladder liver

dysfunction this has it just starts in a

sequence of little small things that

build up over time I think that’s the

problem with going to the doctor he’ll

it’ll say well come back in six months

when you have the problem and then we’ll

properly remove your gallbladder they’re

not doing anything actively right now to

save the gallbladder the gallbladder

gets beaten up by junk foods

by alcohol by eating breads and pastas

and serving on crackers so it’s really

the crap that we’re eating that messes

this gallbladder up and you know I have

people all day long that come in that

say well when can I go back to drinking

alcohol or when can I go back to eating

real foods well just as long as you want

a healthy liver I mean unfortunately

when you take away things like alcohol

or junk food a lot of things come up and

I think people don’t even realize how

addicted they are to those things

especially even alcohol I had a guy a

couple weeks ago who you know he says I

have a craving for alcohol come to find

out he does it almost every single night

and so he starts the program and I

probably shouldn’t have taken a mom

because that so-called craving was

really an addiction an addiction is

something you cannot give up and you’re

doing excessively and so it’s

interesting I found out after he came in

the next day

he went back to drinking the next day he

drank over the weekend he drank the next

day and then he was complaining that the

program didn’t work and he told me he

was drinking so and the interesting

thing that happens when patients cheat

on their diet or they go off the program

they have to justify it in their mind

and so what they have to do is they have

to basically become very critical and so

he went on social media had made some

comments about me whatever but the truth

is that he went off the program programs

not going to work so you have to justify

it by making credit criticizing someone

else so that’s what really happened but

the key is that alcohol does mess up the

liver and the gallbladder but it needs

certain things to help repair it and

probably one of the best things to help

repair a gallbladder and liver would be

things like bitter cruciferous

vegetables at the top of the list the

best thing for the liver would be beet

tops so if you were to buy beets at the

grocery store a farmers market and cut

off those beet tops and cut those up and

put those in your salad or in your case

oh my gosh that would be the best thing

for the gallbladder and liver because

it’ll start to rebuild that thing back

up but you’re going to have to come off

that alcohol if you have a congested

gallbladder especially if you have this

so now how do you know it’s getting

better well this is a really good kind

of an indicator to know your livers and

your gallbladder is doing better by how

this feels if this does better than we

know it’s better it still hurts then

there’s still a problem with this so you

might have to you know really work on

this over time the liver is probably one

of the only organs that can completely

regenerate a hundred percent if you give

it time and so I did have another guy

call me up and says well dr. Berg your

program doesn’t work because I did it

and as soon as I went back to my normal

eating the problem came back I was like

really I said you did it for two weeks

you got to do this thing for a lot

longer it takes up to three years of

healthy eating to repair the liver and I

think that’s some people don’t

understand how long it takes like if you

have osteoporosis like your bones are

completely thin and you start taking

calcium for a few weeks you’re not going

to see any change it takes years of

building back up those minerals because

osteoporosis is a very serious serious

mineral deficiency and other

deficiencies as well

well the liver takes years to build up -

and that thing takes years to come back

just because it doesn’t show up on a

blood test does it mean that your liver

is healthy you have to basically have 90

percent of your liver to be

dysfunctional before you even notice any

symptoms on a blood test so it can be

completely fatty and you’re feeling fine

sort of speak so you really have to kind

of eat healthy now and prevent issues I

mean there’s never a week that goes by

that someone says yeah my friend just

got cancer she had no symptoms and she

has cancer now she has to go through

chemo I don’t want to wake up one day

and have cancer I want to wake up and

have a stroke

I want to actively aggressively get my

body healthy every day to prevent and

avoid all these issues but this Galba

and liver is one of the best indicators

is the whole right shoulder neck thing

so you really want to get your

lifestyle in a place where find other

pleasures you know other than junk food

in alcohol now can you ever drink

alcohol again well why don’t you just

get the liver healthy and then see what

you can get away with down the road but

first let’s focus on creating health so

this is the real cause to a lot of right

shoulder stuff and if that thing is

really messed up it can even cause so

much tension up there it can cause the

vertebra to rotate out and cause bones

to even literally go out of place and

cause nerve pain down the shoulder the

whole thing but the point is I

personally had this problem for about 12

years I didn’t know what it was until I

started to take care of my liver and oh

my gosh it was I thought it was an

injury because I was right-sided I was a

tennis player I was wrestler yes I had

those injuries but this was really

behind the situation so what is the

bottom line the bottom line is take care

of your liver and your gallbladder and

listen to your body listen to what it

tells you don’t ignore it and understand

what certain things mean this muscle

thing right here means gallbladder okay

so in addition to consuming bitter

vegetables you may want to try a remedy

I have it’s called a gall bladder

formula I developed this basically for

myself my liver it’s not just for the

gallbladder though it has three main

ingredients one is a purified bowel self

to give you more bile to help dissolve

that crud that’s in the gallbladder to

prevent stones absorb nutrients vitamin

A D E K 1 K 2 so those are all key

nutrients that you need for a nutrient

absorption but it also has an acidified

for the stomach because in order to

release the bile the stomach needs to be

really really acid so this has betaine

hydrochloride to help your own body make

more bile from the stomach level and

also it has pancreatic enzymes to help

the pancreas dissolve nutrients to what

one indications that you need pancreas

enzymes is that if you eliminate food

through the waste and it doesn’t digest

like you might see undigested food and

your waste

then it’s really a pancreas problem so

it has all three elements for the


gallbladder pancreas but it also has in

here stone root if there’s a stone in

the gallbladder it has things to thin

the bile so it’s really good for

bloating and I might just take one as

the maintenance for breakfast some

people if it’s real bad they might take

one with each meal but basically you

just take start with taking one for

breakfast and you just take it right

before you eat and then you’ll notice

that your digestion you don’t you’ll

feel more satisfied when you eat you

won’t crave sweets after eating you’ll

feel less bloated and this big ropey

thing will start going down down down

but this doesn’t give you the permission

to start drinking and eating junk but it

allows you to get some relief as you’re

cleaning up your diet so you may want to

check it out and try it so thanks for

watching and I will see you in the next
