The Dr. Berg Show LIVE - July 21, 2023 | DrEricBergDC

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thank you

hey everyone welcome back we’re here for

another q a anything that I say is

definitely not meant to cure any medical

conditions check with your doc before

implementing any of the things we’re

going to talk about

all right let’s Jump Right In we have a

lot of questions let’s do it folks and

as usual uh with the great questions

both some true and falsers and um

and regular questions uh and our Green

Room we’ve got an interesting lineup

including a nice woman named Karen who’s

I’m not going to bring her on right now

from Arizona and she’s just moved there

near Scottsdale and they have these

little pig rat-like creatures they have

scorpions they have coyotes she’s

getting used to all this but very few

house cats because I think the coyotes

dispense with them rather quickly when

people bring them in think they can run

around anyway so we’re excited to get

into all that why don’t we mix it up

this week and we’ll go straight to our

first quiz question audience which we

all love and we all learn from and here

it is

all right first question

what is the number one most common sign

of gallstones

All Right audience

jump onto that just bring that out okay

then we’ll go uh because we love them

all straight to social media

uh let’s see kindness is the per

kindness is great is this person’s name

from YouTube I’m all about trying your

gallbladder formula but I’m just

learning about dementia and wondering if

autophagy would help with plaquing of

the brain no family history of dementia

it’s the topic of Interest boy aren’t we

all nervous about that

yeah so so they want to know about

autophagy I I think so and how it

relates to uh the onset or controlling

dementia she’s just learning about it no

one seems to have it yet but they want

to know about autophagy and warding off

dementia is my guess


dementia is a is a problem within the

neurons in the mitochondria and the

neurons there’s damage in the

mitochondria uh and so

um there’s something called mitophy

which is the cleaning up of old damaged

mitochondria within neurons and so um

if you were to stimulate autophagy that

would greatly help those symptoms and

that would be one very important action

and the best way to do it is through

prolonged fasting uh it actually will

give you new brain cells when you fast

you become smarter I mean I can’t tell

you how many times uh when I do these


um if I had eaten and then I do the

videos huge difference in my ability

just to kind of recall and just

sharpness versus if I don’t eat it’s

like way sharper so when you eat it kind

of plugs up the pathways within the

neurons because you’re uh you just ate

so fasting uh improves the cognitive

function of the cells in your brain and


so autophagy is and you can also

stimulate topology with exercise as well

and certain phytonutrients um

so I have videos on that but there’s


you know you got to look at the whole

package because it’s not just one thing

all right very good let’s go to Malcolm

X from YouTube how many hours of sleep

does the average adult need I’ve heard

you say get about six or seven is that

enough for Optimal Health

I would say seven to seven and a half

let’s say seven to eight


some people very rarely can get by with


um but when you start going below six it

really affects your health uh long term

uh increasing your risk for heart

attacks and stuff like that so you have

people that can feel refreshed and just

don’t need enough sleep and those guys

those people are the lucky ones but then

there’s other people that needs eight uh

eight plus even nine hours

um so

if you don’t get enough sleep one thing

you can do is you can take naps

um but there’s a lot of videos I have on

how to enhance your sleep

um to try to get that that seven hours

but things can be

you know blockages for that whether it’s

sleep apnea whether it’s um some back

pain or even um urinating through the

night so watch those videos to try to

enhance your sleep but to get at least

seven to seven and a half all right now

the obvious question is here uh Dr Berg

and I know in the audience can certainly

imagine you’re the busiest guy I’ve ever

met now are you actually able with all

the things you do to pull off the

numbers like that

I um I needed less sleep than my wife

Karen uh for sure I can get by with uh

about seven hours and do fine but um

sometimes um you know I got I just wake

up early but I go to bed early and ever

since I got through basic training

that’s when my sleep has been

interrupted so I have a tendency to get

up at four but what I’ll do is I’ll go

back to bed I’ll just lay there for a

bit and then go back to bed and get

another hour or so but

if I don’t because I have things to do I

will take a nap I always take a nap to

get that seven hours at least seven

hours so to catch up because um

you know I you’re right I do have a busy

schedule indeed okay and other people

around the world are busy watching us

and here’s uh Gander at who they are

good morning to excuse me all of our

viewers from the UK Canada Mexico Jordan

Greece Kurdistan Colombia Hong Kong

Estonia Romania Jamaica Somalia Bahrain

uh Kenya uh

has made it hasna excuse me I hope I

said that right um Terry he’s our

producer and always keeps these Arco

American it’s maddening Bulgaria Finland

Algeria Spain Australia the Czech


France Taiwan India Peru Abu Dhabi

Ukraine Our Hearts and Thoughts go out

to them every day Belgium Scotland

ubeekistan Eritrea the Virgin Islands

New Zealand Bermuda Thailand Iran Dubai

Portugal Germany Norway Japan Brunei

Trinidad Trinidad and Tobago excuse me

turkey Nigeria South Korea United Arab

Emirates Ireland Italy Pakistan

Switzerland the Netherlands Austria

cashmere India haven’t heard of cashmere

for a while Singapore Chile Malta

Kenya just jumped up the Netherlands

Austria Kashmir India Singapore Chile

Malta Kenya Oman South Africa and all

across these United States including

Arizona with the Scorpions and so on so

thanks everybody for tuning in and the

audience is indeed tuning in because

they’ve already come up with an answer

for the first question which asked the

number one sign of gallstones is is

and I think that was my little typo

there where I left the ti forgive me

audience and Dr Berg hasn’t admonished

me yet 78 of them say it’s pain in the

upper abdomen or on the right side and

22 percent say it’s nausea

okay well good good uh attempt down

there and um 80 of the time this is the

sign and the sign is asymptomatic now if

you don’t know what that means it means

no symptoms oh it’s kind of a trick

question but there’s absolutely no

indications of your gallstones but

indirectly you can detect if you have


um but you’re right if you have pain

underneath the right rib cage that could

definitely be a situation or sludge in

the Ducks themselves

um but and it can refer to the right

shoulder blade and you can also have um

nauseousness for sure and even vomiting

that would be that would definitely be

an indication it also could be a kidney

stone too

um because there’s a little muscle the

tubes called ducts have they’re muscular

and so when you have a distension

because a visceral sensation whether it

is a burning pain but also nauseousness

and um even if the cause of vomiting too

so um yeah these are all common things

and even if the stool is light colored

chances are you don’t have enough bile

and that is really the real underlying

reason why people get gallstones is a

lack of bile or um they might have um

also itchiness

um so there’s stay tuned for a video on

this because I want to um really get

people to understand these little Clues

so you can read your body versus ignore

it or not understand what it really

means so I’m working on a book to um

two books one is to simplify like all

these little red flags so you can kind

of know what your body is telling you

and then another book on simple tests

that you can do to figure things out so

rather than do some expensive

blood test or something like that or

x-ray or CAT scan

why not use some of these tests that you

really don’t need to have any equipment

at all but you can pick up information

and so I’m going to share that with you

even like a blood pressure you check if

you lie down and stand up you check your

blood pressure and you look at the top

number which is the systolic number

normally your body should adapt through

this stress and increase that top number

by six to ten points if everything is

normal from line to standing but what if

it drops down or it goes too high what

does that actually mean well it means

that the adrenal gland is malfunctioning

so that’s a real simple thing all you

need is a blood pressure cuff and if you

understand all these tests you can just


you know understand the body a lot more



just sometimes go go and give it some

static test it doesn’t really tell you

what’s going on in a functional State

and this is the problem with uh medicine

they just look at static stuff but the

body is functional it’s Dynamic it’s

things are moving

um you can do a stress test but again

that’s uh more invasive so there’s all

sorts of tests that you can do learn and

I’m going to be teaching people that

through some books

my goodness well here we go again with

Dr Bergen in between all the stuff he’s

writing two books my wife Lori has me

empty the trash regularly and there’s

periodic vacuumings which I think steals

any time for me to do any

extracurricular stuff so I don’t know

how you pull it off but isn’t that

amazing and I’m also taking doing those

chores too so see so I got no excuse but

anyway we’re all the great benefactors

for that and speaking of gallbladder



Jill from YouTube please discuss when we

should take bile salts if we have no

gallbladder before or after a meal or

some other time

after because the pH of bile bile salts

is alkaline so if you took it right

before a meal it probably wouldn’t work

as good because you’re going to

neutralize some of the stomach acid

involved to help you digest some of the

protein so it’s always best to take it

right after the meal so it follows the

meal that will work a little bit better

all right very good well I’ve been

bragging about

my new friend Karen from Arizona so it’s

high time to find out if she has been

yet consumed by any of the creatures she

described and more importantly to come

on the air and discuss with you what the

issue is care and you’re on the air with

Dr Burr

good morning Dr Berg I guess well it’s

morning here for me

good morning

good morning okay so good morning

so should I just fire away or are you

going to ask me a question no you fire

away what’s your question

okay so I have a history I went through

a very traumatic event in 2006. my

husband was tragically murdered while I

was with him so I witnessed it I went

through the whole thing and as a result

of it I believe that about I I got

gastritis in my

I got gastritis and then two years after

that I got eczema and I have been

struggling with the eczema and the

gastritis pretty much ever since ever

since that horrific event so

um I’m trying to get rid of the

gastritis and I did watch your video

some months back on getting

those those various remedies and I used

all the remedies until the end but I

didn’t see any change so I stopped

taking them so my question is how do I

if as well as I just had in my A1C done

and I couldn’t believe that my uh my A1C

was at 6.0 now I’m 127 pounds I I’m a

personal trainer I’m Into Fitness I work

out every day I was a vegetarian for 20

years I just started eating meat a

little over a year now I was low on

vitamin D vitamin B12 I mean I’ve just

been a runaway train wreck and I’m

trying to get in front of the bus I just

feel like we’re the train I just feel


I just don’t know what to do and I don’t

trust regular medicine regular doctors I

don’t want to do prescriptions I don’t

like any of that I don’t like that model

at all

hey you um you I totally hear you on

that because uh uh we’re in the same

same viewpoint on that for sure and I’m

really really really sorry for your loss

um devastating terrible

um so it doesn’t sound like this is uh

diet related this is a stress related

thing and that’s I do I did have a video

on this I I may have released it but

um you can literally cause gastritis and


and autoimmune diseases from stress

events losses shocks to the system

um so you then you go on the normal

remedies and

try to cope with that but I think

um probably a better solution for you

would be to

um kind of focus more on the nutrition

for the adrenal glands

the support for the adrenal glands I

have a lot of data you probably already

are implementing some of the stuff where

the like the Deep acupressure around the

adrenal glands um and you’re already

doing the exercise which is awesome but


the adrenal gland is uh there’s two

parts the outside and the inside and um

it’s a hundred percent sympathetic

nervous system on that inside there’s no

parasympathetic it’s there’s no off

switch on the adrenals so it just turns

that thing on and it just creates a lot

of problems in fact probably and I’m

just guessing the A1C being high is not

you’re probably not eating a lot of

sugar is that correct


I think part of Shakeology

but I was doing a lot of Shakeology and

then I was adding fruit on top of that

and I did that for almost two years and

uh like I said I just couldn’t believe

how high my A1C went up so I stopped I

don’t do any more Shakeology because I

found my son kept telling me Mom it’s

too much sugar it’s too much sugar

that’s good I don’t know why they put

all the sugar in there so okay so now it

changes my answer because

um you know we’re we’re told hey eat

your fruits and vegetables right they’re

they’re healthy

um unfortunately these fruits are not

seasonal and the sugar content is way

higher than they were way back in the

day and um they’ve been bred for

you know sweetness and things like that

so that’s a tremendous amount of

fructose which can easily raise your A1C

on top of the stress which turns your

body protein into glucose as a stress

response which can also

um elevate your blood sugars and even

create a pre-diabetic situation if

someone’s under a lot of stress

but I think um I think you probably

might have already tried the remedy zinc


um carnocyte uh

that would actually be good for


um but I think we’re dealing with maybe

an adrenal program that involves


not just regular stress but physical

work around the house believe it or not

that that’s one of the best things for

mental just mental stress to keep your

mind off things and go for long walks

hiking I think that’s going to be your

Focus this next

months of just really doing

um an adrenal Rejuvenation let’s see you

do that right and

it still doesn’t handle it there’s uh

then you need to find a good

doctor that specializes in something

called metabolomic testing that really

is try to find someone good I will be

posting some stuff on my website soon

about that probably at the end of the

summer because I’m doing a deep dive in

this topic which will evaluate the

biochemistry a lot deeper than typical

functional medicine or nutritional

doctors and then that way we can

go deeper and see what’s going on with



biochemical Pathways and that’s a really

new great exciting field that’s coming

up that that can help

figure out problems that nothing else

has been effective so

I think that’s what I would focus on for

right now

um but yeah this is a stress event

caused problem and then I’m glad that

you stopped the fructose because that

you’ll probably notice within give it a

little bit more time but your A1C should

come down and then

that’s going to improve things greatly

because ketones are antioxidants and if

you’re doing all the fruit and stuff you

don’t have the benefit the ketones so

that could be huge in your recovery

cycle but there’s a lot to unpack but I

hope I gave you a couple of little tips

to at least get you by until we can

you know get you through this

well I’m going to be one of your keto

coaches I’m about 70 something percent

through the program oh correct the

content is great

it is great I just love it the content

is wonderful so I feel like that would

be a really good addition to um to what

I’m currently doing

wow so yeah you’re right because you um

yeah you’re already

um an athlete so just having all that

extra information you’re already helping

people so this will give you some

additional tools this is great I’m glad

that you are doing that training because

um that’s kind of what my thought is

like the more knowledge you can have

about this technology the more you can

help yourself as well then that’s really

the solution is to be fully trained in

something so now you’re you’re kind of

bulletproofing yourself really because

you’re going to find out what you need

to focus more on and be sure of it

so if I get the adrenals under control

I’m so sick of this eczema

um now and I also set up an appointment

to meet with a naturopathic doctor in a

couple of weeks as well

yeah so so



you know I think uh if we take a look at

skin disorders whether it’s eczema or


potentially it could be more of a gut

issue which aligns with that gastritis

right so I think um both of those

um are could be related

um but and also that you have the

microbiome as well so that could be a

problem there let’s see what they find


but uh yeah the skin problems

um are a reflection of what’s going

internally with the GI system and um the

uh the last thing I would say as a

remedy for Eczema is um a lot of vitamin

D so do higher levels of vitamin D I

would say probably maybe 30 000 I use

and see if that doesn’t go away there’s

also some very cool

um new things related to using UVB

um light therapy on your skin

so um I didn’t do a video on that but I

I’m finding a lot of people benefiting

from light therapy for their skin if if

we need to go if we need to do that but

maybe we won’t because you’ll you’ll

handle your internal gut issues

okay well Karen listen I’m afraid we

have run out about time for this segment

but I can tell you that the entire

audiences around the world and my family

included you know Hearts go out to you

for that tragedy in your life and the

stress that it evidently brought on and

so we’re pulling for you and to that end

we’d love to hear back from you and see

how you’re doing uh as you squash

scorpions and continue to improve your

diet so thanks for joining us on that

thank you back and let’s see why don’t

we go to quiz question

uh number

two and there it is Doctor

okay good true or false

lower cholesterol can double your risk

of cancer

certain types of cancer

All Right audience as soon as I know you


and let’s see let’s go back to social

media they may be feeling a little

neglected we’re going to take care of

that right now Wilma from Facebook what

are your thoughts on going on a

completely raw food diet

okay here’s my thoughts


it really depends on what is raw

are you talking like we’re all

vegetables or raw meat like raw chicken

meat like for all this I there’s a lot

of benefits in doing raw however

believe it or not even some of the

phytonutrients are enhanced when you

kind of cook certain

types of vegetables like the cruciferous

vegetables like steamed

uh versus Raw there’s more uh

availability I think a combination would

be good but I do like

consuming at least 50 raw especially

your a lot of these salads and things

like that

because when you overcook it you destroy

a lot of the things that the certain

nutrients are heat sensitive

but certain phytonutrients actually are

released with heat so it really depends

on what you’re talking about but um

uh definitely if you’re talking about

also like like beef being more rare than

overcooked that’s of course a lot



that’s my answer all right very good

let’s see now I want to go back to

uh Arna I’m going to have you and lovely

Liliana get set for the camera uh

there’s an adorable a girl and her mom

on I don’t know what the nature of their

question is but the little girl has been

so patient that I want to bring her on

right now yeah yeah welcome back yeah we

we know each other oh good how wonderful

well please uh Arna if you would go

ahead and unmute yourself and let us

know what your question is for Dr Berg

with regard to Liliana Etc

go ahead well hi good afternoon

um we’re so glad to be here

um so uh liliana’s A1C you remember that

she’s type 1 diabetic from last time I

talked to you

um her A1C has come down to 5.6 and it’s

remained there for like nine I can’t

remember whether it’s nine months or a

whole year

but she’s been doing your program for

three years now she’s six years old

and um she’s doing great uh really

learning and she can read beautifully uh

so that’s the first thing I wanted to

tell you and let that be an

encouragement to all you parents out

there it’s possible

we eat our vegetables

and we’re doing low carb only

wow that’s amazing


grass-fed organic all that yes so


um my question

today for you is uh

what do you think about night terrors

because this is something I talked to

our uh chiropractor about it and he said

he thinks it’s like sympathetic and

parasympathetic off balance because of

the type 1 diabetes

but this is happening almost every night

at this point and I’m not sure what to

do about it

um I mentioned that we’re already doing

organic uh you know I’ve tried to cut

out as many pesticides as possible

um oh she does wear a um Bluetooth


pump system so I kind of wondered if

there’s any EMF

stuff like going on

uh I just I I want to know all your


okay so the thing that pops up initially

is a B1 deficiency will cause nightmares

or even night terrors so

um now why would she have a B1

deficiency just because the being a

diabetic in general type one uh the need

for B1 goes way up but

if you take the what no normal water

soluble B vitamins it might not

penetrate the central nervous system

like we want now I have mentioned

benphotamine in the past but

benphotamine is good for peripheral

nerves uh especially from diabetics on

your feet and your hands but not the

central nervous system in the brain so


I think it’s called Uh

thiamine elephiamine is a natural

lipotrophic B1 it’s from garlic and um

so you need a natural B1


and I have information on my website

about that but that’s one I would


um and then what you do

is just take one before bed and then you

keep increasing one additional each each

night until those go away and you might

need four of those before it goes away

but that’s what I think it is



I’m sorry I think we have a delay I’m

sorry I don’t mean to interrupt you at

all um she is on one of your pills of B1

I used to be doing the benfotamine but

then when you put out the information

out there about it not going through the

brain barrier

um we switch to your natural B1 but she

only takes one pill

because of her age and her weight though

I mean is there any uh danger of

toxicity or just she would she would

have to take a lot of it but I would go

up to at least four

um at the very most but I think uh okay

I bet you that will create a big change

and if some weird reason it does not

within like a week


I would to suspect that EMF because the

EMF is right on her on close to her

brain correct is it in the ear or is it

where is it

no no not in the ear she wears a CGM on

her arm on the other arm over here

and then it’s connected to her pump

which is around the waist yeah

so so I don’t know if you have any in

EMF tester but you could see how far it

travels but I will say there’s


that connection that um well I’ve seen

some really wild things especially if

someone is sensitive to it and uh you

know what that would be the next thing I

would evaluate and look at is and see if

you’re you know see if you can maybe try

another way of testing for a while until

you can isolate it that’s it


but that’s what I would do that’s kind

of like the uh the stuff I would focus

on first

um and then you have you have access to

to find out

um just to give me feedback and so I can

kind of coach you through this as as we

try different things because we

definitely have to figure that out and

she just looks gorgeous oh my gosh


super healthy look at the skin the bone

structure everything yeah

extremely cute

that is so great your keto diet yes yeah

well and Liliana you are a great example

to all the other little girls and boys

out there because it’s difficult

sometimes to get away from the junk food

that we all eat so we’re very proud of

you and you’re our official mascot for

healthy eating especially with type oh

wait a minute there’s some evidence of

why she’s feeling better and there is

that nutritional yeast or what is that

stuff there we go it’s the kids vitamins

oh kids vitamins there you go well yeah

it’s obviously working almost every

morning she loves them good well it’s

working very well in uh Liliana thanks

for being such a great example for all

of our future kids and and ultimately

world leaders so please do check back

yes sir Steve I mean like um an average

child is on what’s called not just

processed foods but they call it Ultra

processed foods so you can imagine the

amount of uh

um they don’t even need ever eat

vegetables at all and so it’s just like

chicken fingers

soda candy I mean it’s just so bad I

just I just cringed and then people

unfortunately try to change the diet

when the kids become teenagers and

that’s really easy right Steve yeah

so I’m glad that she started really

young and uh

you know a lot of people I think change

like this when they have some event like

diabetes and things like that or some

other health event and but don’t don’t

wait for that problem to occur you know

learn from the experience of others like

just prevent is the key so well that’s


lastly of course we’ll say uh go moms to

Arna she certainly has kept with the

program and her beautiful daughter is

the Grateful recipient of that I’m sure

so we’ll look forward to you getting

back with us again Arna and Liliana with

your great progress and travel through

life now we have uh the second quiz

question of the day which is a true

falser and wanted to lower cholesterol

can double your risk of cancer and

Terry where did that go there’s so much

information coming by okay 52 percent of

our respondents say it’s true 48 say

it’s false

well it’s actually actually true and I I

I’ve been doing the Deep dive into

um statins which basically blocked the

production of cholesterol and uh you

know uh you see these incredible numbers

once you know take statins and reduce

your risk Heart Attack by 50

um but I’m I’m gonna release a video on

what that actually means because they’re

kind of manipulating

the risk factors and using something

called um relative risk reduction versus

absolute risk reduction I’m going to

explain the Simplicity to what that

means so how you can turn like a one

percent decrease rate into a 50 decrease

rate and get away with it

um and then also looking at the side

effects of that go up by five five

percent which is if you compare one

percent to five percent it’s a big it’s

5x increase so hey you decrease your

risk of heart attack by one percent but

then increase your risk of uh cancer you

know and things like that so there’s

some faceted information on

uh what happens with you know statins as

well as just cutting out your

cholesterol and having very very low

cholesterol it’s not good for the immune

system it’s not good for certain things

so I’m going to share that data coming

up real soon all right terrific let’s

march on with the next question here it

is Dr Berg


what is the most potent anti-placking

natural remedy available on the market

and I’ll give you a hint


I’ve been around for

2 000 years and it has virtually no

side effects

all right Jump On It audience Andrew

from YouTube what is the best food

source for taurine taurine


the problem with food source with

taurine is that you never find a food

source just with one amino acid

and a lot of times they compete with

each other

so like taurine is in a lot of different

foods you know meats and things like

that but if you’re trying to increase it

you should probably just take it as a

standalone because it has certain


and taken an empty stomach because

adding another protein can interfere

with it


here’s a tough one El Mondo from YouTube

what do you recommend for someone who’s

had an ileostomy which I guess helps you

remove waste straight from the body or

out the stomach

yeah that is uh that’s uh do you have an

hour it’s it’s gonna take um

you know a bit more because you’re

you’re dealing with uh part of the

intestine that’s removed and so you’re

half having to

deal with all sorts of problems with uh

digestion and uh good diarrhea and

all sorts of things so I I think what I

would do is I would Implement

immediately regular intermittent fasting

and and improve the foods

digestibility by consuming

either steamed vegetables and Foods as

well as fermented especially fermented

but you got to be careful not to overeat

and then you also have to be careful

about uh creating vitamin deficiencies


um just regular food is not going to cut

it you’re going to have to enhance

certain nutrients because you’re you’re

missing a certain part of the digestive

system so there’s a lot to talk about

but I think I have a video on this

um you can look that up

um with more details

all right very good uh continuing on

this is Eva from Facebook how can I

reduce my high levels of ferritin

that doc

well I think what I would do is I would


avoid red meat uh beef liver I would



any type of iron supplements

um I would um

make sure you avoid any food that has

enriched or fortified

with iron that would be like all the

grains and things like that


and then you could also uh

start drinking distilled water

um and that will that will actually help

reduce some of the

um the iron and put your body in a

better better place and that way you can

take the minerals that you really need

usually women who are menstruating they

can get rid of some design but iron has

a is difficult to get rid of especially

if there’s a genetic problem with on top

of it it’s easy to become

have iron overload which affects

um more men than women because women do

menstruate up to a certain point

okay very good listen we’re going to try

to get through everybody in fact we are

going to get through everybody in the

green room but we’d like your

participation we’re running back on time

a little bit so Carrie I’m going to

bring you on the air with Dr Berg and if

you’d really stick to our one question

in 30 seconds make sure we can get to

all our stuff welcome to show Carrie

all right

thank you I’m so excited I’ve been

following you for a long time I have

Auto I have a rheumatoid arthritis and I

heard your interview with the Hungarian

doctor I forget her name and that uh

turned me on to checking out the

carnivore diet so I’ve now been doing

the carnivore diet for a year and four

months and it’s made a major difference

in pain just I really don’t have any

pain I have lack of function still and a

bizarre deformity because I haven’t

taken hardly any medication

and I’ve been trying to deal with it


but uh being on the carnivore diet has

been so helpful and the your

intermittent fasting advice oh my God

that was made a huge difference as well

so thank you thank you so much

my question is about organ Meats uh I I

read somewhere online a couple of places

some some people advising not to eat

them too often and I probably have them

three times a week because I get this

hamburger that already has heart and

kidney mixed in with it and and I have

a brown schweiger you know like

different things in head cheese I eat

different things to make sure I’m

getting the organs and then I read read

that and so now I think oh am I having

it too often with three times a week be

too often to have that mixed in

I don’t think so because uh um unless

you’re having polar bear liver which

says super high levels of vitamin A that

can be very toxic chances are you’re

probably going to be okay but you know

you just have to be aware of certain

things like um Iron vitamin A retinol

um could could potentially create some

toxicity but if you just understand

about the symptoms you can quickly

identify that and taking less but I

think the benefits of organ Meats far

outweigh any risk for toxicity if you

look at what what’s in them the other

thing I’m going to mention which I

you know I keep running into this

because I’m probably looking for it but

the quality of

the food especially if you’re in

carnival really counts as well I’ll give

you just

one piece of information that I’m gonna

do a video on because I think it’s

fascinating this is based on like when I


I entered into a study where I sent my

beef for my cattle on my property and um

what was unique about

our beef is that there was three times

the level of any other farmer out there

that have phytonutrients

phytochemicals like these are plant


like polyphenols and carotenoids and all

these plants

nutrients in cattle meat like what even

some are even more than even in

vegetables now that’s pretty bizarre to

get your to get your phytonutrients from

animal products so it’s like you eat

animals that have high phytonutrients

they become more bioavailable

um you don’t have to deal with the

anti-nutrients that happens with plants

so some people that are on Carnivore

this is oh yeah you don’t get the

benefits on the phytonutrients that’s

not true unless you’re doing like the

you know the typical

conventional grain-fed animal products


I personally think if you can find um

some some some of these meats and organ

Meats from a farmer’s market or a farm

that you know about or you know

grass-fed grass finish or even like U.S

Wellness Meats order online you could

actually um

be so far ahead of everyone else

especially even with the races of Omega

3 to omega-6 and and all these other

biomarkers so


I just want to point that out because

you can get so many things from

for meats and organ meats that

um are almost to the equivalent of just

vegetables as well and a much more

bioavailable form

um as far as rheumatoid arthritis goes

uh if you benefited from that that tells

us exactly where your problem probably

started which is in the gut

so that being said you might also want

to um

take more vitamin D

uh just to kind of bring inflammation

down more which you might already be

doing and then also the other thing

that’s really important is a lot more

potassium potassium tends to help

rheumatoid arthritis more than other

minerals so you might want to experiment

with that as well

thank you yes I just started doing that

too I added more potassium I had it in

the electrolytes I thought maybe that’s

not enough so I added some more and that

that has been wonderful

yes great that’s so awesome I’m so glad

you’re doing better that’s terrific well

listen thank you for a great phone call

Carrie and uh please get back with us as

you continue really a miraculous uh you

know emergence from the horrible pain

that usually accompanies rheumatoid

arthritis so more great news for

audience and all those sufferers around

the world okay let’s go back to our uh

number three

and here it is and what it asked of the

audience is what is the most potent

anti-placking natural remedy available

drum roll please and 60 of a respondents

say it’s vinegar 30 say it’s olive oil

and 10 say it’s garlic

okay so you might if you maybe you’ve

never heard of this because it’s called

NATO kinase NATO kinase it comes from

NATO which is fermented soybeans uh

which is um a very popular addition to


um and uh now what’s interesting about

this is that I’ve talked about NATO

having vitamin K2 which greatly reduces

the calcium in the arteries and pushes

it back in the bone but NATO kindness

it’s an extract it’s the it’s the

largest or the most prevalent uh

ingredient in this NATO which has some

fascinating properties because it’s an

enzyme okay it’s an enzyme that potently



or fibrin and um

and what happens is that’s like the

clotting mechanism so it’s a great


anti-fibrin effects so it dissolves in

one city it dissolves

clots I think 88 in six hours

so we have the clotting Factor we have

also it inhibits

um the thickness of the wall of the

arteries it’s a very potent anti-um

LDL as far as the oxidative LDL

it also

um it’s an ant um it it makes the cell

walls thinner so it’s not so thick and

rigid I mean across the board it is one

of the most amazing antidose for

plaquing it you can even once said I

found it it can shrink plaquing in the


in animal studies of course like at a

rabbits so if you have any pet rabbits

with uh plaquing you can definitely put

them on this as well and then also

um it helps the thickness of the

carotenoids which is in these arteries

in your neck

and uh amazing amazing research I’m like

why don’t people know about this this is

incredible incredible for any type of

plaquing But realize plaquing is just uh

is a Band-Aid

you know people have this idea that

clogged arteries come from dietary


but what is a plaque

there’s part cholesterol there’s also

calcium and protein so should we now

also avoid calcium and protein


now that cholesterol is there because

it’s being attracted by the inflammation

that’s in the artery so the body is

trying to heal it as a Band-Aid so um

but this remedy is a fascinating if

you’re concerned about plaquing I think

that would be something I would put at

the top of the list because it handles

so many different aspects of

artery issues and um

and heart issues and since heart disease

and heart deaths from heart disease is

sort of at the top of the list as far as

the reason why people die it might be um

a good valid therapy for people to at

least consider in research okay quiz

question number four for the day

what common spice has the greatest

effect on stopping menstrual cramping

okay listen up Terry There’s Hope

now let’s move on here back to social



did you get that doc

you know I I didn’t hear you can you

repeat that please with great pleasure

Akil from YouTube please talk about how

to manage our weight after gallbladder

removal I’m now gaining weight since my

procedure hell

well I think you need to have ADD what’s

missing which is the bile I think I

would start adding a bile of supplement

after the meal maybe like two after the


um because now you don’t have the

concentration of bile to help really

metabolize this fat so you want to

increase the bile so you with the meal

because that’s kind of what you’re

missing and um I mean

probably are just deficient in bile and

that’s why you’re having the problem

okay very good let’s see uh BJ from

YouTube My fasting glucose is 106. what

can I do to bring it down

well I’m assuming you’re eating

perfectly right

um you’re on the Keto Plan that I

recommend and if you have high blood

pressure a blood blood sugar like that

which is just it’s it’s it’s not not

major but it’s still a little high it

could be from another thing which is um

called gluconeogenesis like your liver

is making new sugar because you have

insulin resistance

common problem

um in which case um you’re going to have

to keep working at it uh keep doing the

keto give it more time and then add

exercise to burn off this extra sugar


if you have no sugar and your blood

sugars go high that means your liver is

is basically making the sugar from other

things like proteins so that’s really

what’s happening

um but

if I had a chance to interview you and

maybe you’re eating Donuts on the side I

would say eliminated Donuts so I don’t

know that but it’s it’s interesting

Steve like when people eat

a tremendous amount of sugar and you

checked their blood sugars many times

it’s normal

because the body is reducing a spiking

insulin so high to remove that sugar

to keeping because the body has this one

thing where like it has to keep normal



how could you eat

you know massive sugar and have normal

blood sugars because the insulin is in

the background working really hard and

that’s never tested

So eventually though it catches up with

you about 10 to 15 years now that

insulin becomes exhausted now the blood

sugars start going up

so again you have to you can’t just go

by your blood sugars because it does

take time for the develop development of

that but I will say that um

insulin is is should be tested and the

test that you’d want to do is called

Homa IR Homa Dash IR

if your doctor won’t do it there’s

another test you can do which is um

you can uh look this up and do it’s real

simple it’s just like it’s called the

waist to height ratio

and if I’m not mistaken that ratio

should be less than uh 50 percent

it should be left less than 50 percent

um and if it’s greater than 50 now we

have a problem because it’s is your

waist gets bigger

um your your what that means is you have

more insulin resistance it’s a great

little simple test to figure that figure

out your insulin resistance without even

doing a blood test

all right very good now Dr Berg there

was a report that my volume had gone low

can you hear me now

I can hear you perfectly now all right

terrific thanks audience for the tips

and let’s see let’s go back to quiz

question number four which asked of the

audience which common spice has the

greatest effect on stop stopping

menstrual cramping and the audience

jumped on it with a 75 percent of

responding saying it’s turmeric 20 say

it’s Ginger and five percent say it’s a

cimum among

cinnamon cinnamon is correct wow now

yeah cinnamon normally um is great on

toast with a little sugar right and

butter I’m being sarcastic but cinnamon

is good for your blood sugars but it

also has this fascinating potent effect

even more than vitamin D and calcium for

cramping on menstrual cramps very

interesting so if you have the heavy

periods you know cinnamon is what you

need to do but I would I wouldn’t

hesitate also taking like a calcium

magnesium with vitamin D because

um that will stop a crank up as well

all right very good how wonderful final

question for the day we’re going to get

to all of them today and here it is

all right which Trace mineral protects

your body against the effects of Mercury

as a heavy metal all right Dr Berger are

we still exposed to a lot of that in the

modern day or do they clean that up a

little bit

yeah they they have cleaned it up so you

don’t have to worry about anymore I’m

being very sarcastic now it’s in the


it’s in the environment


and of course I’ve done a video that I’m

going to be released on these heavy

metals so you can get more information

but yeah it’s um

um this new video is going to talk about

what are the skin changes that occur

when you’re you have exposure to too

much mercury or cadmium or lead


so stay tuned for that but uh yeah

unfortunately we do live in a toxic

environment Steve I’m sorry to break it

to you yeah

all right so let’s see uh you’re enough

is the person’s handle from YouTube is

it possible that methylene blue can

reverse menopause since taking it I

haven’t had night sweats in a month and

my cycle has come back what’s going on

that is



I don’t know I don’t know I would look

at the research methylene blue is is

actually the first drug

that they use way back

over 100 years ago and um it’s been so


but it cleans up

um kind of a leaky mitochondria that’s

leaking out all these electrons

fascinating research I I did a deep dive

into it I like taking it and um take 20

drops in some water with electrolytes

it’s pretty good but it does so many


um I notice way more energy

but typically it creates some really

interesting effects with a lot of other

things as well I mean almost every

symptom you could imagine but again do

your research look at it and um

don’t don’t take high amounts just take

you know 20 drops it’s a very small

amount and um

it’s it’s it’s fascinating what it does

and it’s it’s a pigment it’s a blue

pigment which is bizarre but um

it’s uh I have no idea about the

menstrual menstrual cycle though you’ll

have to

see it there’s research on that topic

all right very good but it sounds

exciting some of these things are

working let’s see Maria from Facebook

I’ve been taking your sleep aid and it

helps so much except during my period is

it okay to take more than recommended

dose during those time

I would I would take more I would take

more and I would also take some cinnamon

with um also some calcium magnesium and

vitamin D but yeah you can take more

um sometimes I’ll take like

I’ll take like four at a time

and that just really works works great

but typically I just need one

but I kind of go in Cycles because


you know if I do a lot of physical work

around the house

um boy I sleep so much better so those

days I don’t I don’t take anything

all right very good let’s remind the

audience again about the swell free app

that Dr Berger’s work tirelessly on

that’s available on both uh Apple uh OS

and also for Android and so on so get

that and have a virtual uh library of

healthy approaches to life at your

fingertips and let’s see quiz question

number five yay audience thank you for

helping me do all of our homework and

this last question asks which Trace

mineral protects your body from the

effects of mercury and 68 of our

respondents say it’s zinc 20 say

selenium and 12 say it’s chromium but


how do we do

okay so here’s the thing

everyone is

partially correct but selenium is is

more protective than zinc but zinc also

still and chromium does protect December

gray for sure so everyone is correct but

it’s the the the

it’s uh selenium is has most impact to

preventing this because it’s it’s um

it’s involved in this uh

enzyme that helps bind with the Mercury

and locks it up so it becomes less toxic

on your cells also realize that selenium

is part of

uh glutathione which is another

antioxidant that’s very important in our

livers and other places in our body

so the question now is where do you get


well it just happens to come in the um

the fish that you eat with the Mercury

so um I did a video on what fish has the

most selenium as long as your slinging

is greater than the Mercury you’re going

to be okay but also selenium could be

received from just one Brazil nut could

give you enough selenium

again just because a little is good a

lot doesn’t make it a lot better so

don’t start going crazy with the amount

of selenium but we definitely need

selenium and selenium is also very

important Hashimoto’s

it’s a thyroid issue


and you can also get it from oysters in

other types of shellfish

sounds terrific one of our respondents

was listening and dropped in the Brazil

nuts are a great source of selenium even

before you said it so they’re out there

learning and watching they know what’s

going on solar X Storm from YouTube

fasting detoxes uh we’re doing them like

crazy but it makes it hard for me to

sleep what can I do to address this


well first of all you need to get with

your parents that named you that name

you know you need to no wonder he’s

nervous and Restless


so um yeah when you do fasting sometimes

uh you really uh change your chemistry

and your mitochondria start to grow and

you develop more energy so what I

recommend to do which is the same advice

I would give for someone who’s a past

athlete that has developed larger

mitochondria you can’t just

go right to bed without

using up that energy

so both athletes and people that do

fasting just need to exercise a lot more

to be able to kind of drain all this

extra energy versus just going to bed

and trying to go to sleep because you’re

just like laying there with lots of

energy uh it’s a it’s a big problem

Steve when you have too much energy

um you have to kind of use it up before

you go to sleep sometimes but that being


it does take energy to go to sleep and

some people

if they’re too exhausted they can’t

sleep huh so it can go both ways all

right I’m too tired to sleep yeah that’s

interesting I’ve been there a couple

times I think uh or especially when you

have two hours before you go back to

work and you’ve been out on the town all

night what’s the point just go in and

suffer Jimmy from Facebook what’s your

what’s your opinion on putting baking

soda in my coffee to lower the acid

no I don’t like it

first of all it’s going to destroy the

taste of it secondly it’s just um

why do you want to um

why do you want to take the acid out of

it um you have apple cider vinegar

you have only of nucleic acids you have

fatty acids you have all these acids


I wouldn’t worry about trying to change

your pH to go one way or the other by

with just a certain type of a remedy I

would just eat healthy and your pH will

go within whatever range it needs to be

in because let’s just take for example

you’re trying to take this

baking soda and you put in your coffee

to try to consume something alkaline

well guess what your stomach you know

what your pH your stomach is

I mean neutral is seven right your

stomach page is between one and three

that is like battery acid

what about that should we get rid of

that no because you need that acid to

digest the protein

that’s coming in your digestive system

so you start doing the baking soda and

you can alter the um

the stomach pH and now we don’t

have the acidity to kill microbes off so

you’re more likely to get sibo small

intestinal bacterial overgrowth


you know gas

so this pH in your stomach is really

important and the only time I would

recommend taking baking soda

would be if you had gastritis

and let’s say you had um

an ulcer

and like it’s creating a problem

okay go ahead and take it temporarily as

you heal the ulcer but typically

um you got to be careful about messing

with that stomach pH that being said I

think baking soda is definitely better


antacids than some of the other things

on that note thank you so much for

listening uh next week we won’t have a

show because I’m going to do my stem

cell stuff I’ll let you know what

happens so have a wonderful weekend and

I will see you uh tomorrow and when I

release the video

