8 Health Benefits of Probiotics - Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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hey guys so today we’re gonna talk about

the eight different benefits of

probiotics okay number one probiotics

help you support your immune system they

provide a major defense against

pathogens people that take antibiotics

kill off their normal friendly bacteria

which is called flora and what happens

it leaves you open to getting secondary

infections and creating all sorts of

abnormal overgrowth of yeast and fungus

that shouldn’t be there so we need these

friendly microbes to help us defend and

I’m not just talking about friendly

bacteria talk about friendly funguses

friendly yeast and even friendly mold

when you wipe out any of these different

friendly microbes you can then get an

overgrowth of that microbe which can

actually grow in the wrong place like on

your toenails as a fungus mold even in

your hair on your mouth and so that’s

really what happens but these microbes

live on fiber so the fiber that you

consume is digested by these microbes

because you don’t have the enzymes to

break down the fiber number three they

make beneficial acids now you probably

think in your mind Wow acids are really

bad but they’re beneficial acids that

your body needs one being lactic acid

and so if you were to consume sauerkraut

or kombucha tea for example or even

yogurt for that matter or kefir it has

something called lactic acid the problem

is so many people are sensitive to the

dairy and sometimes this these dairy

products come with a package because

they have hormones so there are

non-dairy sources of lactic acid but the

point is that lactic acid is really

important and defense mechanisms to

allow the pathogens not to grow your

body can withstand the lactic acid but

the pathogens don’t like it and they

basically are inhibited with lactic acid

lactic acid is also necessary to help

with the pH and the absorption of

certain minerals in the digestive tract

then we have the friendly butyric acid

which is a friendly acid that feeds your

colon cells it helps lower your blood


it helps insulin

assistance and it helps you decrease

inflammation okay number four it helps

you make vitamins like biotin like the

other B vitamins even b12 or vitamin K

so without these microbes you can be

deficient in certain B vitamins number

five they actually help you recycle bile

what is bile bile the detergent that

helps you break down the fats it’s

stored in the gallbladder

but it’s recycled through the intestines

by the microbes if there’s not enough

microbes you will not reabsorb the bile

you will lose bile and then you’ll

actually be bile deficient and that can

lead to a whole chain reaction of

deficiencies of vitamin A vitamin D

vitamin E vitamin k2 and and many many

other problems even a deficiency of

omega-3 fatty acids number six

detoxification microbes are involved in

the detoxification of chemicals and

poisons in the body so if you don’t have

as many friendly microbes you’re not

going to have the full capacity of

keeping the toxins at a minimum level in

your body

number seven probiotics can act as

antioxidants in your body so

antioxidants basically help neutralize

free radicals which are atoms that are

have unpaired electrons that can create

too much reactivity or oxidation in the

body and create damage like like just

picture it like something rusting out

while antioxidants come in there and

stabilize that free radical to add

another electron to make it’s more

stable and lastly probiotics can help

make your bowel movements very regular

okay so if you have constipation you

need probiotics so a few years ago I

carried my own probiotic which is a very

unique blend of effective microbes okay

but I had to discontinue it because I

had a really difficult time getting it

so I recently found a way of getting it

back because I had a lot of demand for

this product and I put a link down below

so you can check it out

but I wanted to quickly differentiate

what this product is compared to other

probiotics number one it’s a non-dairy

probiotic it does not come from milk it

was developed by a Japanese scientist

and it has something called effective

microbes what does that mean it’s a

blend of bacteria friendly yeast

friendly fungi and lactic acid bacteria

all of these microbes coexist in one

solution as a very broad spectrum

probiotic so you start off taking a half

a teaspoon and mix it with maybe one

ounce of water drink it right before you

go to bed

so all night long it’s actually growing

and fortifying the digestive tract and

what’s cool is the stomach acids do not

kill off these microbes they’re able to

survive the stomach acids so if you’re

interested go ahead and click the link

below and check it out thanks for

watching if you’re liking this content

please subscribe now and I will actually

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