Insulin is the Cause of Most Major Illnesses – Dr. Berg on High Insulin Levels | DrEricBergDC

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so the first thing you need to know is that insulin control sugar by lowering

sugar in the bloodstream so insulin comes in and takes the sugar out of the

blood and it puts it in storage and our bodies only have roughly probably one

maybe two teaspoons depending on how big you are of sugar in the entire

circulation so it’s not a lot so anything more than that is toxic and

your body will instantly convert it will convert the sugar to fat and cholesterol

now this is a one-way street fat is not then converted back to sugar

it doesn’t do that so fat is broken down into other things like fatty acids and

ketones but it’s not a two-way street you can’t go back so once it’s converted

it’s going to stay there for a while and so sugar is one of the biggest culprits

for obesity hands down now excess insulin will cause diabetes that’s why

when your pancreas burns out and you don’t have any more insulin they have to

inject you with it because you’ve abused the insulin and even the insulin goes

too high it’ll make the receptors resistance it’s called insulin

resistance so it doesn’t go in there and that’s called diabetes type 2

so really the insulin might be there but your body’s not receiving it because it

considers it to it’s 2 toxin it’s too toxic when you have too much of that

coming through the bloodstream that’s because we’re eating too much sugar so

instead of changing the diet they just start to give you a medication to help

absorb more of this insulin so it’s really crazy so the point is that

insulin too much insulin will cause diabetes cancer why cancer well in order

to diagnose cancer they do what’s called PET scans PET scans scan the body for

areas of your body that there’s excessive amount of digestion of sugar

in cells because cancer cells live on sugar so guess what I would do if I had

cancer or if to prevent cancer I’m going to keep the insulin low I’m going to eat

no sugar and that’s going to help me with

to cancer okay now insulin is the type of hormone that makes things grow they

make things get bigger they cause tumors and if you want if there’s any medical

professionals listening to this it’s called anabolic hormone so it makes

things get bigger estrogen and insulin or anabolic they make things grow and

that’s why you get acne boils fibroids tumors and eventually cancer because if

I had a fibroid or if I had something like that you can starve it off by not

eating any more sugar but who does that now polycystic ovarian disorder that is

a lot of different system the ovaries that’s purely too much insulin if they

were to cut this down that probably go away neurological memory there’s even a

diabetes type 3 which actually destroys your brain one of the side effects from

too much sugar and too much insulin is that you have peripheral neuropathy

that’s the destruction of the nerves and your fingertips and your toes that’s so

you get numbness and tingling in your hands and feet so that’s neurological

then we have respiratory we have asthma allergies those are two side effects we

talked about acne and boils those little bumps also you just get fat high blood

pressure cholesterol insulin converts to cholesterol and triglycerides way way

more than any type of eating cholesterol will turn into cholesterol so these are

some of the side effects that you that come from insulin as being the root

cause for many many problems so I just want to touch on that so you have that

basic information