How Sugar & Stress Alter Your pH (Acid Alkaline Levels)? : Dr.Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so today we’re going to talk about how

stress and sugar can alter your ph now a

lot of times I get all these questions

about pH what pH should your body be

well here’s what you need to know every

part of your body has a different pH the

saliva the blood fluid inside your

intestine the fluid inside your gall

bladder inside your stomach all these

different PHS but when we’re talking

about pH whether you’re too alkaline

or too acid the reference point is the

blood okay the blood has a very narrow

pH of 7.35 let me write this down three

five to seven point four five so seven

is neutral when it goes higher it’s

alkaline so if the blood is slightly

alkaline in a very narrow range so if

the pH Rises okay it’s more alkaline if

the pH lowers it’s more acidic and we’re

basing this off of the blood now the pH

varies if you’re consuming too much

sugar versus experiencing too much

stress so let’s start with sugar if you

consume a lot of sugar or refined carbs

your body will tend to go more acid okay

you develop a condition called lactic

acid where it’s a situation where you’re

not breaking down all that sugar and

there’s certain byproducts building up

into blood lactate and you’re actually

just forming in this situation where

you’re too acidic

so the energy factor of the cells the

mitochondria have a carburetor in there

so in a carburetor you have fuel and you

have oxygen and you have a spark plug so

this is a situation where you’re dumping

too much fuel into the body with not

enough oxidation of that fuel and we’re

getting a lot of fuel that’s not being

used it’s and your body is acidifying

with the byproduct and you are getting

fatigued big-time okay and by the way

you need B vitamin and magnesium to act

as a spark plug to get that to work so

if you’re deficient and be one or

magnesium you can be tired if you

consume too much sugar you can be tired

there’s many different causes of fatigue

but we have lactic acidosis you may also


restless leg syndrome you might feel

nervous you can’t relax it’s gonna

affect your breathing your energy level

your heart rate will go up you may get

headaches so sugar it is definitely one

of the things that can actually make

your body too acid here are some other

things having a liver problem being

deficient in vitamin b1 drinking too

much alcohol consuming that Foreman

could actually create this condition

right here and that’s for blood sugar

problems but here’s the thing metformin

actually also has a side effect of a

depletion of b1 the actual key nutrient

to help you get rid of the build-up of

lactic acid so b1 neutralizes this so if

you’re deficient in B one you can

actually develop this condition also if

you’re taking that form and you can

become deficient in this so b1 is a

really important nutrient to take to

support the mitochondria especially if

you’re doing carbohydrates and in the

metabolism of glucose and also just to

actually increase your energy so b1

deficiencies nearly always create

fatigue now there’s one more condition

related to acidosis if you’re a diabetic

type one you can develop a condition

called ketoacidosis where the pH really

becomes out of control and causing you

to hyperventilate which then causes the

body to flip and compensate in you start

developing alkalosis like the opposite

of acidosis in your lungs so it’s called

a respiratory alkalosis now you didn’t

need to know that but I just want to

throw that in there alright so now let’s

talk about stress if sugar cause you

need more acid stress causes you to be

more alkaline okay so it causes

alkalosis why because stress increases

cortisol and cortisol causes an excess

loss of the hydrogen ion okay you can

kind of look at that as an acid so when

you lose H+ if you’ve ever taken


you’re losing acid and your body is

becoming more alkaline you’re also

losing potassium and you’re losing

calcium at the same time so you’re

losing these minerals right here but the

main thing is you’re losing that H+


becoming more alkaline so the pH would

be actually going higher okay so what

are some symptoms of alkalosis hand

tremor okay confusion lightheadedness

muscle twitching technique that little

twitch right here just on your skin it

could be on your arm numbness in the

face the hands and the feet what do you

do when you have these symptoms you take

apple cider vinegar okay and you you get

rid of the cause of the stress you also

replace the calcium and the potassium

where do you get that from leaky greens

vegetables are very important so we want

to certify the body because you’re

losing the acid and that’s gonna

actually bring things back to balance

and you’re gonna actually feel a lot


and this is why the remedy of apple

cider vinegar helps with that tenure

that twitching and the eye i’ve

recommended in other videos but now you

understand why so you can see the sugar

and stress have an opposing effect on pH

thanks for watching so if you want more

knowledge on how to create a healthy

body subscribe now and get daily

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sounds weird well I’ll just remind you

on a daily basis about that