Not Losing Weight On A Very Low Calorie Diet? – Dr. Berg Explains Why | DrEricBergDC

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hi guys it’s me I want to answer this

question that keeps coming up over and

over and over some of you already know

about it some of you don’t so I stopped

losing weight on a low-calorie diet okay

so people are maybe in the 40s or 50s

they started this low-calorie diet and

it’s just not working anymore so here’s

the data on that the first time you do

it it probably will work in your 20s


then over time every time you do it more

and more the less it works to the point

where it just doesn’t work at all

anymore and I’m talking about Weight

Watchers I’m talking about cutting your

calories I’m talking about HCG diet

which is 500 calories okay why is it the

more time you do it the less it works

it’s because dieting slows your

metabolism okay why because it’s a form

of starvation it’s really about the

nutrient deprivation so when you cut

down the nutrients your body compensates

if you don’t have enough fuel to run the

body it will compensate by slowing down

the metabolism that’s it’s basically

learning how to do it so here you are

when you’re 40 or 50 trying to do a

low-calorie diet when someone might say

well it’s just your the metabolism as

low well actually it’s because the diet

created in the first place why would you

want to do a low-calorie diet now you

know it’s gonna just make things worse

okay so what is the missing piece what

do you need to know to reverse this

let’s talk about that here’s what you

need to know number one not all calories

are the same okay

carbs protein fat you can’t treat those

the same by lowering in general calories

because they each one of them are

involved in hormonal interactions very

differently so different types of

calories respond to hormones differently

okay so you really have three

macronutrients C of carbs protein and

fat right so now I’m gonna use this book

right here

Guyton physiology on page 927 and let’s

just see what it says right here first

thing I’m gonna talk about is all

aspects of fat metabolism are greatly

enhanced now aren’t we trying to

metabolize fat yeah all aspects of fat


greatly enhanced in the absence of

insulin okay so insulin is the hormone

we need to bring down okay analysis is

up here insulin inhibits the action of

the hormone sensitive lipase well

insulin inhibits this enzyme that’s

supposed to dissolve fat so again we

want an inhibited Celyn and then it says

right here therefore when insulin is not

available to promote glucose entry in

the fat cell so basically one of the

functions of insulin is to help you

absorb fuel glucose fuel in the cell

when it’s not available to do that fat

storage is almost totally blocked so

you’re not gonna block

you’re not going to store fat anymore if

you actually lower insulin

you’re gonna enhance the metabolism of

fat so really what we want to do is we

want to get this insulin thing down that

will restore the metabolism that will

destroy restore your setpoint so you can

actually go lower and lower and lower

and not be stuck at a certain weight so

let’s take a look at the three things

carbs protein and fat okay

carbohydrates that’s the thing that

increases insulin so we want to in low

carbohydrate diet protein

well protein also is triggered by can

trigger insulin as well if it’s too much

so a moderate amount of protein to be

fine so you can have three to six ounces

per meal and that would be fine but

don’t do massive amounts of protein

that’s going to increase insulin and by

the way the lower the fat in the protein

like a protein powder the more the

insulin spike whey protein being the

highest so we want fat with the protein

you don’t want to go low fat anything

and so that’s kind of probably conflicts

with what you’ve been doing what you’ve

been taught and maybe you heard of the

glycemic index this the index of all the

carbohydrates that can activate your

blood sugars right well there’s also an

insulin index I read about in my book

that shows you all the non carbohydrate

things that can increase fat so fat has

the least effect on insulin

okay so fat is not the thing you want to

worry about and the other factor to

trigger insulin is

frequency of eating if you’re eating

five or six small meals a day every time

you eat you spike insulin so we want to

have less frequent meals it’s called

intermittent fasting that make sure you

don’t reduce your nutrients in your

calories so again a lot of you have

already heard this a million times but

this is for the person has not heard

this it’s very important so you want to

lower this and you can start to lose

weight and restore your metabolism

thanks for watching hi guys hey listen I

created a pretty amazing evaluation quiz

down below that actually analyzes your

symptoms to find the cause the root

cause of all of your symptoms the most

likely cause so take the quiz now and

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