Male Menopause (Andropause): 5 Key Tips | DrEricBergDC

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manopause that’s male menopause another  name for that would be andropause  

if you’re male and you’re getting older you  may be experiencing some of these symptoms  

of low testosterone or late-set hypogonadism  where your gonads actually are shrinking  

as you age which is going to lead to a decreased  production of testosterone mood swings irritable  

low tolerance to stress anxiety worry  even depression decrease muscle mass so  

here you are working out trying to build your  muscles and nothing’s happening lack of energy  

lack of vitality man boobs a simpler word for  gynocomastia loss of sleep you’re not able to get  

seven or eight hours anymore you’re getting six  five hours you just your body won’t let you get  

enough sleep and the quality is not there  which leads to a lack of energy and vitality  

erectile dysfunction 70 of all men that  reach the age of 70 have erectile dysfunction  

low libido all right is there any help can you do  anything about it couple things you need to know  

the liver is very very important in keeping your  testosterone levels normalized there is a protein

shbg that binds with your hormones especially  testosterone and even estrogen so it locks  

up these hormones and many times this  protein will be higher if you test it  

and that’s going to keep your testosterone  low because everything is bound up

so what causes a higher amounts of this protein  that locks everything up insulin resistance  

and a fatty liver as well as cirrhosis or  scar tissue of the liver and this is why  

number one keto and if you don’t know how  to do that i put a link down below vital if  

is intermittent fasting the other thing is start  consuming more cruciferous vegetables that’s gonna  

not only help remove fat from  the liver and help liver function  

but it’s also going to detoxify chemicals  pesticides things that can act like  

estrogen so cruciferous vegetables help  lower the amount of estrogen so estrogen  

and testosterone work together so if you lower  estrogen you have higher amounts of testosterone  

zinc is really really important it does a lot of  things in the body but it also prevents this right  

here and it will increase your testosterone i  would recommend about a hundred milligrams per day  

i always recommend taking that in a blend of other  trace minerals not just zinc because especially  

if you’re going to do it long term korean red  ginseng very very powerful it not only increases  

your energy but gives you the calmness so it’s  kind of like drinking more coffee without the  

jittery feelings without the side effects it will  give you some nice energy but it also improves  

erectile dysfunction and a lowered libido so you  get energy you get vitality and you also improve  

your testosterone levels now realize that these  won’t work unless you get your diet fixed so many  

people are taking supplements and it’s not  working because their insulin is too high  

and that’s blocking the progress other people just  actually take testosterone in different pellets  

or the injections the problem is when you do this  the gland that produces testosterone shrinks even  

more and you become dependent on this so you start  losing effectiveness over time so it’s basically  

just treating the symptom you’re not getting to  the core not to mention if you don’t fix your  

diet you just kind of patch it up for a little bit  and then it does it’s not long lasting all right  

and the other thing i already mentioned this  is to fix your liver if you have a fatty liver  

these two will greatly help you by lowering your  carbs but adding some choline can speed things up  

it can actually get rid of the fat off your liver  the other key things that are important to mention  

would be to keep your stress as low as possible  it’s probably impossible to do that right now but  

what you can do is you can counter that with more  exercise especially long walks if you are tired  

if you’re not sleeping you need  to do less intense exercise  

because you want to get rid of stress because if  you’re actually doing a lot of exercise without  

sleep it’s hard on the heart but keeping  your stress down is going to increase your  

testosterone because high levels of stress and  cortisol suppress your testosterone but guess what  

ginseng is a really good herb that can help lower  cortisol and support part of the adrenal gland  

that makes cortisol in a stress state as well  as in a non-stress state so this is really good  

but again this is only one thing  there’s many things you need to do  

all right you want to do whatever you can  to get more sleep if you have to take naps  

it’s fine just stay in bed but sleep is going  to be vitally important if you’re not getting  

enough sleep it’s going to be very difficult to  actually correct any of these issues right here  

and one of the things you need to know is that  when you don’t get enough sleep your cortisol  

stays high your blood sugars are up and  down too you’ll crave the wrong foods  

and then also no snacking on sugar or too many  carbs because insulin will nullify testosterone  

and other related hormones last point if you’re  on a statin because your cholesterol is high  

do this and that should actually help you but  i just wanted to make you aware that statins  

definitely lower testosterone in fact they will  give you a lot of these symptoms right here  

also it blocks your vitamin d so there goes your  mood it blocks cholesterol and cholesterol is  

needed as a building block to make testosterone  and so statins block the precursor to making  

testosterone and it lowers testosterone  directly all right thanks for watching and  

i will see you in the next video before you  go if you have a question about a product or  

you’re new to keto and you want to know  how to begin keto or you’re on keto and  

you need a debug because it’s not going as smooth  i have a keto consultant standing by to help you  

this is just for the people in the us hopefully in  the future we’ll be able to answer everyone’s call  

but i put the number down below  so you can call and get some help