Dr.Berg and Dr. Andreas Eenfeldt Discuss Keto In Sweden And.. | DrEricBergDC

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everyone having another special guest

with you today we have a medical doctor

andreas Enfield is here he actually is a

CEO of a very large keto friendly

website it’s basically diet doctors calm

diet doctor calm that’s right so welcome

thank you dr. Berg it’s great to be here

yeah and you know I just the first thing

I want to cover is you’re from Sweden

I’m actually Swedish I’ve never been to

Sweden but I hear rumors

okay there’s rumors going out like

Sweden has now gone low carbs Sweden is

now high fat like tell me the truth

you’re there what is the truth about

this yeah I guess the rumors are

slightly exaggerated it’s true that

low-carb has been very popular in Sweden

for about a decade now so I mean

certainly going strong and also we had

this government expert review of the

dietary treatments for obesity about

five years ago and they came to the

conclusion that no carb has been proven

to be more effective at least in the

short term when people actually do it

then the other sort of dietary

treatments and that is the reason why

people believe that the whole country of

Sweden or now is now it’s now low-carb

because that sort of report got to be

twisted online with someone sort of

falsely claiming that now this is the

official dietary recommendation for

every man woman and child in Sweden not

true it’s just for dietary treatments

for obesity which is a good thing

not quite everyone’s switching their

gears to that now like you have

countries Sweden Norway Denmark the air

you’re typically the diet is higher in

like fats right like butter and cod

liver oil I’m guessing maybe berry we do

love butter I mean that’s great


that’s great so yeah so one of these

days I’m gonna have to go over there

because I heard it’s beautiful so yeah

your mouth with them come by anytime I

feel you Stockholm

absolutely absolutely I I rarely went

out of the country I did one trip to

Italy and that was quite incredible so I

want to convince her out but I just I’m

not crazy about the long flights but you

know we’ll deal with that I I mean I

come to your place all the time you know

you have so much we appreciate it don’t

only fair that you’re coming with the

Delft good point okay okay that’s right

all right you talked me into it so we

both have something in common we want to

spread Quito we want to get this out

there you’ve you’ve done this for quite

a long period of time and you basically

you you see the results all over the

place so what do you feel is some of the

barriers that were up against to get

this message out there

what are you running into yeah it’s a

very good question I mean that as you

said I’ll be doing this yes for 15 years

I spent 10 years as a family doctor

treating patients with low carb and you

know the latest five years mostly

focusing on this this company actually

more than that I think when I when I

started this I cannot believe that this

this is gonna be maybe five years you

know a paradigm shift is going on it’s

gonna happen and every year it’s like

yeah sure we’re getting a little bit

closer but it’s very very slow right so

I guess I’m a bit more of a realist now

it’s just gonna take an awful long time

I’m afraid I mean depending on how many

people work trying to make this happen

it could be another five years it could

be another 50 years it depends you know

I’m hoping for five but I fear it could

be longer so the thing that’s in the way

I think there are at least two big big


and that’s still this fear of natural

fats you know saturated fat cholesterol

that kind of thing people fear that

eating you know saturated fat from meat

or butter is gonna give them high

cholesterol and then the heart attack

and that’s what the cardiologist is

saying as well right it’s not true I

guess you know it I know it most of the

people listening

I guess know that modern science shows

that there’s really no strong

correlation between eating butter and

heart disease and you know telling

people to avoid saturated fat doesn’t

seem to make you know do any good really

whatsoever so it’s just a mistake but it

takes such a long time to to change your

thing like that when every expert used

to believe it and now you know a lot of

people are starting to question it them

say maybe it’s not so bad after all but

it just takes a long time so that’s the

one thing and then the second thing I

think is this notion that weight loss

it’s just about calories and it’s all

about eating less and moving more and we

all heard that problem is that when you

look at it in in scientific studies it’s

actually more effective to avoid carbs

than to just count calories and it ends

up resulting in you eating fewer

calories because you’re less hungry

that’s what the science shows and it

ends up resulting in quite often that

people actually burn more calories at

least according to some really good new

science showing that on a low-carb diet

people tend to under certain

circumstances at least burn 500 calories

maybe already at least 200 calories more

per day which is a huge so a low-carb

diet can result in eating less because

you lost hungry burning more because the

body just burns more calories and and

the bottom line is study after study

shows that people lose more more weight

on Lokar so yeah two things standing in

the way this sort of obsolete fear of

that we do that and is sort of fixation

on calories when it’s really about

hormones and and the quality of their

calories you yeah I agree I think it

says we’re up against fixed ideas and

it’s ingrained it’s really really hard

to change someone’s mind about certain

things be especially when it conflicts

with what didn’t talk for so many years

and but what’s interesting is that I

recently was invited to do a webinar to

general industry in the food industry

now I didn’t know any details about this

all this is we need you to do a webinar

to food manufacturing companies I’m like

okay just just to do a general webinar

on keto ketosis so I did it and then

after it was done I I said can I have

the list of who was on that webinar so

they sent it to me 400 of the top food

manufacturing companies in the world

was I was on that webinar so what I was

fascinating is that the food

manufacturing companies are seeing a

trend they follow the trends so the

market follows them money actually and

so to get them to change of course

they’re now looking at developing keto

friendly stuff sugar free stuff I mean

look at coca-cola so that there is a an

interesting shift in the manufacturing

companies at that level so you know that

there’s a change being happening right

now so I just found that interesting so

I had no idea like certainly things are

happening all the time and I think every

year I mean I’ve been doing this for

more than a decade in my you know

experience every year people are a

little bit less inclined to eat sugar

and a little bit less inclined to be

afraid of fat right just keeps moving

slowly in that direction it goes for the

general public and it also goes for you

know name your expert on average they


more worried about sugar and less

worried about butter for every passing

year right exactly when you started

medical practice did you will you

low-carb right at the beginning or is it

something that you involve involved in -

yes I actually I started practicing

medicine in the year 2000 and then I

took about two years after that until I

became really interested in in low-carb

and I’m quite rapidly you know I tried

it myself read a lot of science books

you know talk to friends and family and

lots of people tried it them you know

eventually I just felt I have to try

this on my patients now to try this

recommend is to two patients with type 2

diabetes with obesity with high blood

pressure because it seems like you know

slam dunk saying it just makes perfect

sense and the science backs it up

and and really that transformed my idea

of practicing medicine because you know

starting as a new doctor I just got into

this world where where’s expected that

your patients come back every year

slightly older slightly thicker and then

need a little bit more medications right

you just add some blood pressure

medications and diabetes medication and

then you send them home and then they

come back another year later and same

thing repeats and everybody nothing

nobody questions it you know my my you

know teachers they were all you know

this is this is where it’s supposed to

be my metrics like yeah nothing strange

but then when I started telling these

patients you know you may want to try a

low-carb high-fat diet this this could

be great and and they were like bit

skeptical at first but a lot of people

ended up trying it and then they came

back suddenly healthier like you could

actually remove medications and I think

all doctors who do this they have

experienced that many many many times

you know you have your patient come back

and they’re healthy they’re happy she

lost weight they feel great and then

oops their blood pressure is down you

have to remove

a blood-pressure drug for their sugar

has blood sugar has normalized and you

have to can remove one or two diabetes

medications it’s just remarkable and

it’s just so much more fun I think

that’s the doctor and it’s more like in

line with what I thought medicine was

supposed to be from the being is like I

mean practicing medicine the the regular

way just prescribing medications is kind

of depressing but I agree I think I

think that’s really what people want is

they want to go to their doctor and have

them look at the root cause they want

them to they want diet advice that works

and they don’t get it all the time and I

think I mean even I I went to

Chiropractic College so I don’t know

what it’s like going through medical

school but I know in Chiropractic

College they don’t they give you maybe

one class in nutrition you get a

toxicology class you get a good amount

of biochemistry but there’s nothing

related to food at all so you have to

basically relearn everything when you

get out I don’t know what it was like

for you know some thing I mean with a

medicine for five and half years in

Sweden and one week is nutrition which

is I think a lot more than in the u.s.

because you have like a day or something

in medical school

it’s just crazy when you think of it as

sort of one of the true pillars or

foundations of good health is is a

healthy diet and doctors learn almost

nothing about it it just it’s just crazy

it really is now you you’re doing you’re

involved in a lot of symposiums and

conventions are you seeing more doctors

medical doctors coming into this and

kind of looking at it what do you what’s

your experience with that I think it’s

more and more common lots of doctors

using our website I have been to a

number of conferences where there are

you know perhaps half the audiences is

doctors or other healthcare

professionals and they’re all very

positive to this at least the ones

coming to

if convention through that I go to you

know yeah it’s a little bit of it

selection bias that but but still I’m

feeling that this is getting much more

popular compared to say five or ten

years ago oh yeah I see it too

what about protein what’s your viewpoint

there’s always I always like to ask

people in the Quito feel about

recommending certain amounts approaching

higher or lower or moderate what’s your

take on the protein yeah I think it’s

interesting I mean I’m not the biggest

protein expert out there you can find of

course experts with any kind of

viewpoint I tend to end up somewhere in

the middle you know you take care or no

it said nine men on one side and then

you have Jason trying on the other and

then you have 13 in the middle I’m more

like in the middle but generally I would

my feeling I think there is no really

good evidence to my knowledge that

proves this either way but my general

feeling is that there’s quite a wide

span of cocaine in tech that can work

really well for for most people and then

maybe if you’re extremely insulin

resistant you may some circumstances

maybe do better with starting less and

if your insulin sensitive and you do a

lot of resistance exercise for example

you might do better with a little bit

more but for most people I think there’s

quite a wide range yeah because it’s

it’s one of those things where people

always want to ask me how many grams do

I need like you just have to test it out

you have to find out your sweet spot

because once you do it yourself it takes

like three or four days to figure it out

and then you’ll know what works for you

instead of trying to follow some some

opinion that you don’t really know I

mean in practice like you have a lot of

new gurus coming out there that have

never been in practice and so if you

haven’t worked with people one on one

for over the years it’s a whole

different ballpark you can’t stick one

theory into everything I’m talking like

even like within the keto field

like you have different versions of it

sometimes you have to go over here

sometimes you go over here because you

just when you think you figured it out

there’s going to be that exception to

the rule that person doesn’t get results

I’ll give you an example you know I was

recommending seven to ten cups of

vegetables to my clients and with great

success for a period of time and then

you get one lady who comes in that

completely and utterly gains like ten

pounds within a week and I see your face

it’s all red obviously she was reacting

to from an allergy or something and blew

up like a balloon and then I’m like wow

okay well that I’m not gonna recommend

that again to everyone so it’s one of

those things we have to if people have

weaknesses when didn’t digestive system

they don’t do well on all ten cups today

even that fiber just tears them up so

I’m like very flexible to go this

direction or that direction because I

want to do what works and sometimes the

body of these bodies there they don’t

always respond you’re the same you know

right I think it’s interesting where

we’re in the process of of more

thoroughly evidence basing our or low

carbon and keep your godson and what

becomes more and more clear is that we

don’t really know a lot of these things

with any certainty like for example

we’re saying that a lower carb diet

tends to be more effective for weight

loss and that might not be true but

there is really no high-quality

randomized control trial that ever

compared to true low carb diets with

varying levels of carbs head to head you

know you really comparing you know in a

way apples and oranges or whatever

you’re looking at different studies and

you’re saying okay maybe and lower it’s

more effective it seems like but there’s

no good high-quality evidence for that

even and a lot of the other things where

we think we know we don’t know you know

I mean you get two things you got number

one who’s gonna fund the study like that

number two it’s so hard to isolate

combinations of foods to know this is

what did this I mean it’s it’s almost

impossible because you’re

well how do we know it’s this versus

that and then I mean yeah it’s like

you’re not isolating one more and it’s

hard and it’s expensive but these are

important questions I think eventually

they would be studies to test this it’s

just a question of time but I guess

we’re gonna have to wait a bit longer

are you familiar with his name is Thomas

Seyfried yep sure so he does a lot of

research on cancer and I mean he can’t

even find a cancer cell that can survive

like something like 14 days on his


so he’s like it’s seeing amazing amazing

amazing results but the problem is the

funding who he’s running he’s basically

just running on a shoestring as far as a

budget he’s trying to get funding so

he’s people donate here and there but

and that is the problem like you’re up

against this huge industry and for yeah

same thing there there are interesting

findings in test tubes and and

everything you know but again your

cancer and ketogenic diets actual

testing on humans randomized trial I

don’t think there is any there are a few

pilots small pilot studies uncontrolled

with you know yeah not really slam dunk

findings a lot of these things we don’t

know it’s really promising right but we

don’t know yes I think the bottom line

still kedo in cancer it’s such an such

an important and exciting area for

future research you see what they come

up with absolutely there was some good

data from dr. Ludwig study right yeah

you mean the one with weight maintenance

on different levels of carbohydrates the

one from a month ago

yeah just touch on that I think it was a

very quality study yeah I mean that’s

that one I haven’t studied it in detail

but I think it’s fair to say that is the

best support yet for for the notion that

you can actually influence how many

calories your body burns per day

depending on what kind of diet you eat

so it’s not just about the number of

calories you eat it’s also about the

quality of them because that can

influence how many calories you burn so

the bottom line of that study was that

people who have lost lost weight and

then they were were maintaining they’re

trying to maintain a weight loss if they

went on a low-carb diet they burned more

calories per day than if they went on a

higher carb diet making the weight loss

maintenance probably significantly

easier because you know burn more

calories you can eat more calories and

still maintain your weight loss

absolutely and the difference was quite

big like 200 calories on average at

least but if you looked at the people

with a high insulin levels the insulin

resistant people and and the people

actually had a high compliance with the

diet then it could be up to 500 extra

calories per day which is an enormous

amount interesting fascinating from your

viewpoint and for those of you that are

watching that I knew how necessary why

do people why should they run their body

on ketones what why should they do

ketosis that’s a very good question I’m

not sure you know I think it’s that for

some people there seems to be a benefit

it’s certainly it seems like a very

effective way for people to lose weight

without hunger it seems like a very good

way to reverse a type-2 diabetes for

certain other diseases it can be very

beneficial like epilepsy and then some

people just feel better but that is a

little bit tricky because there are no

good studies to actually prove that

so it’s very subjective thing you know

you better and you feel more mental

clarity more energy something it will

say that they do they do and you know

that’s great

but we don’t have any good quality

evidence to to show that that’s a sort

of general thing that most people

experience so I guess in a way it’s like

if we can try it out and see if they

feel great that’s that’s good well have

you had cases that you put people on

ketosis and it didn’t work for them they

didn’t do well they I need to go back to

the carbs yeah I think for some people

at the very least it’s like it’s too

hard to do and it’s not worth it to them

and then of course some people can get

get side effects like you know you can

get bad breath for example or some

people might get constipation or or leg

cramps things like that and feel that

you know it’s not worth it for them so I

think it’s up to the individual to see

you know what what are the benefits what

are the goals that they are trying to

achieve and you know how do they feel

ill do they get any any side effects or

not then you have to try to balance that

and see if it’s it’s worth it no

personally for me I mean I’m you know I

guess I’m in life ketosis almost all of

the time but I’ve experimented with

trying to be in deep ketosis you know

eating almost no carbs for a month or

two and it for me it’s not worth it

i I really don’t experience the kind of

benefits that that make it worth it for

me you know I am relatively insulin

sensitive I don’t have any major weight

issues you know even though I and it

lose like 15 pounds on on low carb not

really I mean I do great on low carb I I

always stay on a low carb diet because I

enjoy it and you know I’m not hungry and

I ever closely maintain the weight I had

when I was you know 25 which is good

getting close to 50 but III do really

well on a low-carb diet but going super

low eating almost no carbs you know

below 10 or 20 grams a day I don’t feel

I need it and you know if I if I did I

would eat it because it’s fine but but I

don’t feel I need it what type of carbs

do you get into or do you need yeah sure

it’s like not lots of vegetables

obviously you know some root vegetables

berries nuts that kind of thing mostly

occasionally perhaps a potato 50 grams a

day on regular day sometimes love

sometimes more you know but I go forever

I’ve reached wrong there interesting

yeah I personally um I become my house

hit rock bottom that’s what forced me

into some like keto I just got into it

and I’m pretty strict but you know I’m

always trying to experimenting you know

and recently last night we made this

cheeto bread and you know what it really

messed me yeah so my body is like a

human testing test too because I can

tell if something just has too many of

this like I consume this and it didn’t

have any necessarily I thought I think

it was some ingredient that we that was

new I have to isolated but it was just

like wow that did not work so I

instantly noticed like not just

digestive issues but a crash and blood

sugars when I wake up in my like my eyes

are sticky or I feel sensitive I’m like

okay what didn’t what did I last night

there’s something that my body doesn’t

agree with so my body reacts very

quickly to things so I can kind of like

I’m not going to be recommending that

that recipe so I was like just enough

verse so some people get these

gastrointestinal issues where the with

these breads we were like psyllium husk

in it questions I don’t know my my god

that can take can take quite a lot so

I’m like you know that we were lucky

yeah I’m envious

you know another thing that I tested out

because I did a little interview with

Frank Tufano

and he had this a great recommendation

which is that was basically cod liver in

a can now in America it’s not I don’t

know if it’s in Sweden but I’ve never

seen anything like that so I ordered

some and my body loved that is actually

calm that her not even the oil but the

condom are in a camp so I took that in a

man did I feel good it’s like all day

long I was like what the heck was in

there’s probably just loaded with DHA

but look the good nutrition I go yeah so

so I’m always testing things see what

works and then you know pushing it out

there on the video and seeing people

like it yeah very impressive your

YouTube channel is huge now you you know

what how many like hundreds or even

thousands of videos now what is it but

we we get about 110 110 thousand new

subscribers every month mammoth muffin

and then we’re getting close just under

I think 300 million views and noisiest

no carb focused or keto with somewhat of

a low carb Akita focus YouTube channel

the largest in the world right yeah I

like to call it healthy keto doing keto

healthy because you can do like a

version that’s not very healthy but yeah

so I focus on that now and that’s I I

spend a lot of time researching

compiling that’s all I do it’s kind of a

lonely existence where I’m researching

all day long on a computer work on your

own or do you have a big team nah I’m

the only one doing the research I’m the

only one doing the videos that have the

videographer a producer on the I about

my own studio and I have some

some staff that do customer service and

my website and things like that but I

don’t have anyone at this point helping

me with the research I’m doing that just

because I I mean I think would

beneficial be beneficial to be able to

get someone to kind of narrow down but I

have I have some little packs little

secrets that I do they speed things up

like one of the things that I do is I

use a lot of Google patents a lot I

don’t know if you to try that but good

Peppa yeah if you ever if you take a

topic on anything let’s just take DHA

and you just someone’s gonna try to get

a patent on that and what they do is

they summarize all this data for here

all the research everything in one

location so I can kind of help narrow

down some research and start looking at

at least some research that they’ve done

already and that saves me a lot of time

rather than try to search you know one

by one it’s a little secret don’t tell

me if another than prick there yeah

saves me a lot of time and then yeah and

so yeah yeah any topic I mean someone’s

trying to get a in order to get a patent

you have to it has to be somewhat

credible to begin to get actual a

fulfilled patent so you have to kind of

lay out some good stuff like even the

the data on Hopkins getting a patent on

broccoli sprouts well you can get a

tremendous amount of information from

that one patent on phytonutrients like

they go right into a hard core in cancer

and of course they got sued in Supreme

Court and they got their patents taken

away but so you can get a lot of data

that way interesting strange thing to

Pithom yeah well I really appreciate

your time I know you’re probably flat

out busy during all sorts of things I

really appreciate your time doing this

interview I hope people got some great

ideas from it and also I want to mention

you you have I think you have one of the

one of largest actual Kino websites in

the world

and you get a lot of traffic and you

have a program I’ll put a link down

below you have a program very reasonable

that people can check out and it’s you

know recipes your videos tons of videos

I think it’s 400 videos mass amounts of

recipes great content people can become

a member so definitely you guys want to

check it out I’ll put the link down

below yeah thank you so yeah it is the

largest website devoted to low carbon

and keto in the world diet comso and you

know everything that people need to do

low carb Aikido is free so you don’t

have to become a member to to get access

to all our recipes and lots of other

stuff yeah you have a lot of great stuff

so I really appreciate you putting out

there because it’s helping a lot of

people so no it’s been a pleasure thank

you for having me on absolutely