What Causes Varicose Veins & How To Get Rid Of It? – Dr. Berg | DrEricBergDC

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so in this video we want to talk about

what’s really behind varicose veins why

do certain people get them well there’s

a common thread you’ll see them in

pregnancy menopause

obesity when you take birth control

pills that’s one of the side effect HRT

hormone replacement therapy what is the

common thread

it’s estrogen I want to show you some

interesting research high endogenous

estradiol and by the way endogenous

means made within in other words it’s

estrogen that is coming from within your

bodies making it is associated with

increased venous distention and clinical

evidence of varicose veins and

menopausal women the veins actually get

distended they balloon out they get

twisted when you expose them to too much

estrogen now let’s talk about how your

body can make more estrogen there’s an

enzyme called aroma taste in your body

it’s in the adrenal glands it’s in the

ovary it’s in the breast tissue it’s

also in your fat and what this enzyme

will do it’ll take testosterone that’s

in your body and convert it to estrogen

so one of the challenges people have is

if they have too much fat they’re an

estrogen machine their own fat it’s

making this estrogen and that

potentially could start creating

problems with your veins all right so

what can we do about this okay number

one you can stop getting pregnant so

often what is it that what do you have

nine kids now I’m being totally

sarcastic okay it’s okay they’d be

pregnant okay I have as many kids as you


all right so with obesity just realize

the less fat you have in your body the

less estrogen dominant you’re going to

be so you want to do the healthy version

of keto and intermittent fasting and

that should be very effective okay but

there are things you can do to inhibit

this enzyme along the way and you

guessed it cruciferous vegetables like

kale broccoli Brussels sprouts cabbage

aromatase inhibitors okay there’s also a


and traded version of cruciferous called

dim it’s just more powerful garlic will

also work as well the other thing that

you’re gonna have to do is you’re gonna

have to start an intense exercise

program and really work on that because

the veins are the returned blood flow

from the extremity back up to the heart

and you want to stimulate the blood flow

coming back to the heart a lot of times

when people sit for many many years and

they don’t get enough physical activity

they will get this problem in the veins

so you can actually undo this over a

period of time it might take a few years

but you want to include regular intense

exercise to do it alright guys thanks

for watching

hey guys real quick I have a new healthy

keto eating plan for you just go to dr.

Berg comm it’s right on the front page I

put a link down below download it it’s

free check it out